BREAKING NEWS!!!!Dr Phil has
show on BRITNEY.
The bald basher of blatantly bad behavior says
the situation is "too intense" to do a show
on the Britney bombshell breakdown.
TRUTH is the latest report shows the
kid had ZERO drugs and ZERO booze in
her body!
Phil jumped on her like a beagle going
after a plate of porkchops thinking he
could ride her coat tail into the next level
of TV Healer. You have to love it when
a sleazy plan goes bad! Cya PHIL!
FOLKS like last time these are
O L D in 6 years
OLD. Some of you replied to
the ones from last time as if they
were talking about things
Simply put..they are looks
back at things and folks
who USED to jerk the media
world's chain locally.
Here is one from
2000AND TWO!!!
In the spring Nancy Lynn Trentham left television for a career in the pharmaceutical industry. Trentham, then morning news anchor on WATE, was the second morning team anchor to leave this spring. The last man standing in the morning is Sean Owsley, who is also leaving soon. It is not uncommon for an anchor or meteorologist to leave now and then, but an entire team exiting in less than 6 months is a real event. When people leave in mass the station has to shore up the show until everyone is gone and then hire both in accordance to personal chemistry and talent. WATE has just completed this unique task.
The week of August 19th a new morning team will hit the air on Channel 6. WATE News Director Aaron Ramey said, “We’re excited about putting these three people together. We looked for the right mix of news experience, investigative experience, interview skills, and personality…and I think we’ve found it.”
The new anchor/reporters are Amy Rutledge, Bo Williams, and meteorologist Matthew Miller.
Williams started with WATE last month. In recent weeks he has co-anchored with the departing Sean Owsley. Williams came to 6 from WBRZ in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is a native of Charlotte, North Carolina. Co-anchor Amy Rutledge came to 6 this month from KVBC in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her hometown is Chicago and she has worked for TV stations in Evansville, Indiana, Reno, Nevada, Marion, Illinois, and Carbondale, Illinois. She is a member of Investigative Reporters and Editors, Incorporated.
The third new team member on “Good Morning Tennessee” is Matthew Miller. Before coming to 6 he worked for KMAC in St. Louis and in Lubbock, Texas. Miller holds a masters degree in meteorology from the University of Oklahoma and signed on with WATE last week.
The plan for the new team is simple, according to 6 News Director Ramey. “Our goal is to continue to make it East Tennessee’s most informative morning newscast. When it comes to covering stories that developed overnight or covering the stories that are developing live during the morning rush hour, Bo and Amy have the experience to know what is news and what isn’t. Matthew’s knowledge of the weather and his experience working in the Midwest means that he’s going to have the most accurate, dependable morning forecast in the market.” The show airs from 5:30 until 7.
One last addition to the WATE lineup is coming next month. Oprah is moving from WBIR’s afternoon slot to 6 well in advance of the upcoming Nielsen rating period. Her show has been a powerful lead in to WBIR’s Live At Five and WATE hopes the tradition continues when she joins the crew at Graystone.
When Scripps announced they were buying the majority of Shop At Home, hundreds of ears went up in Knoxville. The network experienced its major growth when it moved from Newport to Merchants Road. When the shopping channel pulled up cameras and moved to Nashville, just under 400 jobs were lost locally. While in the capitol the company became awash in debt and the culmination of its financial situation may have attributed to the sale last week. If you were one of the many people who waved goodbye as the trucks headed west on 40, and you think they might be headed back due to the new owners, you best keep your day job. Scripps has openly said it is going to enjoy its exposure in Nashville, home of the network. Doesn’t sound like Scripps has any plans to return Shop At Home to Knoxville.
One talent side bar to pop up last week concerned former Shop At Home late night pitchman Don West. According to a press release, he is joining a professional wrestling corporation on their announcing team. It isn’t one of the mega companies, but if West puts the same excitement into describing the opening of “cans of whip donkey” as he did pushing signed and framed Babe Ruth personal checks, it is bound to explode.
Ms Farkwad is getting married
and will not return from her
honeymoon at the Alhambra Motel until
Staff will answer questions
from the letters under each one.
warhorse said...
Helicopters in Knoxville, Walker?
You've had a little too much of the bubbly!
My wallet is hurting just thinking about
it! Last check of Young Broadcasting's stock says
WATE ain't getting one anytime soon. WBIR might,
but would have to get back into serious journalism
and drop "Glitterville". WVLT's got the fixed-wing
you mentioned, so what's the point if
they have the lock on airborne video?
I'll stay with my newspaper and read about it in the morning.
The column was from 2002 as in
SIX years ago. Right now there is one
traffic reporting company and unless it
retires there will be one airplane doing them.
NO new moves by any new company to come into the
SHRINKING local market are on the horizon.
As for the newspaper I agree they
still report news at times and at times
still beat the other "old" media types.
Key is to check them ON LINE because the next day
news in the yard is old after 11:20 PM to those
who click their paper open rather than
pull the band off of it.
Thursday, January 3, 2008 12:03:00 AM EST
Blogger Byron said...
When I was in Vegas a couple of months ago,
the news helicopters were really buzzing around
the implosion site of the New Frontier Hotel & Casino.
I stood and watched in amazement from my hotel
window for 30 minutes or so. It was pretty cool.
I think Dan Farkas needs to
get a helicopter and report
live from over the top of
Neyland Stadium! Now that'd be good TV!
ANSWER..Great report from Sin City. I bet more than
a few of those choppers flew over from Calf. to watch
them drop the Frontier.
Speaking of "dropping" or clearing off
buildings. Noticed last night (I know
I should get out more) that the old R.S.
Fulton plant is leveled. Another example
of the land being worth more than the
building and another example of the city and the
country easing away from local manufacturing.
That old place sure did leave a big footprint
on both the land and the lives of all those
who worked there.
Thursday, January 3, 2008 4:45:00 PM EST
Anonymous Jethro said...
Helicopters ain't cheap, even to lease.
But a Jet Ranger with gyro-cam
beats the crap out of shaky-cam
from a fixed wing any day.
It'd be a great promotional
tool for covering football/basketball
games in the boonies,
and for promoting true "market-wide" coverage.
Probably won't happen though, because:
1) 10 is too fat, lazy, arrogant
and ratings-rich to want or
need to do it.
2)6's corporate parent is too revenue-strapped to attempt it.
3)8 has little money locally, and
either is unwilling or unable to
tap the corporate purse for a large expense that won't translate into
revenue immediately.
That said -- if one station does it, all will.
Might make this market wake-up from its soft, safe, hillbilly slumber.
ANSWER..WATE had one of the first if not the first TV choppers.
WIVK had one also for a bit..then I think I
remember them going to an old bi wing plane?
One of my favorite stories comes from one of
my favorite sports directors....JIM WOGAN
when he told me of his wild ride in their
chopper up to cover a Notre Dame game.
It sure needs to be in "THE" book
if ever I get the nerve up to write it!
You make some good points in the rest of
your rant...please keep ranting.