Sixty-one years ago the Parham family
rejoiced in the birth of
a group of sons. First was baby Leo
who entered the world with great panache
and immediately climbed up on his mother's
adjacent pillow and proceeded to do her hair.
Next was baby Billy Joe Tom Bob Parker.

Born wearing a whistle, sweatshirt, ball hat
and much to his mothers horror football cleats.
Then, right on time baby Clyde joined the family.
The child had crossed eyes was wearing a T shirt
with the picture of a possum and sporting a beanie with a
propeller on top.
Showing up two hours late, smoking a Kent and
wearing head phones was Baby CP.
When all the children were lined up in their
giant crib for baby pictures Baby Billy Joe
Tom Bob spotted a football and reached for it.
His father said,"Do you know what that is?"
Baby Billy Joe Tom Bob shook his head and
said no. Then his Daddy said, "That is a football
do you think you can pass it?" Baby Billy Joe
Tom Bob had a very confused look on his face. Quickly
brother CP leaned over and whispered something in his ear.
With a very big smile Baby Billy Joe Tom Bob told his
daddy, "If I can swallow it I can PASS IT"
Sixty one years later all of the boys live in the same
house, work for the same production company and
although they have entirely different personalities
look and dress the same.
In the 1970s they had a radio show and
allowed a tall fine looking young man
to be on the air with them. That same person
is now an old broken fellow who is still in
therapy trying to overcome the trauma of those radio years.
Here is the short list of events that have driven him
to various mind altering drugs not to mention some
of the best mental institutions in Cock County.
1. Daily assaults by the Parhams on the homeless with exploding
projectiles from the top floor of the Oliver Building.
2. Many police visits (NO CONVICTIONS) to the same floor complete with
K9 and Swat Teams as back up.
3. Being encouraged by the brothers to work drunk,
never on the air but always at private Christmas parties.
4. Wide open credit cards furnished by Disney World used to buy strangers large
meals and even larger bottles of wines at the finer beaneries in EPCOT Center.
5. Overnight show from Timberline Nudist Colony where the excuse of COLD WEATHER
was used repeatedly when entering and exiting the crowded hot tub.
6. Standing shoulder to shoulder with then Mayor Victor Ashe as famed singer
B.J. Thomas screamed one inch from the Mayor's ear for him to FORNICATE THOU SELF!
7. Driving thirty miles to the Smoky Mountain National Park to LITTER
8. AND being the only entertainment to ever headline the famous Claus von Bulow
society gathering and NOT have food hurled at them.
A BIG OLD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CP and all his brothers who drug the rest of us along on a great adventure!

Marc and Kim are so much better than CP and Walker. They were never funny and always talked about sports or stupid things.
Marc and Kim talk about their children, family and recording stars, stuff that moms just love to hear on the way to work or school.
Glad SO glad they are on and CP and Walker are not. Their gutter humor was only funny to drunks and single men..not mothers!
Only good thing about Marc and Kim is Frank! He is a real pro and very funny, they are just boring!
CP and Walker are who? Sound like old guys who are still trying to get a job.
All hail CP and Walker! The once and forever kings of morning radio!
Bring 'em back!
Way to much about the past here. CP and Walker are gone for a reason, they just were not that good.
Phil is still around because he is great and so is Marc and Halerin Hill. Thank god we won't have to hear about these two has beens for another year.
It would take Marc, Kim, Hallerin, and Phil all to carry one bucket of water for CP and Walker.
I remember CP and Walker and they were real potty mouths. Walker got fired for his potty mouth from the Horne Radio Network because the new General Manager (who took over after they fired Mike Beveraly) got very tired of taking phone calls from mad listners concerning what he said on the radio.
Jim Ridings fired both CP and Walker twice for their mouths and all the anger they generated in the community. If they were half as good as Frank and Marc they would still be working!
Mothers and children would much rather hear the cute stories about Marc and Kims babies and the funny news from Frank than the nasty things those two had to say.
For some reason this blog has given way to CPs ego on his birthday and I won't be back until it posts something about Frank and Marc and Kim.
Good BYE!
I agree of the two FRANK is the person who really is the reason people listen to Star!
He is just funny, unlike Marc who is insulting and kim who is just dull.
What? Who the hell listens to Marc and Kim?
For those who ask why CP & Walker are not on the air these days, they got tired of working for chickenfeed. Radio is great fun for 19-year-old boys trying to score wimmen, but radio will not pay for a house, buy food and clothes for a family, put a nice car in the driveway, etc. The smart ones get out at a young age. The way radio is run today, monkeys could almost be taught to do it all.
Hail! Hail! to CP & Walker and the Golden Age of Radio. One already gone and the other two headed that way! LOL
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