BREAKING NEWS!!!!BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!BREAK...lord help we sound like WATE!! LOL
DASH OVER TO http://southernwriter.blogspot.com/ for a new twist in the AIR AMERICA RADIO NETWORK DEATH!
I have had more than a few gentle readers (remember when POA used to sign off with gentle listeners boy was that guy fun..right up until the day he started reporting Blount County court house gossip as fact) tell me I should start naming the folks in the old media pictures I post. How about I give you a few clues and then name them next week? You know kinda like the other contests we run here at the Report, where the prize is absolutely nothing?
This week’s picture is of a guy I worked with. See now we have narrowed down the search to seven or eight stations all in the Knoxville market! He lives in Nashville, getting warmer?? His voice is on regional and national radio spots and still heard on the banks of the Holston, getting hotter? I gave him a middle name of Potts when we worked together, on fire yet? I sang on a demo jingle for the Airport Motor Mile that he made in a studio garage that had a dirt floor, two purloined Ampex 601s and a guitar made out of a commode seat, cold again? Oh and his radio shift let him sleep in until 9 in the morning and got him off the air just before 3 in the afternoon. Got it?? GREAT, post your answer and remember follow all the contest rules on the box top or your guess will be disqualified!
I guess we should mention the media coverage of Tyler Harber. We should but man it is so convoluted (both the story and the coverage) and political it is turning into a major bore for those of us who live across the river. Don’t get me wrong, we love politics and have our share here in God’s Chosen Country (Blount County), but this one is like a sparkler just before it lets out that little glow and burns out at the wire.
Coverage kicked off Friday when TH released a report on the young man’s escapades while in the employ of the county of Knox. Three TV stations got the report (as the big paper reported, there are boxes and boxes of computer records still available to those who wanta talk about this thing) and my favorite early coverage came from WVLT. Paraphrasing their first look they said it was a big thing and they needed to take a little closer read before they really got into it. Ya know that might be one of the smarter moves by any of the electronic journalist yet! By the weekend the thing (three ring note books filled with Tyler “moves”) was being posted on the net for those who really wanted to put on the waders and slosh into the muck. I am sure by Monday Robin and John will be moving it up to third or second story, WATE will have a “shaky cam” report with someone in a Burberry running in the rain with a laptop under their arm and shielding their face from the camera with their hand, while WVLT will still be reading. Either way, the giant question is who really cares? If somehow we find there was a government employee on payroll not doing his job will we really be shocked? Hey, if we even find out said employee was a sneaky little dude who tried to hide incriminating electronics above an AC duct will we all throw up our hands in amazement and call The Voice or Hal Hill to proclaim our shock at such misuse of tax payers dollars?
You tell me. I live in Blount County and the last time I talked with our city mayor we remembered floating the Little T back in 65 trying to catch rainbows on corn I brought from the J&K. Oh and as for our political conversation, it was about a new bike trail that might be in the works running behind Blount Memorial and eventually connecting to the miles and miles of existing trails that lace around downtown. As for the Tyler fun, as we say stay tuned but man don’t center your life on this, Bruce is winning, spring practice will be here before you know it and that new radio station (the one someone put up boards saying not to dial up) is starting to catch more than a few new ears. Life is good if we don’t sweat the small stuff and remember it is ALL small stuff.