Ronnie Radio failed 8 out of 9 of his drug tests so we are going to hire him on a day to day contract. Our HR ladies are fanatics on mind altering substances; unless they are shared with staff and middle management they are frowned upon.
Last Friday the Media Report sent their former CEO to appear on the Southern Roots Radio show. Frank Cagle, Lesley Snow, Kelvin Moxley, and Eddy Beacon were in studio and Lloyd was on the phone. The show originates from the modern but rather diminutive studios of WQBB in the Journal Radio bunker in West Knoxville. The topics ranged from county government to the differences between a Beer Joint and a Tush Hog bar. Ms Snow alleged she had never been in either type of establishment and hinted that she had yet to even taste her first pickled egg. Kelvin, who invented both the pickled egg and the Tush Hog bar did his best to explain both to Ms Snow but only got a half smile and a head shake for his efforts.
The show is on from 10 until 12 M-F and is more than worth a listen. Frank is knowledgeable on many fronts and has more off the cuff one liners than we ever dreamed of, Kelvin, well OK Kelvin invented or created everything on earth and can document his work with tons of referrals to former TV star Fred Thompson. Mr. Beacon and Lloyd often get a word in edgewise but because they are secure in their vast stardom they don’t feel the need to dominate the program. Check it out on the AM dial and be sure to call in but remember keep your calls very long and off topic if you can.
The blackmail staff found many old photos over the weekend and wants you to identify either the people or the places. As always hints are provided and as always the prize is nothing. Have FUN.
THIS is one of our FAV. old pictures was taken 46 years ago is of a LOCAL TV studio is an election night shot
HINTS.....This was taken on the first trip to DON HO land
..........The man and the woman are married
..........The woman was on the WHO HAS GOT YOU NOW station
..........The woman is now the most successful TV anchor to come out of Knoxville
..........The picture was taken 32 years ago
HINTS....The man behind the glass was a Large Orange QB
.........The man behind the glass was a pro football player
.........The man behind the glass was a former college coach
.........The man behind the glass is called the bog rodent.
HINT....None of these guys are still in radio
........Some of these guys never WERE in radio
........All of these guys are out of prison (we think)
........None of these guys have any taste in clothes
HINT....DOUBLE CLICK the pictures
and you might find some clues,
especially in the one of the
old TV studio. GOOD LUCK!
A few nasty and not so nasty letters came in at the end of the week and if an answer is warranted it will be given. Post early and often!
Blogger T. West said...
Hey Ronnie Radio, if I ever get back into radio (God forbid) and into a management position, I'll use your plan. It sounds perfect and I'll have the best staff around no doubt! And thanks Ed for the 4th day (I forgot that one) comment and getting me straightened out on the Becker thing. And I'm like you, what is holding Gene back???
Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:30:00 PM EST
Ed.....Ronnie thanks you for reading his column.
He says he is glad to see you are not going back into radio
because he is always looking for a job and having you out
of the hunt really helps.
As for Gene, not a clue why he hasn't jumped into
the Ragsgate with both feet but staff and voters alike are
sure pulling for him to do it soon!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Someone should put out a calendar of Knoxville's hottest tv chicks. And it should have Stacey at WVLT on every page. Yummmmm!
Friday, April 25, 2008 12:19:00 PM EST
Ed..A comment from a real writer last Friday was that most of the
people who post on this blog talk about the "HOT" local
female TV news Journalist. Lets try as a group to rise above
the lust and the flesh and delve into the heart or meat of the
reason they are on, which is to provide masterful reporting
of the events that impact our daily lives!
As for your thoughts on the calendar we find it to
be totally sexist and crude.
PS Ronnie radio said if they would all wear
nothing but very small pocket dogs taped
to their ample cannons and lower extremities
the thing would make MILLIONS!
Anonymous sammy said...
what the f++k happened to mrs. farkwad?? where did she go?
-drunk at 2:07 pm
Friday, April 25, 2008 1:07:00 PM EST
Ed LAND O GOSHEN you can't say FXXK on this blog!
watch your fingers buster! As for Mrs Farkwad
she is on maternity leave and Ronnie Radio has already
offered to take a DNA test to prove it is not his kid.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gene is over it. Lots of us who work for 6 are just tired of no money and consultants screwing up our station.
Local TV news is all run by nasty car dealers who are the only ones left he can afford our rates.
I bet we (6) drop morning news next. It is just a mess but I would never work for 8 and 10 is just about as screwed up as we are.
Only money in TV now is selling the big screens.
Friday, April 25, 2008 1:45:00 PM EST
Ed..Staff and management here at the NEW MEDIA feel your pain.
Some of the gray beards think if all local stations would relate more
to what is going on here they might fight off the CNN's of this
world. Still there is an issue of hiring and maintaining local
news shops and the corner office is catching a bucket load
of you know what over the cost. Sure wish we could say to all
our friends in TV that it is going to get better soon but
our nose is already long enough.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If Fox 43 is paying WATE to do the 10pm news, there should be more money to run a news department. But my guess is they still chopped the news budget and pocketed what they get from 43. It's kind of scary. What will Knoxville tv news be like in three years?
I agree with an earlier poster. The quality of local tv is dropping every day, and no one seems to take pride in doing their jobs in the best possible way. Years ago, tv people didn't have the technical tools they have today, but they worked hard to do a very professional job with what they did have.
Heck, I'd be happy if they could just spell anymore.
Ed..Word is FOX will do their own news from their own studio in the near future.
More than a few viewers like the 10 PM cast and if they do it
right they might find their already large audience growing more.
As for the quality of news locally, it still BEATS most other
markets. Check out the HACKS in Nashville or the
nearly dead old folks mumbling around on
Atlanta local TV news station. We have them all beat.
On the request for them to learn to spell..well
you lost us there. FIRST as a reader of this blog
you know two things never get in the way of us
giving you a good story..the first is spelling and the second
is facts. As for TV kids not being able to spell, are you
talking about the crawls? Again drop us another note on that one
and we will try to answer?
Apr 27, 2008
Apr 24, 2008
Welcome Ronnie Radio!
Brothers and sisters the first church of radio and television is rather quiet this week.
East Tennessee’s very best blog devoted to the history of local radio does have a great story running complete with a picture of the old days at WKGN. Click over and check it and the entire blog out. Also if you have a kid under the age of 19 in your house let them see it and read about this urban myth called radio. They will no doubt be confused to find something still in their car that back then never had an Ipod or MP3 docking station and was used to receive mysterious rock and roll filled signals from spooky local transmitters that teenagers craved to hear while driving their Super Sports and GTOs up to Sharps ridge to make out with someone of the opposite sex!
