CAN syndicated TV sink any lower? SURE IT CAN!
False reports circulated late yesterday that Sinbad had died. Truth is only his
CAREER is dead!
Bill Clinton is still doing what he does best! A new
book slated to come out shortly outlines his
Yesterday the Sentinel (Knoxville's only paper of record) ran a great story from Bobby Wilson about a little dog trapped on a foot wide ledge one hundred feet above a mountain road. Today there is a great follow up on the fate of that special beagle from Bobby, check it out!
What does Barbra WA WA and Jimmy Carter have in common? Neither ever met
a left wing, commie, pinko, dictator they didn't like! Granted she loves Rosie and the old red head on her show, but now she has gone SOUTH to talk to a real
Hey KATIE, YOU SUCK! Or so says AOL viewers..check it out!
I had NO idea Regis was even sick did you?
Locally (East Tennessee) certain outlaw groups of DemoRATS are still mad
Ford Jr. got his clock cleaned in the election. Well now those mouth foaming, left
wing, liberal, pinko, wingdangnuts can rejoice. FORD Jr. has a job and you
will NEVER guess who this liberal Memphis mob family member is working FOR!
Put down your coffee or beer and click here!
KIDS, there is a story in the big paper today that suggests the yellow lights (you know the ones the TICKET CAMERAS catch you just slipping under) are set FASTER than they should be! A fun story would be for one of our TV news fellows to dash out with a camera and a stop watch and show all of us if this is true. If it is then lets light the pine knots and start to boil the tar, I have a rail out here in Rockford that still has a few chicken feathers on it and will be glad to bring it!
GET THIS, when you kill your baby a certain left wing group wants to help you verify the murder!
If you wanta see where the local radio stations rank in the current ratings
it is so easy, just dash over here.
You Tube could cost Google out the behind if Viacom's legal eagles pull off what they JUST FILED!
One of the favorites in the WHERE ARE THEY NOW stack of e mail is Sir Bernard J. Quayle.
This bird rolled into WNOX in 1969 hung around for a few months and headed north. Today he is back across the pond doing The Late Show on Manx Radio, Isle of Man, British Isles. Bernie says, "...The incredible figures in the audience surveys are the result of giving the listeners what they want to hear - more than 50% of the songs we play are telephone requests." (The Late Show receives calls from as far afield as Northern Scotland, Devon & Cornwell, Cumbria, Northern & Southern Ireland.)
If you would like to send him a note his e mail is berniequayle@manxradio.com
As always if you are wondering where they are, e mail us or post your question on the blog and we will hunt them down like yeller dawgs.
When the liberal and we are taking THE MAC-DADDY of all liberal print media cracks on Al Gore you know large cracks are about to form in the earth and the sky is
set to fall!
CBS is working like a cat in a litter box to be the leader of the pack to elect Hilla.
The words blatant and obvious roll off their back like Monika coming up from under a desk.
Covering TV news in OHIO beats the living snot out of reporting on crooked Knoxville
politicians. Check this out!
AND even more proof the national TV News Kids are fibbing to us!
This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. By giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally. The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which you will have to make a decision. Remember that your answer needs to be honest, yet spontaneous.
Please scroll down slowly and give due consideration to each line .
You are in Florida , Miami to be specific. There is chaos all around you caused by a hurricane with severe flooding. This is a flood of Biblical proportions. You are photojournalist working for a major newspaper, and you're caught in the middle of this epic disaster. The situation is nearly hopeless. You're trying to shoot career-making photos. There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing under the water. Nature is unleashing all of its destructive fury.
Suddenly you see a woman in the water. She is fighting for her life, trying not to be taken down with the debris. You move closer. Somehow the woman looks familiar. You suddenly realize who it is. It's Hillary Clinton! At the same time you notice that the raging waters are about to take her under forever. You have two options: You can save the life of Hillary Clinton or you can shoot a dramatic Pulitzer Prize winning photo, documenting the death of one of the world's most powerful women (in her mind, at least).
Here's the question, and please give an honest answer.......
Would you select high contrast color film, or would you go with the classic simplicity of black and white?
