Last Friday the Media Report sent their former CEO to appear on the Southern Roots Radio show. Frank Cagle, Lesley Snow, Kelvin Moxley, and Eddy Beacon were in studio and Lloyd was on the phone. The show originates from the modern but rather diminutive studios of WQBB in the Journal Radio bunker in West Knoxville. The topics ranged from county government to the differences between a Beer Joint and a Tush Hog bar. Ms Snow alleged she had never been in either type of establishment and hinted that she had yet to even taste her first pickled egg. Kelvin, who invented both the pickled egg and the Tush Hog bar did his best to explain both to Ms Snow but only got a half smile and a head shake for his efforts.
The show is on from 10 until 12 M-F and is more than worth a listen. Frank is knowledgeable on many fronts and has more off the cuff one liners than we ever dreamed of, Kelvin, well OK Kelvin invented or created everything on earth and can document his work with tons of referrals to former TV star Fred Thompson. Mr. Beacon and Lloyd often get a word in edgewise but because they are secure in their vast stardom they don’t feel the need to dominate the program. Check it out on the AM dial and be sure to call in but remember keep your calls very long and off topic if you can.
The blackmail staff found many old photos over the weekend and wants you to identify either the people or the places. As always hints are provided and as always the prize is nothing. Have FUN.

THIS is one of our FAV. old pictures was taken 46 years ago is of a LOCAL TV studio is an election night shot

HINTS.....This was taken on the first trip to DON HO land
..........The man and the woman are married
..........The woman was on the WHO HAS GOT YOU NOW station
..........The woman is now the most successful TV anchor to come out of Knoxville
..........The picture was taken 32 years ago

HINTS....The man behind the glass was a Large Orange QB
.........The man behind the glass was a pro football player
.........The man behind the glass was a former college coach
.........The man behind the glass is called the bog rodent.

HINT....None of these guys are still in radio
........Some of these guys never WERE in radio
........All of these guys are out of prison (we think)
........None of these guys have any taste in clothes
HINT....DOUBLE CLICK the pictures
and you might find some clues,
especially in the one of the
old TV studio. GOOD LUCK!
A few nasty and not so nasty letters came in at the end of the week and if an answer is warranted it will be given. Post early and often!
Blogger T. West said...
Hey Ronnie Radio, if I ever get back into radio (God forbid) and into a management position, I'll use your plan. It sounds perfect and I'll have the best staff around no doubt! And thanks Ed for the 4th day (I forgot that one) comment and getting me straightened out on the Becker thing. And I'm like you, what is holding Gene back???
Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:30:00 PM EST
Ed.....Ronnie thanks you for reading his column.
He says he is glad to see you are not going back into radio
because he is always looking for a job and having you out
of the hunt really helps.
As for Gene, not a clue why he hasn't jumped into
the Ragsgate with both feet but staff and voters alike are
sure pulling for him to do it soon!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Someone should put out a calendar of Knoxville's hottest tv chicks. And it should have Stacey at WVLT on every page. Yummmmm!
Friday, April 25, 2008 12:19:00 PM EST
Ed..A comment from a real writer last Friday was that most of the
people who post on this blog talk about the "HOT" local
female TV news Journalist. Lets try as a group to rise above
the lust and the flesh and delve into the heart or meat of the
reason they are on, which is to provide masterful reporting
of the events that impact our daily lives!
As for your thoughts on the calendar we find it to
be totally sexist and crude.
PS Ronnie radio said if they would all wear
nothing but very small pocket dogs taped
to their ample cannons and lower extremities
the thing would make MILLIONS!
Anonymous sammy said...
what the f++k happened to mrs. farkwad?? where did she go?
-drunk at 2:07 pm
Friday, April 25, 2008 1:07:00 PM EST
Ed LAND O GOSHEN you can't say FXXK on this blog!
watch your fingers buster! As for Mrs Farkwad
she is on maternity leave and Ronnie Radio has already
offered to take a DNA test to prove it is not his kid.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gene is over it. Lots of us who work for 6 are just tired of no money and consultants screwing up our station.
Local TV news is all run by nasty car dealers who are the only ones left he can afford our rates.
I bet we (6) drop morning news next. It is just a mess but I would never work for 8 and 10 is just about as screwed up as we are.
Only money in TV now is selling the big screens.
Friday, April 25, 2008 1:45:00 PM EST
Ed..Staff and management here at the NEW MEDIA feel your pain.
Some of the gray beards think if all local stations would relate more
to what is going on here they might fight off the CNN's of this
world. Still there is an issue of hiring and maintaining local
news shops and the corner office is catching a bucket load
of you know what over the cost. Sure wish we could say to all
our friends in TV that it is going to get better soon but
our nose is already long enough.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If Fox 43 is paying WATE to do the 10pm news, there should be more money to run a news department. But my guess is they still chopped the news budget and pocketed what they get from 43. It's kind of scary. What will Knoxville tv news be like in three years?
I agree with an earlier poster. The quality of local tv is dropping every day, and no one seems to take pride in doing their jobs in the best possible way. Years ago, tv people didn't have the technical tools they have today, but they worked hard to do a very professional job with what they did have.
Heck, I'd be happy if they could just spell anymore.
Ed..Word is FOX will do their own news from their own studio in the near future.
More than a few viewers like the 10 PM cast and if they do it
right they might find their already large audience growing more.
As for the quality of news locally, it still BEATS most other
markets. Check out the HACKS in Nashville or the
nearly dead old folks mumbling around on
Atlanta local TV news station. We have them all beat.
On the request for them to learn to spell..well
you lost us there. FIRST as a reader of this blog
you know two things never get in the way of us
giving you a good story..the first is spelling and the second
is facts. As for TV kids not being able to spell, are you
talking about the crawls? Again drop us another note on that one
and we will try to answer?