A new staff member, Ronnie Radio, has penned a fine “What If” column this week. You will have to research old arrest reports in Union County to find out more about this former AM radio near great and the truth is we did and he didn’t have much of a normal life at all. Today he still has most of his mind and many of the T shirts and forty fives he purloined from radio stations he was canned from during his lusterless career. If he passes our 4 day trial period and one out of 10 drug tests he just might make the staff.
WHAT IF, your old granddaddy got hit by a pulp wood truck while driving his Little Rascal with the tall flag on the back on the wrong side of Chapman hwy. Then WHAT IF when they read his will he left you his collection of two hundred T tiny empty maple syrup bottles from Cracker Barrel, a yellowed gift pass to Hazel’s House of Pleasure and the key to a lock box in the bank in downtown Tazewell? Oh and WHAT IF that lock box had stock certificates worth millions and millions and even more millions of dollars? What would you do with the money? Well WHAT IF you were an old burned out DJ and only remembered all the places that FIRED you rather than the few that hired you? If so WHAT IF YOU took all those stocks, cashed them in and bought you a big radio station? Well the first thing you would have to do is staff it with the right people, so after you hire yourself how in the world do you pick them?
HERE IS THE PLAN I Ronnie Radio came up with to staff my..uh your station!
1. Put 400 bricks in a closed room.
2. Put your new employees in the room and close the door.
3. Leave them alone and come back after 6 hours.
Then analyze the situation:
A. If they are counting the bricks put them in the Bookkeeping Department.
b. If they are recounting them, put them in the Promotions Department.
c. If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks, put them in Engineering.
d. If they are arranging the bricks in some strange order, put them in the Events Dept.
e. If they are throwing the bricks at each other, put them in Operations/Programming.
f. If they are sleeping, put them on the Morning 6 to 10 shift.
G. If they have broken the bricks into pieces, put them in charge of Engineering.
h. If they are sitting idle, put them on the front desk.
I. If they say they have tried different combinations, they are looking for more, yet not a brick has been moved, put them in Sales.
j. If they have already left for the day, put them in sales manager training.
K. If they are staring out of the window, make them General Sales Manager.
L. If they are talking to each other, and not a single brick has been moved, congratulate them and put them in Top Management.
Next week I will tell you how to keep your job even if the station is no more than a small box with blinking lights in the men’s room next to the condom machine.
Your friend, Ronnie Radio
As was expected you kids outdid yourselves again this week with your posts. A few beg for response so here they are!
Anonymous said...
The fat guy is BELCHER!
Ed…YOU GOT IT…Your prize is being detailed over on
MLK Ave and you can pick it up anytime after 2 tomorrow morning!
Monday, April 21, 2008 2:52:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
It's a shame what is happening in broadcasting these days. Forget quality work and community involvement. Just do enough to get by and hopefully satisfy the FCC. But it is also the face of most businesses anymore. Make more money at ANY cost. I'd never advise anyone to have a career in broadcasting unless they low pay and would like to move 10-15 times during their lifetime. And raise a family in poverty. The stuff going on at 10 is typical of what's happening everywhere. But I gotta agree. The girl that's been doing the sports for 10 is just plain awful. She has that Cheshire cat look, but does a horrible job. It looks like Dan Farkas was really smart. He got out of the business and got a real job that can lead to advancement. Watching the 10 news at 6pm is an adventure lately. There's usually at least one screwup each day--sometimes more.
And I also agree that Walker and CP could do better than what's on the air on morning radio around here, but they're too smart to want to get up at 3:30 am five days a week just to be abused by management. wink wink
Ed. Until we see those horses on fire flying over the top of Jakes building I kinda
think we are ok on the end of time thing. As for the kind words about FARKAS many thanks from his friends and family. Last word was he was still drawing a check from WBIR but what do we know?
As for CP and WALKER anything said positive about those two old radio wrecks is always appreciated. As they often say to one another… “IF we are so good why are we so FIRED?”
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 9:44:00 PM EST
Blogger T. West said...
Ha!!! Couldn't help but laugh at the "rent not buy" comment. Truer words have never been written. A wise radio station owner once told me this story about on air people when they leave a station:
1st day everyone will be saying, "Where's T, where's T, where's T"!!!
2nd day is "Anyone heard from T?"
3rd day its "T who?"
Ain't it the truth!
Ed 4th day a guy with a twelve gage shows up asking for their forwarding address and
mumbling something about both his daughter AND his wife are pregnant.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 7:37:00 AM EST
Blogger T. West said...
Hey "West Knoxville Republican". Just a little correction here. Gene and Robin are not "together". He's with Lori Tucker at channel 6 and she's teamed at channel 10 with some guy named Becker who I think used to play a sitcom doctor on t.v.(just kidding). Anyway, being just one of three republicans here in northern Campbell Co.(not kidding), I just have to pass this one on to ya' all. Seems us republicans can't do much better than our democrat friends. Someone said to me the other day "out of 167 people that started out wanting to be president. we're stuck with the 3 worst!" Kinda' says it all doesn't it?
Ed Couple of corrections, we think Becker used to play a vet and it was on the Discovery channel or Home Shopping, we can’t remember. You are right about Gene he is Tucker’s “Tonto” on 6 and for some reason has yet to engage his investigative reporting skills concerning the RagsGATE. Hey he could do to the County King what he did to the UT president the giant question is what is holding the man back? Sick um GENE!
Apr 21, 2008
Today the Bureau of R.L.and INUENDOS is still shifting through the hundreds of faxes, letters and e mails from those in the know about what the cigar smoking corporate corner office types decided concerning WBIR. After tossing the bull feces flag on 98 epistles obviously written by WATE management they have concluded the following half truths to be reportedly genuine.
1. The tribal leaders may or may not have arrived last Friday
2. The message they carried to the quivering staff was not of doom.
3. The message they carried did not include paying more.
4. The message they carried did include WORKING MORE
5. The message opened wide the doors of experience expansion.
6. The message CLOSED the doors on future hires in news.
7. The message’s plan was to benefit the bottom line
8. The message’s plan was not to benefit the worker bees.
Last week more than a few of you old TV news types lauded the efforts of staff for their ability to find a site and plagiarize it! You were ecstatic concerning the editing department’s ability to cut and past pictures of long gone TV icons and then rather than telling you where they are today, simply linking to the site they openly violated for their information.
