reason is simple we have been trying to find
a sponsor for the Media report that was both
Conservative, loved the Lord and believed in
the power of their product!
So let us welcome our new BUICK dealership
sponsor, be sure to ask for the man in the
polyester coat and the blond hair for your
next BUICK!
In the news....
Steve Crabtree VP News & Operations at WVLT,
better known as (Crabs) announced his exit
from the station last week.
On his face book page
Steve clarified some of the
facts about his departure.
While head of the news at 8 the station
left the lowly number three (last in the local TV news)
ranking slot by kicking the blue heck out of former number two rival, WATE.
Oh speaking of 6, after the coldest and
wettest (snow) December on record in
East TN WATE felt it time to fire
three quarters of their Weather
Department last week. Smooth move ex-lax!
MSNBC reportedly had to say CYAMOFO to the
only hate monger with ratings on their
small but failing cable news outlet.

Keith (Bathtub Boy)Olbermann didn't even tell his staff
he was leaving...and you are shocked?..until
he waved good-by last Friday on the air. If you
really WANT to know more about him cleaning
out his desk and packing his box check out The National Ledger.
Local radio is about the same.
Local TV is about the same (except for 8 and 6)
Local social media (don't you just love that stuff)
is about the same.
We shall try to report in
a more timely manor
in the near to distant future.
Thank you for your support..