November TV ratings are in da can!
JUST NOTICED A GREAT COMMENT!!...If you get bored in all the number stuff at the closing of the blog PLEASE scroll down to the comment section. Several thoughts on why WATE is having another horrendous rating experience! As always, if you have a thought pop it in, it will not be jacked around with or deleted!
Here is the plan Stan.
Two stations have been sending great updates on the November ratings war and I am going to post their latest reports just as they were created.
If you have a problem with their thoughts email me or post right here on the blog...if you find wrong numbers and can prove they are wrong (or kinda think they look odd) then wear them out!
Also last week Bill Williams said good bye again. Man that just sucks. Like everyone else who watches local TV news I am a giant Bill fan. The first time he left we were already kinda used to Ted from Live At Five, but the station had enough gray matter to talk him into continuing on the air in other roles. Having the voice and face of Bill around is a good thing and later when Ted pulled the "Holiday Surprise" and scooted off to Atlanta Bill walked back in like he had never left. The numbers showed him to be as popular as before and BIR never missed a step.
Now that he is leaving again things are not as easy. This new fellow is reported by staff to be a very nice guy and a hard worker. Great, but will that be all that is needed to replace Bill Williams?? Yea I agree with you..Not by a long shot! I really wish the brains of the outfit had figured out a way to talk Bill into just staying right where he was a few more years. Nothing against the new dude, but unlike the first exit when Ted slid in so easily this one just has a ragged feel to it. Good luck to both 10 and Bill!
Here are the "as created" Nielson ratings thoughts from WVLT and WBIR.
Never saw a thing from good old WATE? Either they are in a snit or they don't have much to brag about this go round?
Here is the latest from WBIR-TV and NBC as of 12-1-06:
November 2006 Nielsen Sweep Results
WBIR/NBC dominated in early morning, early fringe, all primary news time periods, early fringe, prime access, primetime, and late fringe.
Mon.- Fri. daypart averages for November 2006 sweep:
HH Rating WBIR/NBC Daypart Share WATE/ABC Daypart Share WVLT/CBS Daypart Share HH Total
6-9a 7.9 58.09% 3.9 28.68% 1.8 13.24% 13.6
9a-3p 5.2 38.52% 2.9 21.48% 5.4 40.00% 13.5
3p-5p 6.4 42.38% 4.0 26.49% 4.7 31.13% 15.1
5p-6p 9.9 43.04% 7.5 32.61% 5.6 24.35% 23.0
6p-630p 15.6 53.42% 8.5 29.11% 5.1 17.47% 29.2
7p-8p 12.7 53.36% 6.7 28.15% 4.4 18.49% 23.8
8p-11p 9.2 38.02% 6.5 26.86% 8.5 35.12% 24.2
11p-1130p 11.3 54.33% 4.3 20.67% 5.2 25.00% 20.8
1130p-130a 3.9 51.32% 1.4 18.42% 2.3 30.26% 7.6
Source: Nielsen Meters in the Knoxville DMA 11/2-29/06
Primary news time period averages for first 3 weeks of November 2006 sweep:
HH Rating WBIR/NBC News Share WATE/ABC News Share WVLT/CBS News Share HH Total
6-7a 8.4 57.14% 4.2 28.57% 2.1 14.29% 14.7
6-630p 15.9 53.00% 9.1 30.33% 5.0 16.67% 30.0
11-1130p 11.5 53.74% 4.5 21.03% 5.4 25.23% 21.4
Average News Share 54.16% 26.93% 18.91% 66.1
Source: Nielsen Meters in the Knoxville DMA 11/2-29/06
WVLT Volunteer TV News is #1
in cumulative daily news households in the pure news time periods between Noon and 11:30 P.M.
Noon-11:30 P.M. – Cumulative daily Total Average (++)
WVLT 173,000 households
WBIR 171,000 households
WATE 135,000 households
6:00A.M.-11:30 P..M. - Cumulative daily Total Average (+)
WBIR 214,000 households
WVLT 182,000 households
WATE 157,000 households
More East Tennesseans are getting their news, sports and weather from WVLT Volunteer TV between Noon and 11:30 P.M. than any other Knoxville Television station!
More East Tennesseans are getting their local news, weather, and sports from WVLT Volunteer TV than any time, ever, in its more than 50 year history!
• + Measuring “pure” news time periods of 6:00-7:00 A.M.; Noon-12:30 P.M.; 4:00-4:30 P.M.; 5:00-5:30 P.M.; 5:30-6:00 P.M.; 6:00-6:30 P.M.; 7:00-7:30 P.M.; 11:00-11:30 P.M.
• ++ Noon-11:30 average excludes early morning news averages from totals for all three stations.
• It should be noted WBIR does a brief news capsule at the top of its infotainment program, LIVE @ 5, and those households are NOT counted in any of the totals.
Random media thoughts.
Bill Williams, as always, was great. John Becker, while he seems a nice guy, does seem to be a middle class acquisition. In sports terms, WBIR always went for the top free agents, but it seems that cost-cutting is probably involved in this case.