Hey, let’s do it again! Remember just go to where are they now to find out if you can remember what station they were with in Knoxville and then to find out..well where they are now! Here are the kids for this week!
Lots of letters that ranged from one virus filled slice of spam to love hate relationships with various TV news departments shuffled in last week. As always nothing is ever edited (OK the deadly spam thing was yanked but that was for my safely) and all posts are welcome! Lock and load kids!
Anonymous said...
WBIR is going to do something but we are not sure it will happen today or not. We don't think they will fire anyone because we are all working several shifts and there are very few of us left to fire.
The on air work is showing the cost of letting go people and with WVLT coming after us we all have our eyes open for new work.
Another mole at 10
Friday, April 18, 2008 7:45:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Yo Walker..
Kim is Kim Simmons Thomas, not Simms.
Friday, April 18, 2008 9:11:00 AM EST
T. West said...
Oh, geez oh pete! Let's get off the "bash C.P. & Walker" soapbox. I'm sure, given the opportunity and the right situation, C.P. & Walker could still compete with any of the teams in K-town radio today!
Friday, April 18, 2008 7:19:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Wow! After looking at the list of former tv people in Knoxville, I can understand why they should rent and not buy. Lots and lots of familiar names, but when they leave, most of us never realize it or miss them.
With all the budget-cutting moves, the future of local tv personalities does not look very bright.
Friday, April 18, 2008 10:54:00 PM EST
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the blog administrator.
Saturday, April 19, 2008 2:55:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
The gps site is Spanish spam. Walker, I know you don't edit responses, but you should delete all spam. Otherwise, you're aaking for trouble. And to gps.
Sunday, April 20, 2008 6:38:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I saw a sports woman on WBIR doing the early morning weather today? Did the giggler finally drop her puppy and if so isn't there a real weather person they could bring in?
This is the same woman who did such a bad job covering the lady vols and refused to wear the orange on TV!
WBIR used to be a real good news station and would have never let a sports person, male or female cover any big vol game not wearing the orange.
10 still runs stories days before 8and unlike channel 6 their anchors are all fresh and young looking, but when a strugling sports woman is made to do weather it makes me wonder just what is going on there/
Monday, April 21, 2008 7:14:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Thanks to this blog I have found and radio 101. I also have been looking at the hundreds of blogs now linked by the Knoxville News Sentinel and few if any are worth the time to read.
Radio 101 is my second favorite because unlike this one it updates more and talks about the past. I don't care very much about what is going on at the TV news stations because outside of 10 the others change their reporters so much it is hard to keep up.
I am glad Gene Patterson and Robine Wilholt are still together but to tell the truth I don't recognize any of the other ones at 8 and 10 now.
As for well at times they have some posts that really hit home. I hate that water tank they are talking about and I never miss Betty Bean or Sandra Clark when they post there but some of the people on it are just a little bit to tree hugging for me.
I voted for Bush and will vote for McCain because my democrat friends just can't find a good candidate.
Thank you for your work, keep it up.
Another West Knoxville Republican
Monday, April 21, 2008 7:36:00 AM EST
Apr 18, 2008
WHAT they are going to can WHO?
THIS BLOG (Knoxville Radio History 101)
..Heck, it should be obvious
cause the dude or dudette who does
can SPELL! Oh as always check it out.
The ace reporter from the
Rumors, Lies, and Innuendos bureau
has been burning the midnight cyber space
trying to confirm several whispers from
within the walls of WBIR.
The totally unsubstantiated particulars
concern yet another tightening of he budget belt at 10.
Friday (April 18th 2008) reportedly
a corporate black jet will be landing
on the grass runway at the Sky Ranch
carrying select corner office parent company types
with marching orders in hand for the station.
Most who are spreading the unfounded, highly suspect facts
are saying the master plans
do NOT include raises or adding more FULLTIME staff.
Will the
fall today?
Is there ANY truth to any of the above?
Stay tuned.
Do you remember when television
eased out RADIO?
If so it is great to see you are
still able to sit up and take food!
As all who are now retired
or can’t get a job often say…
”Dem were the good old days!”
Return with us now to the days of yesterday when
cameras were BIG
and local TV stars caused heads to turn when they walked into happy hour at Regas!
Check out this list and see first if you remember any of them, then see if you can put them with the right local station and last but not least see if you know where they are now? As always the grand prize is absolutely nothing in your choice of color and model.
Steve Burgin
Heather Donald
Kristin Hoke
Kim Simms Thomas
Denise Dillon
NOW check your answers at this great WHERE ARE THEY NOW site!
More than a few posts came in last week about the
Radio Icon, and man about town Curtis Parham
Anonymous said...
Marc and Kim are so much better than CP and Walker. They were never funny and always talked about sports or stupid things.
Marc and Kim talk about their children, family and recording stars, stuff that moms just love to hear on the way to work or school.
Glad SO glad they are on and CP and Walker are not. Their gutter humor was only funny to drunks and single men..not mothers!
Sunday, April 13, 2008 9:55:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Only good thing about Marc and Kim is Frank! He is a real pro and very funny, they are just boring!
CP and Walker are who? Sound like old guys who are still trying to get a job.
Sunday, April 13, 2008 11:35:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
All hail CP and Walker! The once and forever kings of morning radio!
Bring 'em back!
Monday, April 14, 2008 5:08:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Way to much about the past here. CP and Walker are gone for a reason, they just were not that good.
Phil is still around because he is great and so is Marc and Halerin Hill. Thank god we won't have to hear about these two has beens for another year.
Monday, April 14, 2008 7:34:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It would take Marc, Kim, Hallerin, and Phil all to carry one bucket of water for CP and Walker.
Monday, April 14, 2008 8:27:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I remember CP and Walker and they were real potty mouths. Walker got fired for his potty mouth from the Horne Radio Network because the new General Manager (who took over after they fired Mike Beveraly) got very tired of taking phone calls from mad listners concerning what he said on the radio.
Jim Ridings fired both CP and Walker twice for their mouths and all the anger they generated in the community. If they were half as good as Frank and Marc they would still be working!
Mothers and children would much rather hear the cute stories about Marc and Kims babies and the funny news from Frank than the nasty things those two had to say.
For some reason this blog has given way to CPs ego on his birthday and I won't be back until it posts something about Frank and Marc and Kim.
Good BYE!
