THIS BLOG (Knoxville Radio History 101)
..Heck, it should be obvious
cause the dude or dudette who does
can SPELL! Oh as always check it out.
The ace reporter from the
Rumors, Lies, and Innuendos bureau
has been burning the midnight cyber space
trying to confirm several whispers from
within the walls of WBIR.
The totally unsubstantiated particulars
concern yet another tightening of he budget belt at 10.
Friday (April 18th 2008) reportedly
a corporate black jet will be landing
on the grass runway at the Sky Ranch
carrying select corner office parent company types
with marching orders in hand for the station.
Most who are spreading the unfounded, highly suspect facts
are saying the master plans
do NOT include raises or adding more FULLTIME staff.
Will the

fall today?
Is there ANY truth to any of the above?
Stay tuned.
Do you remember when television
eased out RADIO?
If so it is great to see you are
still able to sit up and take food!
As all who are now retired
or can’t get a job often say…
”Dem were the good old days!”
Return with us now to the days of yesterday when
cameras were BIG

and local TV stars caused heads to turn when they walked into happy hour at Regas!
Check out this list and see first if you remember any of them, then see if you can put them with the right local station and last but not least see if you know where they are now? As always the grand prize is absolutely nothing in your choice of color and model.
Steve Burgin

Heather Donald

Kristin Hoke


Kim Simms Thomas

Denise Dillon

NOW check your answers at this great WHERE ARE THEY NOW site!
More than a few posts came in last week about the
Radio Icon, and man about town Curtis Parham
Anonymous said...
Marc and Kim are so much better than CP and Walker. They were never funny and always talked about sports or stupid things.
Marc and Kim talk about their children, family and recording stars, stuff that moms just love to hear on the way to work or school.
Glad SO glad they are on and CP and Walker are not. Their gutter humor was only funny to drunks and single men..not mothers!
Sunday, April 13, 2008 9:55:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Only good thing about Marc and Kim is Frank! He is a real pro and very funny, they are just boring!
CP and Walker are who? Sound like old guys who are still trying to get a job.
Sunday, April 13, 2008 11:35:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
All hail CP and Walker! The once and forever kings of morning radio!
Bring 'em back!
Monday, April 14, 2008 5:08:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Way to much about the past here. CP and Walker are gone for a reason, they just were not that good.
Phil is still around because he is great and so is Marc and Halerin Hill. Thank god we won't have to hear about these two has beens for another year.
Monday, April 14, 2008 7:34:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It would take Marc, Kim, Hallerin, and Phil all to carry one bucket of water for CP and Walker.
Monday, April 14, 2008 8:27:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I remember CP and Walker and they were real potty mouths. Walker got fired for his potty mouth from the Horne Radio Network because the new General Manager (who took over after they fired Mike Beveraly) got very tired of taking phone calls from mad listners concerning what he said on the radio.
Jim Ridings fired both CP and Walker twice for their mouths and all the anger they generated in the community. If they were half as good as Frank and Marc they would still be working!
Mothers and children would much rather hear the cute stories about Marc and Kims babies and the funny news from Frank than the nasty things those two had to say.
For some reason this blog has given way to CPs ego on his birthday and I won't be back until it posts something about Frank and Marc and Kim.
Good BYE!
Monday, April 14, 2008 8:51:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I agree of the two FRANK is the person who really is the reason people listen to Star!
He is just funny, unlike Marc who is insulting and kim who is just dull.
Monday, April 14, 2008 1:13:00 PM EST
Anonymous Sam said...
What? Who the hell listens to Marc and Kim?
Monday, April 14, 2008 7:31:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
For those who ask why CP & Walker are not on the air these days, they got tired of working for chickenfeed. Radio is great fun for 19-year-old boys trying to score wimmen, but radio will not pay for a house, buy food and clothes for a family, put a nice car in the driveway, etc. The smart ones get out at a young age. The way radio is run today, monkeys could almost be taught to do it all.
Hail! Hail! to CP & Walker and the Golden Age of Radio. One already gone and the other two headed that way! LOL
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:51:00 AM EST
Also a few left over from the week before.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
