Imus won't go quietly
The talk show host has hired a top First Amendment lawyer, and an unusual clause in his contract could give him a $40 million payday, writes Fortune's Tim Arango.
WVLT continues to close the LOCAL NEWS VIEWER GAP
ROSIE may already have a deal
ALGORE’S global warming myth takes another hit
Obambomber eases past Hilla
The BAND had a fun weekend in Townsend
I am blessed to still see the over nights for Knoxville television and the numbers that keep spilling out of Nielson have to give the children who play in the mansion on Broadway pause. The journalists at WVLT are drawing viewers to their local news despite the fact that Katie is running them away. If you look at the numbers you might draw the conclusion the new viewers are moving from WATE to WVLT. At 6 p.m. WVLT is right at the door of WATE and often at 11 they are beating them. Considering the fact that they (WVLT) own the noon local news in the market you have to wonder what in the name of instant ratings happened to the first TV station to go on the air in Knoxville.
Hey, don’t look at me that way. I think WATE has strong reporters now, a sports guy that rocks and faces on the anchor desk that are both known and respected. All of us moan about their reporting style, you know the breaking news that really isn’t breaking and the just in garbage that was in yesterday but even that can grow on you. With their network news (ABC) coming up and WVLT network news (CBS) anchored by a scary woman who couldn’t get a beagle to watch her if she had a ham around her neck you would have to think 6 should be kicking 10 rather than having 8 chew then a new hole in their slacks. Anyway, here is a look at one of the overnights this week, just so WATE won’t get the vapors. Read them, talk among yourselves, and post your thoughts on just what IS going on in the local TV news race?
Primary News Time Periods:
6-7a 6.9 56.56% 3.3 27.05% 2.0 16.39% 12.2
6-630p 13.7 49.46% 8.3 29.96% 5.7 20.58% 27.7
11-1130p 10.1 45.70% 5.3 23.98% 6.7 30.32% 22.1
Just when you thought the new Queen of Mean was headed back to Miami NBC and CBS are hinting they want to give her a job! I kid you not; the Large Marge member of the View may be headed for bigger and better things since her dust up (make that continuous dust ups) on the Ba Ba chat show. Never take my word for anything, check it out here for yourself.
Bless his heart, Tennessee’s almost favorite son; ALGORE is catching it again over his global warming myth. Hang on, before you go all left wing on me I TRIED to watch his movie on HBO the other night and when he started mumbling about how the creek he played in as a kid has changed now I had to give it up.
Heavens Mr. Gore I played in Pistol Creek as a kid and it also has changed. Back then it was so polluted you could toss a roll of film in behind the Down Yonder Saloon and it would be developed before it got to the back of the J&K Feed store! Man between the outhouses that dumped directly into it across from the cemetery to the pigs and cows that took their daily constitutional in it out at the Pearson Farm that creek stunk worse than a commission meeting in Knoxville. Yep my creek has changed also Al, like yours mine is CLEANER, smells BETTER, and has become a major asset to our downtown. His creek story made me bail and today there is a new report on his grand plan of warming that just might make him think twice about crawling up on that rickety platform if he wants to try again for the White House. Check out what Science Daily is reporting and make up your own mind!
A really fun read is coming out on Hillary, kinda shows you some new and exciting sides about the woman who would be Queen. The scary thing is even before the excerpts are leaked to FOX News Obambomber is starting to dash by her in the polls! After these two bleed each other out we need to all talk Fred into the game, then we can show the DemoRats the real meaning of a Slam Dunk!
Brothers and sisters the Mountain Folk Reunion Band is now the sweetheart of Townsend Tennessee! Last week end we had two shows in the Quiet Side Of the Park and made a bunch of new friends! Click right here AND right here for pictures of the day and a revised schedule of where you can catch us next! Thanks to all who came out, we are really having way too much fun!!
You are just a fool! Gore could easily win the election..global warming is real and we all remember your singing from that night at Central Baptist..daddy cut a what?
You are old and nothing, GO AWAY!
How could we guess that you had an MTV generation attention span? This neither supports or detracts from the global warming theory. Climite scientists, including the 99% who believe in global warming also believe that the earth is going through warming cycle. However, carbon gas emissions are SPEEDING the cycle far faster than it should be happening.
You understand the theory of global warming about as well as Bush understood Iraq before he invaded.
I just read your link on global warming and all it says is the earth has been in this same shift or cycle for over 100 thousand years. So?
Look as the above poster said 99% of all scientist believe the world is getting warmer at a very fast rate and there will be horrid changes in the next few years.
You and Bush need to go away together like the first post said!
I also find you a bore and hope someone tells you to your face!
You are banned from knoxviews.com so don't try to sneak back on..WE know who you are and we will take action with your employer to stop you from blogging at WORK!
I don't like walker either but I am scared of Al GORE! This global warming is as old as the hills, last time his side was excited it was about the ice age coming in a few years.
The man has to have a cause to detract people from remembering he was Bill Clinton's right arm!
Gore should run...again and get beat again
I have read the story and it says this warming has gone on for over one hundred thousand years. How is my question? There were no coal fired companies, no cars, and many more rain forrests back then, so how did it happen?
One person said the sun gets hotter and then cools some and that causes it.
I have no idea, but if we are to believe the linked story we have to think part of the warming is normal.
That said we should all stop using the earth and remember where we came from The earth is a give to be loved, not raped.
I have read the story and it says this warming has gone on for over one hundred thousand years. How is my question? There were no coal fired companies, no cars, and many more rain forrests back then, so how did it happen?
One person said the sun gets hotter and then cools some and that causes it.
I have no idea, but if we are to believe the linked story we have to think part of the warming is normal.
That said we should all stop using the earth and remember where we came from The earth is a give to be loved, not raped.
Reading this blog is a breath of fresh air. Sure things are not politically correct all the time but the views are at least backed up with some facts and that stimulates me to go and as it says "check it out" rather than just taking the word of the author.
The pictures are also beautiful, and no I have no idea who the real person is who takes them or writes here but I do think they do a good job.
A Democrat
Hey Walker,
Why do all these people who hate you and want you to "go away" keep visiting your blog?
Curious in Jefferson City, MO
Hi Jay!
I don't try to find out who folks are . Unlike knoxviews.com we love people to both hide behind a fun screen name and have no fear of someone trying to "get" them for posting their views here.
As for why folks don't like me...hey..could be they envy my outstanding dogs or the talented mob of guitar/banjo players I run with..but no mater why they feel the way they do they will always be welcome to post.
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