Monday, April 14, 2008 8:51:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I agree of the two FRANK is the person who really is the reason people listen to Star!
He is just funny, unlike Marc who is insulting and kim who is just dull.
Monday, April 14, 2008 1:13:00 PM EST
Anonymous Sam said...
What? Who the hell listens to Marc and Kim?
Monday, April 14, 2008 7:31:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
For those who ask why CP & Walker are not on the air these days, they got tired of working for chickenfeed. Radio is great fun for 19-year-old boys trying to score wimmen, but radio will not pay for a house, buy food and clothes for a family, put a nice car in the driveway, etc. The smart ones get out at a young age. The way radio is run today, monkeys could almost be taught to do it all.
Hail! Hail! to CP & Walker and the Golden Age of Radio. One already gone and the other two headed that way! LOL
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:51:00 AM EST
Also a few left over from the week before.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
WVLT covered the ceremony from stem to stern. They started at 5:30 and even at 6pm when WBIR dropped out and went to news, Channel 8 stayed on the air to the end, to their credit. Their coverage was much better than 10's...actually concentrating on the podium. Terrible direction by WBIR. Just another example of how quality has slipped on the hill. If you watch the 6pm and 11pm news, be alert for all the technical mistakes, such as non-working mics, wrong reports or no reports racked up when called for, and camera shots of a co-host when the other is talking. WBIR needs a better director for local live events, one who can do the job as well make good snap decisions.
I don't know why the WIVK "family" all carried the ceremony. How many stations do you need? The ones not carrying the ceremony could direct listeners who wanted to hear it to switch over to the one carrying it. And only for about a 45-minute chuck of air time. A flustercuck if you ask me.
Friday, April 11, 2008 1:56:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think WIVK had to carry it because the Sports Animal was one of the sponsers and because Micky Dearstone is both a Sports Animal host and the announcer for the women's games.
WBIR is the station for news in this town and everyone knows it. Still they just could not get this show right. Have they fired some of their production people? The person who tried to do this show was sleeping and whoever was running the camera was also out of touch.
I agree with the person who said Beth Hanes is phoneing it in. I know she is beautiful but she sure does look bored on Live At Five.
What is going on at channel 10?
Friday, April 11, 2008 8:55:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I got it, WBIR went to shit when FARKUS LEFT!
Friday, April 11, 2008 8:58:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yep, 8 did a great job covering the event.
Also, and I'm not hatin' here, but Beth Haynes half the time has a "deer in the headlights" look when she's introducing a piece on the show. Does she ever look over her script beforehand?
Friday, April 11, 2008 9:25:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How can anyone hate BETH! She is so hot and although she is growing in the behind her face should be on money.
Channel 10 is still the best in town. Channel 6 has very good reporters and bad anchors.
8 Acts like they are on a red hot story when it is days old. They also fired some of the best they had.
When Robin retires let Beth have her job and move Russ with her.
Friday, April 11, 2008 1:18:00 PM EST
As always post early, post often and NEVER let FACTS get in the way of a great thought or rumor!
THIS BLOG (Knoxville Radio History 101)
..Heck, it should be obvious
cause the dude or dudette who does
can SPELL! Oh as always check it out.
The ace reporter from the
Rumors, Lies, and Innuendos bureau
has been burning the midnight cyber space
trying to confirm several whispers from
within the walls of WBIR.
The totally unsubstantiated particulars
concern yet another tightening of he budget belt at 10.
Friday (April 18th 2008) reportedly
a corporate black jet will be landing
on the grass runway at the Sky Ranch
carrying select corner office parent company types
with marching orders in hand for the station.
Most who are spreading the unfounded, highly suspect facts
are saying the master plans
do NOT include raises or adding more FULLTIME staff.
Will the
fall today?
Is there ANY truth to any of the above?
Stay tuned.
Do you remember when television
eased out RADIO?
If so it is great to see you are
still able to sit up and take food!
As all who are now retired
or can’t get a job often say…
”Dem were the good old days!”
Return with us now to the days of yesterday when
cameras were BIG
and local TV stars caused heads to turn when they walked into happy hour at Regas!
Check out this list and see first if you remember any of them, then see if you can put them with the right local station and last but not least see if you know where they are now? As always the grand prize is absolutely nothing in your choice of color and model.
Steve Burgin
Heather Donald
Kristin Hoke
Kim Simms Thomas
Denise Dillon
NOW check your answers at this great WHERE ARE THEY NOW site!
More than a few posts came in last week about the
Radio Icon, and man about town Curtis Parham
Anonymous said...
Marc and Kim are so much better than CP and Walker. They were never funny and always talked about sports or stupid things.
Marc and Kim talk about their children, family and recording stars, stuff that moms just love to hear on the way to work or school.
Glad SO glad they are on and CP and Walker are not. Their gutter humor was only funny to drunks and single men..not mothers!
Sunday, April 13, 2008 9:55:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Only good thing about Marc and Kim is Frank! He is a real pro and very funny, they are just boring!
CP and Walker are who? Sound like old guys who are still trying to get a job.
Sunday, April 13, 2008 11:35:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
All hail CP and Walker! The once and forever kings of morning radio!
Bring 'em back!
Monday, April 14, 2008 5:08:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Way to much about the past here. CP and Walker are gone for a reason, they just were not that good.
Phil is still around because he is great and so is Marc and Halerin Hill. Thank god we won't have to hear about these two has beens for another year.
Monday, April 14, 2008 7:34:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It would take Marc, Kim, Hallerin, and Phil all to carry one bucket of water for CP and Walker.
Monday, April 14, 2008 8:27:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I remember CP and Walker and they were real potty mouths. Walker got fired for his potty mouth from the Horne Radio Network because the new General Manager (who took over after they fired Mike Beveraly) got very tired of taking phone calls from mad listners concerning what he said on the radio.
Jim Ridings fired both CP and Walker twice for their mouths and all the anger they generated in the community. If they were half as good as Frank and Marc they would still be working!
Mothers and children would much rather hear the cute stories about Marc and Kims babies and the funny news from Frank than the nasty things those two had to say.
For some reason this blog has given way to CPs ego on his birthday and I won't be back until it posts something about Frank and Marc and Kim.
Good BYE!
Monday, April 14, 2008 8:51:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I agree of the two FRANK is the person who really is the reason people listen to Star!
He is just funny, unlike Marc who is insulting and kim who is just dull.
Monday, April 14, 2008 1:13:00 PM EST
Anonymous Sam said...