Wilson Auditorium
Maryville College
March 31
Tickets at the Capitol Theater in Maryville
and the United Way Office
More pictures of the TV shoot on Tennessee Writer
There are some good thoughts about WATE on Jump The Shark this week. Your Media Maven took a hard right to the crotch from one of their anonymous posters last week when he tossed in his two cents worth on the fate of the station. Naturally the reply to the vituperative shot was so good it drove the poster underground. Shark is talking about who knows what inside the walls of 6 and it is more than worth a click over to his site to read his thoughts.
Some children think I have a problem with WATE because three of their kids called up the Shopper when I posted their ratings in my column. While they had the ear of the former owner of the paper they also cried over me posting on Gene’s blog. I was told by said former owner to stop because I represented the paper (I had NO idea at that time other Shopper “writers” were posting on radical left wing blogs or I sure would have continued on Gene’s) and I agreed to stop. So far I have not visited it (Gene’s) since due to the pure work it takes to find the thing. Later the former owner of the Shopper said they were going to drop my column in the fall and they sure did.
Truth is if I didn’t have GMs calling a paper now and then to howl about me I would feel very unloved. Even though the trio from Six has bragged openly they are the reason I am no longer making that seven figure salary at the Shopper I have zero animosity toward them. Granted I had to pull my dawgs out of Doggie Day Care and the Golden (see THE BOSS) will no longer be attending an Ivy League University next fall,but the good news is the financial set back has been erased by my paper route (The Grit) and my new Amway distributorship.
The cloud is not hanging over the Rockford Bunker. The real storm is just out Broadway. WATE has to change their news operation if they want to justify their advertising rates.
Breaking NEWS, Shaky Cams, This Just In, More at 11 and STORM TEAM REPORTS (on clear beautiful days) have proven to be just the ticket to drive viewers on up the street. WBIR is killing 6 in the news casts of record (sorry but 5 p.m. isn’t one of them) and even WVLT has eased up and past them in certain time periods. IF the station is for sale, and about the only ones who say it isn’t are those who could very well be given the gate when the new owners arrive, it needs to have a plan to fix their local news. IF it is already sold then that new plan may or may not include those who produce the product that so far has floundered at best and run viewers away at the worst.
As always your thoughts and posts are welcome, we never edit or out posters and we just don’t care enough to try to hunt you down to see who you really are. I would suggest you visit Jump The Shark for their thoughts before you touch one off across our bow, they seem to have some insight into the station, and it is more than worth a read.
As we did last week, when new things happen we will post. Sorry we are late getting out today and thank you so much for passing the blog on! Now whata think??
· Friday’s top 10 programs in the Knoxville DMA:
WBIR/NBC 10 News (6p) 15.1
WBIR/NBC Nightly News (630p) 13.2
WBIR/NBC Wheel of Fortune (7p) 12.8
WBIR/NBC 10 News Nightbeat (11p) 10.0
WBIR/NBC Jeopardy (730p) 9.9
WBIR/NBC Live at Five (5p) 8.9
WBIR/NBC 10 News Today (6a) 8.3
WBIR/NBC Today Show (7a) 8.0
WBIR/NBC 1 vs. 100 (8p) 7.5
WATE/ABC 6 News (5p) 7.4
Just got this and had to share it!
"Calling an illegal alien an
"undocumented immigrant"
is like calling a drug dealer an
"unlicensed pharmacist".
WATE is not for sale, you are a laughing stock and you should just disapear!
Why do you make up such things about places that fired you? You were a nightmare to edit and the only reason we kept you on was you have a few..VERY FEW readers.
It is also good to see you are no longer posting on knoxviews your spelling and trolling will not be missed!
You girls (excuse me) WOMEN share the same computer or what? LOL
As always if you wanta meet for a libation let me know and I will buy. Naturally your hidden identity will never be posted.
I would not shoot the picture with "laughing stock"...sorry, sidetracked by the previous posters.
To answer the question, B&W does offer a sense of grittiness to it. Pulls out some emotion. But I would choose the high contrast color and hope that I have the proper lens so that I could get a nice depth of field to bring out the anguish of the subject at hand.
But, that is just me. I am a radio guy so who needs visuals. Just get me some actualities of gurgling saltwater.
By the way, I will not hide behind the curtain of anonymity.
You have no idea how many people hate you! Just go away now.
I hated that station they didn't play country! Who was the guy who worked around 5 on Friday and had that party at a bar to start the weekend? He was not very good but it was fun to hear all the yelling and stuff. It would have been better if he had played Hank Jr.
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