Word got out earlier this week
that the only major newspaper
left in Knoxville is again
cutting their staff.

Just a few weeks ago
the Knoxville News Sentinel
closed their Maryville paper (Blount Today)
and now the ax has swung again.
Reports say over thirty
staffers at the "KNS are gone.
Personally, I have so known
what it is like to be fired from several
"media" jobs and although
it hurt there was always
something else to do. Today, the
complexion of the job market
is totally changed.
Since 2008 the country
has been in a nose dive
and unless things in
D.C. change in the next election
finding work will be out of the question.
That said, the constant slashing of
veteran staff at the KNS has impacted
their news product greatly and
this last round of cuts will continue the slide.
But again, what about those
who were told to get out?
Yep it is Christmas and yep
there apparently was little
to no regard given to their
family situations or even
the season we are in.
When Profits are not where they should be,
the first to go under the bus are PEOPLE,
nothing new there, been going on for years.
KNS will suffer from this move as they suffered
from the others and the readers
will continue to drift away until
our area is left with nothing
but hack bloggers (I KNOW ONE OF THOSE) and
local TV as our only news source.
If you are asking your self could it be worse..
the answer is HELL YES!
WIVK is on the cusp of a major feces storm brought on by
a new set of owners hell
bent to squeeze every dime of profit
to the extent it turns into a dollar.
With zero regard to
what has made WIVK
what it is (number one for more years than
most can count)
these carpet bagging rectum pits
are about to
first cut the legs
out from under said
Frog and then slice just enough
of the heart to where
it will still beat and not go toes up.
Friends this is not going to be a good Christmas for
many people who
you have read or listened to over the years.
If you really want to make
the hairs on the
back of your neck dance,
look at it this way..
what is going on here
at home is being repeated
across the country daily.