What? Who the hell listens to Marc and Kim?
Monday, April 14, 2008 7:31:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
For those who ask why CP & Walker are not on the air these days, they got tired of working for chickenfeed. Radio is great fun for 19-year-old boys trying to score wimmen, but radio will not pay for a house, buy food and clothes for a family, put a nice car in the driveway, etc. The smart ones get out at a young age. The way radio is run today, monkeys could almost be taught to do it all.
Hail! Hail! to CP & Walker and the Golden Age of Radio. One already gone and the other two headed that way! LOL
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:51:00 AM EST
Also a few left over from the week before.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
WVLT covered the ceremony from stem to stern. They started at 5:30 and even at 6pm when WBIR dropped out and went to news, Channel 8 stayed on the air to the end, to their credit. Their coverage was much better than 10's...actually concentrating on the podium. Terrible direction by WBIR. Just another example of how quality has slipped on the hill. If you watch the 6pm and 11pm news, be alert for all the technical mistakes, such as non-working mics, wrong reports or no reports racked up when called for, and camera shots of a co-host when the other is talking. WBIR needs a better director for local live events, one who can do the job as well make good snap decisions.
I don't know why the WIVK "family" all carried the ceremony. How many stations do you need? The ones not carrying the ceremony could direct listeners who wanted to hear it to switch over to the one carrying it. And only for about a 45-minute chuck of air time. A flustercuck if you ask me.
Friday, April 11, 2008 1:56:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think WIVK had to carry it because the Sports Animal was one of the sponsers and because Micky Dearstone is both a Sports Animal host and the announcer for the women's games.
WBIR is the station for news in this town and everyone knows it. Still they just could not get this show right. Have they fired some of their production people? The person who tried to do this show was sleeping and whoever was running the camera was also out of touch.
I agree with the person who said Beth Hanes is phoneing it in. I know she is beautiful but she sure does look bored on Live At Five.
What is going on at channel 10?
Friday, April 11, 2008 8:55:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I got it, WBIR went to shit when FARKUS LEFT!
Friday, April 11, 2008 8:58:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yep, 8 did a great job covering the event.
Also, and I'm not hatin' here, but Beth Haynes half the time has a "deer in the headlights" look when she's introducing a piece on the show. Does she ever look over her script beforehand?
Friday, April 11, 2008 9:25:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How can anyone hate BETH! She is so hot and although she is growing in the behind her face should be on money.
Channel 10 is still the best in town. Channel 6 has very good reporters and bad anchors.
8 Acts like they are on a red hot story when it is days old. They also fired some of the best they had.
When Robin retires let Beth have her job and move Russ with her.
Friday, April 11, 2008 1:18:00 PM EST
As always post early, post often and NEVER let FACTS get in the way of a great thought or rumor!
Apr 13, 2008
Sixty-one years ago the Parham family
rejoiced in the birth of
a group of sons. First was baby Leo
who entered the world with great panache
and immediately climbed up on his mother's
adjacent pillow and proceeded to do her hair.
Next was baby Billy Joe Tom Bob Parker.
Born wearing a whistle, sweatshirt, ball hat
and much to his mothers horror football cleats.
Then, right on time baby Clyde joined the family.
The child had crossed eyes was wearing a T shirt
with the picture of a possum and sporting a beanie with a
propeller on top.
Showing up two hours late, smoking a Kent and
wearing head phones was Baby CP.
When all the children were lined up in their
giant crib for baby pictures Baby Billy Joe
Tom Bob spotted a football and reached for it.
His father said,"Do you know what that is?"
Baby Billy Joe Tom Bob shook his head and
said no. Then his Daddy said, "That is a football
do you think you can pass it?" Baby Billy Joe
Tom Bob had a very confused look on his face. Quickly
brother CP leaned over and whispered something in his ear.
With a very big smile Baby Billy Joe Tom Bob told his
daddy, "If I can swallow it I can PASS IT"
Sixty one years later all of the boys live in the same
house, work for the same production company and
although they have entirely different personalities
look and dress the same.
In the 1970s they had a radio show and
allowed a tall fine looking young man
to be on the air with them. That same person
is now an old broken fellow who is still in
therapy trying to overcome the trauma of those radio years.
Here is the short list of events that have driven him
to various mind altering drugs not to mention some
of the best mental institutions in Cock County.
1. Daily assaults by the Parhams on the homeless with exploding
projectiles from the top floor of the Oliver Building.
2. Many police visits (NO CONVICTIONS) to the same floor complete with
K9 and Swat Teams as back up.
3. Being encouraged by the brothers to work drunk,
never on the air but always at private Christmas parties.
4. Wide open credit cards furnished by Disney World used to buy strangers large
meals and even larger bottles of wines at the finer beaneries in EPCOT Center.
5. Overnight show from Timberline Nudist Colony where the excuse of COLD WEATHER
was used repeatedly when entering and exiting the crowded hot tub.
6. Standing shoulder to shoulder with then Mayor Victor Ashe as famed singer
B.J. Thomas screamed one inch from the Mayor's ear for him to FORNICATE THOU SELF!
7. Driving thirty miles to the Smoky Mountain National Park to LITTER
8. AND being the only entertainment to ever headline the famous Claus von Bulow
society gathering and NOT have food hurled at them.
A BIG OLD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CP and all his brothers who drug the rest of us along on a great adventure!
Apr 10, 2008
A big ATTAGIRL to the Lady Vols! Live at Five (WBIR) carried the celebration of their win live from Thompson Bowling and although everyone from Jellico to Ducktown was there the coverage by 10 was just a mess. Long camera shots of the crowd while the TEAM was being introduced. MORE crowd shots as the COACHES were being introduced just made it very hard to watch. Again the celebration was an outstanding statement of how fans love this team and the entire Lady Vol program, it was just a shame the number one news station this side of Lanier couldn’t find a director to work that afternoon?
One obvious absence was the Lord Mayor of Knox County. Tank and Bill did a great job in honoring the ladies and conveying the thoughts of their constituency but again where was the King of the County? Any thoughts?
Anonymous said...
At least WBIR covered it. Did the other two carry it? I don't know, I was in the car. Which by the way (and since you are talking about radio), the celebration was on all of the WIVK stations, you didn't mention that.
Thursday, April 10, 2008 4:35:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I saw the show and it was to good at all. Why was mike hammond doing the announcing..isn't micky dearstone the voice of the lady vols? Also isn't hammond under investiagtion for something he did on council?