I hate WATE News, and I used to like it, but I often feel I am being treated (as a viewer) as a seven-year-old. I hate it when, between 5 and 6am, they have "breaking news" from Baghdad that is three hours old and is always about another bombing. When it's two or three times every day, it's not breaking news unless there is something extraordinary about it. It's like having breaking news about a minor traffic accident every time one occurs. When they do this, it's my cue to immediately turn the channel.
I hate John Haney's delivery on WATE. Totally aggravating is the way I describe his vocal style. Ugh!
Dan Farkas on Channel 10 is irritating in another way. His delivery sounds like he is trying to speak to an 80-year-old who has hearing problems. If he'd just be more natural, he'd sound so much better.
Some of the newer news reporters at Channel 10 look and sound as if they're just out of college--community college.
I think one of the reasons Channel 8 leads in the 12 noon news wars (other than good news coverage) is a great lead-in with The Price Is Right. I'm not so enamored with the other two shows frequented by lesbians.
I'm still amazed that the people who do the chiros (lettering) on the news shows cannot spell a lick. Either it's typos or bad spelling, but it should NEVER be on the air like that. I recently even saw a promo on Channel 10 for a station tie-in promotion that had a blatant misspelling. Sad......
BTW, all the stations, especially WBIR, need to get their facts correct when doing the sports. Sometimes they are either misinformed or totally wrong. From scores to background info.
Some of the Channel 10 personalities, in their "chit-chat" sessions, come across as phony and cheesy. Or cheesy and phony. Drop it down a notch and it will be more natural.
One of my biggest frustrations are with WVLT and WTNZ regarding NFL football. Did you know the NFL consists of only four teams? The Titans, Colts, Falcons and Panthers. Well, maybe also the Giants and Cowboys. DirecTV thanks you very much.
Is WBIR always breaking in new control room console operators? They sure screw up a lot. And math is apparently not a requirement for employment there.
All in all, regarding television news in Knoxville, WBIR is the USA Today, WVLT is the Washington Post, and WATE is the New York Post.
Knoxville radio sucks so much anymore I won't comment now. I don't have enough time right now.
Bet they are in more than a snit. Their viewers are all on 8 now. Guess people just got tired of the "shakkyyy cam" and the BREAKING NEWS every five minutes.
First, thanks for an always interesting read on your blog. Second, I’ve got what I believe may be a partial answer in reference to your November 26th question regarding the downward spiral of WATE’s news (Locally the November Nielson numbers kept pilling up and the fingernails at the mansion on Broadway keep growing shorter. I wish I knew a quick answer to this viewer shift but the best I can figure is they (the station that used to be number two in local news) are missing the mark in providing the type of coverage viewers want and the other guys are hitting it).
The management at WATE has obviously been listening to their consultants again. These men-in-suites-who-know-the-answer-to-all-news-stations-ratings-problems have told ch 6 that they will gain viewers by shocking and scaring the audience. The phenomenon is called “The sky is falling journalism.” If you will really pay close attention to their news teases, news commercials, and the introduction of the stories in their newscasts you will see a pattern develop. Every story is made out to be a major investigation, a controversy, a problem or scandal. Every newscast is the same, just insert the scandalous topic of the day and you’re set.
Research indicates that nearly every station across the country that has gone to this “Sky is falling” style of reporting has had the same audience reaction. They get an initial bump up in the ratings, but after their audience realizes the sky is not falling, the audience begins to change the channel. The audience is smarter than news managers give them credit for. They know when they are being sold a bag of false advertising, glorified teases, and just lied to all in the name of ratings. I believe ch 6 has had their “bump” and are now on their downward spiral. No doubt after a few more ratings disappointments they will attempt to reinvent themselves once again.& nbsp; But guess what? I’m sure the consultants will have a new plan that they guarantee will work. In my opinion, news consultants and news departments that follow this “sky is falling” format are nothing more than modern day medicine men.
Also regarding Channel 6 news....
If I'm watching the 5pm news, I get teases for a story in the 6pm news. Now I know they're trying to get me to watch the 6pm news, but if I'm taking the time to watch at 5pm and they won't give me the story then, then I guess their 5pm viewers are not important to them. And I'm enough of a rebel to watch 10 news on purpose at 6pm and to forget all about 6 news at 5 pm. I agree with the poster about the sky is falling idea. He hit that one on the fat part of the bat.
About John Haney at WATE: that voice and delivery have me convinced that he is a limb off the ole tree of Mr. Haney on Green Acres of years past.
The "warm and fuzzy" station should clue its new people in on how to pronounce East Tennessee place names. I just about fell off my crutch when I heard, this past weekend, a weekend anchorette pronounce that home to many country music luminaries Luh-TRELL'.
Oh well, as we say in the holler, "she's easy on the eyes, so leave her alone."
It's nice to see that WVLT employees have plenty of time on their hands to post on blogs. Wonder why you don't read the WATE or WBIR side of things often? It is because they're WORKING the next big story. Get off of the Internet and break a story for once.
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