WVLT covered the ceremony from stem to stern. They started at 5:30 and even at 6pm when WBIR dropped out and went to news, Channel 8 stayed on the air to the end, to their credit. Their coverage was much better than 10's...actually concentrating on the podium. Terrible direction by WBIR. Just another example of how quality has slipped on the hill. If you watch the 6pm and 11pm news, be alert for all the technical mistakes, such as non-working mics, wrong reports or no reports racked up when called for, and camera shots of a co-host when the other is talking. WBIR needs a better director for local live events, one who can do the job as well make good snap decisions.
I don't know why the WIVK "family" all carried the ceremony. How many stations do you need? The ones not carrying the ceremony could direct listeners who wanted to hear it to switch over to the one carrying it. And only for about a 45-minute chuck of air time. A flustercuck if you ask me.
Friday, April 11, 2008 1:56:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think WIVK had to carry it because the Sports Animal was one of the sponsers and because Micky Dearstone is both a Sports Animal host and the announcer for the women's games.
WBIR is the station for news in this town and everyone knows it. Still they just could not get this show right. Have they fired some of their production people? The person who tried to do this show was sleeping and whoever was running the camera was also out of touch.
I agree with the person who said Beth Hanes is phoneing it in. I know she is beautiful but she sure does look bored on Live At Five.
What is going on at channel 10?
Friday, April 11, 2008 8:55:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I got it, WBIR went to shit when FARKUS LEFT!
Friday, April 11, 2008 8:58:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yep, 8 did a great job covering the event.
Also, and I'm not hatin' here, but Beth Haynes half the time has a "deer in the headlights" look when she's introducing a piece on the show. Does she ever look over her script beforehand?
Friday, April 11, 2008 9:25:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How can anyone hate BETH! She is so hot and although she is growing in the behind her face should be on money.
Channel 10 is still the best in town. Channel 6 has very good reporters and bad anchors.
8 Acts like they are on a red hot story when it is days old. They also fired some of the best they had.
When Robin retires let Beth have her job and move Russ with her.
Friday, April 11, 2008 1:18:00 PM EST
As always post early, post often and NEVER let FACTS get in the way of a great thought or rumor!
WBIR is going to do something but we are not sure it will happen today or not. We don't think they will fire anyone because we are all working several shifts and there are very few of us left to fire.
The on air work is showing the cost of letting go people and with WVLT coming after us we all have our eyes open for new work.
Another mole at 10
Yo Walker..
Kim is Kim Simmons Thomas, not Simms.
Oh, geez oh pete! Let's get off the "bash C.P. & Walker" soapbox. I'm sure, given the opportunity and the right situation, C.P. & Walker could still compete with any of the teams in K-town radio today!
Wow! After looking at the list of former tv people in Knoxville, I can understand why they should rent and not buy. Lots and lots of familiar names, but when they leave, most of us never realize it or miss them.
With all the budget-cutting moves, the future of local tv personalities does not look very bright.
The gps site is Spanish spam. Walker, I know you don't edit responses, but you should delete all spam. Otherwise, you're aaking for trouble. And to gps.
I saw a sports woman on WBIR doing the early morning weather today? Did the giggler finally drop her puppy and if so isn't there a real weather person they could bring in?
This is the same woman who did such a bad job covering the lady vols and refused to wear the orange on TV!
WBIR used to be a real good news station and would have never let a sports person, male or female cover any big vol game not wearing the orange.
10 still runs stories days before 8and unlike channel 6 their anchors are all fresh and young looking, but when a strugling sports woman is made to do weather it makes me wonder just what is going on there/
Thanks to this blog I have found and radio 101. I also have been looking at the hundreds of blogs now linked by the Knoxville News Sentinel and few if any are worth the time to read.
Radio 101 is my second favorite because unlike this one it updates more and talks about the past. I don't care very much about what is going on at the TV news stations because outside of 10 the others change their reporters so much it is hard to keep up.
I am glad Gene Patterson and Robine Wilholt are still together but to tell the truth I don't recognize any of the other ones at 8 and 10 now.
As for well at times they have some posts that really hit home. I hate that water tank they are talking about and I never miss Betty Bean or Sandra Clark when they post there but some of the people on it are just a little bit to tree hugging for me.
I voted for Bush and will vote for McCain because my democrat friends just can't find a good candidate.
Thank you for your work, keep it up.
Another West Knoxville Republican
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