As for WIVK I have XM and they offer so much good country music without the commercials I never turn on WIVK except in football season.
Thursday, April 10, 2008 6:57:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I also heard part of the deal on WIVK and couldn't understand why Micky Dearstone was not even mentioned? When I got home they were introducing the team and yes they were not showing them on TV?
It is great they won and even greater the coaches got the cars but why wasn't the voice of the lady vols doing the MC work rather than a politician?
Thursday, April 10, 2008 10:18:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
WVLT covered the ceremony from stem to stern. They started at 5:30 and even at 6pm when WBIR dropped out and went to news, Channel 8 stayed on the air to the end, to their credit. Their coverage was much better than 10's...actually concentrating on the podium. Terrible direction by WBIR. Just another example of how quality has slipped on the hill. If you watch the 6pm and 11pm news, be alert for all the technical mistakes, such as non-working mics, wrong reports or no reports racked up when called for, and camera shots of a co-host when the other is talking. WBIR needs a better director for local live events, one who can do the job as well make good snap decisions.
I don't know why the WIVK "family" all carried the ceremony. How many stations do you need? The ones not carrying the ceremony could direct listeners who wanted to hear it to switch over to the one carrying it. And only for about a 45-minute chuck of air time. A flustercuck if you ask me.
Friday, April 11, 2008 1:56:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
I think WIVK had to carry it because the Sports Animal was one of the sponsers and because Micky Dearstone is both a Sports Animal host and the announcer for the women's games.
WBIR is the station for news in this town and everyone knows it. Still they just could not get this show right. Have they fired some of their production people? The person who tried to do this show was sleeping and whoever was running the camera was also out of touch.
I agree with the person who said Beth Hanes is phoneing it in. I know she is beautiful but she sure does look bored on Live At Five.
What is going on at channel 10?
Friday, April 11, 2008 8:55:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
I got it, WBIR went to shit when FARKUS LEFT!
Friday, April 11, 2008 8:58:00 AM EST
A former WBIR favorite is fighting
JaQuitta Williams
Staff’s favorite local radio blog, Knoxville Radio History 101 talks this week about the year 1981 and an Oak Ridge station that had big ideas.
Again make sure you toss this address into your favorites and check back with them every week for a look back to when radio was both fun and a major part of the community.
CBS, WVLT’s network is still rumbling with the rumor that Katie will be shown the door. Wonder what it costs to can a fifteen million dollar mistake? The Tiffany network is still in the ratings cellar and the TODAY Show kid only brought them up while the newness was still on the rose. Bless her heart we will so not hate to see her go.
Air America is the far lefts answer to Rush and his buddies. Last week the radio network suspended one wild old fat girl for remarks that went over even their line. She was finally fired and now has been rehired at a local (where else) San Francisco station.
Although Knoxville has tried for years to promote a far left community the fledglings here can’t hold a candle to San Francisco. Check out the flap that got this old gal canned and the station where she is headed. Scary is not a strong enough word for either her or this alleged broadcast outlet.
THE MOUNTAIN FOLK REUNION is working on some exciting things for the summer and naturally they want you to attend. All you ever need to know and MORE about who they are and where they are going to be is found on both of these sites. Click over and mark your calendar for some great songs played by some fun but O L D kids!
Apr 7, 2008
FLASH...more NEW letters!!!
They are at the TOP of the list..check them out
Answer is simple...the new morning anchor
on WBIR is already one of the best in
the city.
Lisa Cornwell has been on the air
how long now? If you are just coming
home from a two year religious pilgrimage you might
say she has been here, for well two years.
In a very short time not only has the woman instantly owned
the morning news she is more
comfortable on the air than all of her
cross town rivals. Her confidence and
forward reporting coupled with flawless
pronunciations of the local "oddities"
such as VONore and Oak Ridge have
transformed the shifting WBIR morning news
desk into a stable and very viewable product.
Another aspect of her talent jumped
off the LCD when the suits at WBIR
started using her in the sports
department. Her packages from the
basketball tournaments were as flawless
as her morning anchoring and her player
interviews far surpassed anything the Heart
station has had on the air in years.
Down side is this kind of talent never
stays very long, up side is she is here now
so lets enjoy her while we can!
As always YOUR opinions are welcome
as long as they agree with mine. KIDDING
this is NOT Really
whata think of Ms Cornwell?
WVLT isn't the only
place canning staff. Their
network CBS is trying to
cut corners big time
crying fifteen million Crock Drops over it! LOL
BOYHOWDY last week
more that a few had their claws out
concerning the wholesale firings
at WVLT. The letters not only
questioned the reasoning behind
them but one answered where
a few of the folks were now headed.
MAD folk always get the first
seat on the bus at this blog!
Anonymous said...
Yes, Lisa is very good. Obviously she does her research.
Glad to hear that Craig has found a new gig. I wish him and his wife the best.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 5:38:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why do stations hide after the fire people? Why didn't 8 just release something about the reason?
If WATE had fired that many at once they would have said something but not a word out of 8?
Are they ashamed that they can make enough money to suport their staff or is it they just don't believe in admitting they hired to
many people in the first place?
Good that some of them who were fired and going to find work, they all should still be on Knoxville TV.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 7:18:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The station itself makes money off the billing of CBS programming. The Gray company and the WVLT newscasts themselves... well... that is another story.
They can't even start their morning newscast at the same time as the other stations.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 7:25:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous says,
Thanks, Walker, for keeping the blog alive and letting us rant.
You're right on about Lisa Cornwell's sports reporting. Excellent. She is better than the guys!
Rambling observations about Knoxville TV. The 8 talent never seemed to work as a group on air and it's no surprise the collection is being thinned. I quit watching Channel 6 with politico Gene and the botox queen a long time ago. That leaves the big dogs on the hill behind the Burger King. Channel 10 is blessed with shows that are packaged, unexciting, and sometimes driven by hyped up nothings as lead stories. Todd Howell seems to be a great guy but he could use a few more words in his vocabulary. Recently he said "good soaking rains" or words to that effect 3 times in about 30 seconds. Gully washer, downpour, drought breaker, good sleeping weather, or raining cats and dogs would have been more interesting choices.
Most days, Beth Haynes is calling it in from somewhere. Her out of town report from Atlanta, I think, was incredibly bad and lackluster. Kudos to the women on Style (Michelle and Moira) for getting it right. LeSaundra Brown is way under utilized on Channel 10 and Yvette Martinez is an up and coming star. It would be nice to see more of these exciting reporter/anchors instead of the boring white bread cut outs Channel 10 so highly values.
Watching predictable local news is passe. Get local news on the Internet in less than 5 minutes without hype and car commercials. The best broadcast is Brian Williams at 6:30pm on Channel 10.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 12:47:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous says,
Thanks, Walker, for keeping the blog alive and letting us rant.
You're right on about Lisa Cornwell's sports reporting. Excellent. She is better than the guys!
Rambling observations about Knoxville TV. The 8 talent never seemed to work as a group on air and it's no surprise the collection is being thinned. I quit watching Channel 6 with politico Gene and the botox queen a long time ago. That leaves the big dogs on the hill behind the Burger King. Channel 10 is blessed with shows that are packaged, unexciting, and sometimes driven by hyped up nothings as lead stories. Todd Howell seems to be a great guy but he could use a few more words in his vocabulary. Recently he said "good soaking rains" or words to that effect 3 times in about 30 seconds. Gully washer, downpour, drought breaker, good sleeping weather, or raining cats and dogs would have been more interesting choices.
Most days, Beth Haynes is calling it in from somewhere. Her out of town report from Atlanta, I think, was incredibly bad and lackluster. Kudos to the women on Style (Michelle and Moira) for getting it right. LeSaundra Brown is way under utilized on Channel 10 and Yvette Martinez is an up and coming star. It would be nice to see more of these exciting reporter/anchors instead of the boring white bread cut outs Channel 10 so highly values.
Watching predictable local news is passe. Get local news on the Internet in less than 5 minutes without hype and car commercials. The best broadcast is Brian Williams at 6:30pm on Channel 10.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 12:47:00 PM EST
Here are the posts from
last week THANKS and keep them
Anonymous said...
Walker, I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your mother (judging from the picture) and offer full condolences. You only have one mother in life.
I understand the grieving process, but you should have let us know what was going on. I thought perhaps you had passed or had been hospitalized. I like this blog but I really thought it was destined for cyberdeath.
Whatever you can discover about Knoxville media and pass along to us is appreciated. Here are some questions:
Can you find out more about the Channel 8 massacre?
Is Six going to cut more people or separate itself from 43?
How has the overall management at 10 changed over the last few years, and why are they doubling up shifts for their talent? Do they pay their hosts that badly?
Heard anything about one of the for-profit FM stations in town switching to a Christian format?
Your thoughts on the talent available anymore and how Knoxville radio has changed for the good or bad for new talent.
Keep us updated on the gossip, and update your blog more often. We can't stir up trouble if you don't visit yourself.
Thursday, April 3, 2008 11:56:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
It is sad when someone of Craig's caliber is let go. He was genuinely a nice guy, and was very good on air.
His only drawback, apparently, is that he is not a cute blond.
Friday, April 4, 2008 5:13:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
WVLT was just over staffed. Problem is they fired the wrong ones.
That weekend goon...gordon something or other would have been the first to hit the door followed by the odd sports guy who has a broken jaw?
I remember Liz and thought it was wonderful she came back. I guess I will just go back to WBIR now.
Friday, April 4, 2008 11:04:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Went over to that WBIR thing and they were doing a contest on who was the best woman anchor. They only had their women listed.
I voted for the blond on 8.
Saturday, April 5, 2008 8:54:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
And then there's that VERY YOUNG reporter for WVLT that sounds like a woman. With a little makeup and a nice wig, he'd probably look like one as well.
Saturday, April 5, 2008 5:50:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Wow, Anon 11:04 --
What did I, or one of my sports co-workers, EVER do to you?
Suffice it to say, we're all hurting. We lost good people and friends. Craig and I have been friends since before some of our co-workers were even born.
We could ask what confluence of events determined who would be cut, when -- but what's done is done.
Dwell on hypotheticals, and they'll
eat you alive.
There but for grace, as they say,
it could have been any of us.
Jessa, Kim, Steve and Craig all are
good people. All will land quickly (Craig already has), and I hope, for the sake of our business, that all STAY in the business.
This business isn't what it was when I got in it 24 years ago.
It's not what it was even 5 years ago. It's tough to envision where you want your newsroom to be in five years when your stockholders and creditors demand answers for the next quarter.
Gannett, Young, et. al. all face
variations of the same challenges.
All you can do, is make sure you give it your best every day, embrace change (before it boa-constricts you) and keep your eyes and ears open.
Gordon Boyd
Sunday, April 6, 2008 11:54:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Local tv news has gone to the shitpot, especially on the weekends. And what's Channel 10's infatuation with female sports chicks? Our town's tv news is headed to Hoosierville apparently.
Sunday, April 6, 2008 5:26:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Sorry to see your co-workers let go, but it's management's style these days to fire higher paid employees and replace them with young, inexperienced CHEAP talent. 'Cause after all, the bottom line is all that counts to them. People don't matter.
BTW, where did Craig get a new gig, if you don't mind to tell us?
Monday, April 7, 2008 4:43:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
You are not very good but you do try and that is all anyone can ask at 8.
My question is after all the work they have tried to do and now that they are beating WATE why did the fire those who had such a big part in it?
People say WATE just beat themselves but WVLT did work hard and is doing much better than in the past. So again why fire those five who were all very good?
Former WVLT news viewer
Monday, April 7, 2008 12:03:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
If the contract isn't signed, it's close.
Craig's joining WZTV (Fox) in Nashville as weather anchor for its
new (or expanded, I'm not sure) morning show.
It'll be a reunion: Nick Paranjape
(Fox 43's original sports anchor) will be one of the co-anchors.
Craig and Liz are two of the classiest people I've ever met, period.
I'll miss them.
But hey, at least I'll have a place
to stay if I go over for a Predators game.
Monday, April 7, 2008 12:16:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Gordon I have no idea who is
mad at you but personally I will say you are one of if not the best anchor on 8 and they have some good ones now.
The guy on 10 started off bad and never got better, the two on WATE look very old and now that the afternoon guy is on in the morning on BIR their station is really in a slump.
Good luck to all those who 8 fired and best of luck to you!
Monday, April 7, 2008 12:47:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
The new morning achor on 10 is great on sports. She is already the best in town!
Monday, April 7, 2008 6:51:00 PM EST
sammy said...
bring back sam brown's drunk ass!
Editor...HOLD ON! OK at times Sam
may have been an ASS but I never
knew him to imbibe!
Apr 3, 2008
First things first! The world’s BEST blog featuring the history of
Knoxville radio has reached a new pinnacle of excellence this week! Please head over there right now and read what they have to say about a local radio giant, a legend in his own mind, yes folks a man fired more times than the big gun at Ringling Brothers, a friend to the common man and often common woman and someone who we all love and at times abhor. Many thanks to the award winning writers of said blog for their extraordinary reporting skills and their dead on fact finding for this soon to be Pulitzer nominated story.
Last Friday one of our favorite local TV news stations said good bye to more than a few staff members. Included in the list of the departed were former Fox and WVLT anchor Liz Tedone, former FOX and WVLT meteorologist Craig Edwards, Kim Bedford, photographer Steve Coy and
Jessa Goddard.
Liz came here in 1999 to be the FOX 43 anchor.
We had the pleasure of seeing her first introduced to the unwashed media at the Sunsphere and later at a big feed at Club LeConte. She was star material from the get go and when she came back to WVLT after getting married to Craig Edwards she still had it! As for Mr. Edwards he was always a favorite both on the air and off. Unlike a few scary folks in TV news Craig was and still is a very nice guy not to mention a real talent. Both will be missed by the station and those who watch it.
Lots of guesses why all of these folks were shuffled out but most who gossip about such things all agree it had nothing at all to do with their talent. If you look at all of the “old” media you can see major cracks forming and the rule of thumb is when cracks form management will always push staff into them for a quick fix. Wanta see some other local cracks check out WATE. Their parent company is still trying to find budget dollars after their major California mistake and even though Channel 6 blew away the noon they could certainly see more dark changes in their future. As for the king of the hill, WBIR they also are showing a few fissures. Double shifting is the first one that comes to mind not to mention more and more backpack journalism being instituted into a department that one time had over sixty FULLTIME employees.
Around the country the trend is to get out of the local news world, so I guess you could say we are lucky to still have three stations still in there swinging. Still it is the people who make the difference and when you cut talent like those from WVLT the product has to take a major hit.
Oh a happier note there is a great site where those who report and now days often “make up” the news can raise cane about their changing world. If you wanta get into the gripe fest feel free, no press badge is required. Just dash over to Angry Journalist dot com and let her rip. It is kinda dominated by the print kids but there is more than enough room for everyone to get their thoughts in the mix.
Another fun site that often blatantly promotes its station is found at WBIR.
I love it when they run polls asking who is our favorite TV news Dude or Duddette and only list WBIR STAFF! Oh and right now they are looking for blogger types. Yep, just like the big paper has offered writers a chance to work hard for no pay…this site is offering the same deal to those who scribble in cyber space. Our staff has been posting over there and they have found the only time they were edited was when the site asked for comments about another elk release and one of our kids sent in several suggestions for the killing and cooking of the large animals. Those who stalk said beasts say Elk tastes just like a cross between baby seal and chicken if you shoot them when they are sleeping.
Speaking of blatant plugs, if you are looking for a good time
Call Hazel at BR549 OR dash over to this site. Fun old men can be hired to come out to your next party, beer joint, wedding, wake or bar mitzvah and entertain for a pittance of what it would cost to hire a real band.
As always if you have a thought post early and post often. Remember we never edit or cull no matter how stupid or inflammatory it may be!
Knoxville radio has reached a new pinnacle of excellence this week! Please head over there right now and read what they have to say about a local radio giant, a legend in his own mind, yes folks a man fired more times than the big gun at Ringling Brothers, a friend to the common man and often common woman and someone who we all love and at times abhor. Many thanks to the award winning writers of said blog for their extraordinary reporting skills and their dead on fact finding for this soon to be Pulitzer nominated story.
Last Friday one of our favorite local TV news stations said good bye to more than a few staff members. Included in the list of the departed were former Fox and WVLT anchor Liz Tedone, former FOX and WVLT meteorologist Craig Edwards, Kim Bedford, photographer Steve Coy and
Jessa Goddard.
Liz came here in 1999 to be the FOX 43 anchor.
We had the pleasure of seeing her first introduced to the unwashed media at the Sunsphere and later at a big feed at Club LeConte. She was star material from the get go and when she came back to WVLT after getting married to Craig Edwards she still had it! As for Mr. Edwards he was always a favorite both on the air and off. Unlike a few scary folks in TV news Craig was and still is a very nice guy not to mention a real talent. Both will be missed by the station and those who watch it.
Lots of guesses why all of these folks were shuffled out but most who gossip about such things all agree it had nothing at all to do with their talent. If you look at all of the “old” media you can see major cracks forming and the rule of thumb is when cracks form management will always push staff into them for a quick fix. Wanta see some other local cracks check out WATE. Their parent company is still trying to find budget dollars after their major California mistake and even though Channel 6 blew away the noon they could certainly see more dark changes in their future. As for the king of the hill, WBIR they also are showing a few fissures. Double shifting is the first one that comes to mind not to mention more and more backpack journalism being instituted into a department that one time had over sixty FULLTIME employees.
Around the country the trend is to get out of the local news world, so I guess you could say we are lucky to still have three stations still in there swinging. Still it is the people who make the difference and when you cut talent like those from WVLT the product has to take a major hit.
Oh a happier note there is a great site where those who report and now days often “make up” the news can raise cane about their changing world. If you wanta get into the gripe fest feel free, no press badge is required. Just dash over to Angry Journalist dot com and let her rip. It is kinda dominated by the print kids but there is more than enough room for everyone to get their thoughts in the mix.
Another fun site that often blatantly promotes its station is found at WBIR.
I love it when they run polls asking who is our favorite TV news Dude or Duddette and only list WBIR STAFF! Oh and right now they are looking for blogger types. Yep, just like the big paper has offered writers a chance to work hard for no pay…this site is offering the same deal to those who scribble in cyber space. Our staff has been posting over there and they have found the only time they were edited was when the site asked for comments about another elk release and one of our kids sent in several suggestions for the killing and cooking of the large animals. Those who stalk said beasts say Elk tastes just like a cross between baby seal and chicken if you shoot them when they are sleeping.
Speaking of blatant plugs, if you are looking for a good time
Call Hazel at BR549 OR dash over to this site. Fun old men can be hired to come out to your next party, beer joint, wedding, wake or bar mitzvah and entertain for a pittance of what it would cost to hire a real band.
As always if you have a thought post early and post often. Remember we never edit or cull no matter how stupid or inflammatory it may be!
Apr 1, 2008
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