Before your great posts
are posted, answered and then
ignored Zeek felt it
best to remain fair and balanced
concerning the financial
support systems other local
media outlets are plugged into.
The only MAJOR newspaper
in Knoxville (The Knoxville News Sentinel)
is owned by the light house guys and
one year ago their stock was selling for
Today you can grab it if you move really fast
for a Buck Fifty!
Like all newspaper chains
this one is also taking that twisting slide
down the porcelain bowl. Lots of ideas on saving
money are popping up from HQ and none of them
put much of a smile on the faces of the worker bees.
With the New York Times being rumored to
be less than 11 months away from turning off
the lights and calling it a night print
boys and girls all over the country are starting to quiver.
The local radio chains are also
wondering what is up with their
Journal Communications, Inc broadcasting segment consists of 37 radio stations and nine television stations in 12 states, as well as the operation of two additional television stations under local marketing agreements.WCYQ-FM, Q93.
Locally they own; WWST-FM, "Star 102.1,"
WKHT-FM Hot 104.5
and WKTI-AM Studio 1040.
Since Oct. of 2008 the stock has fallen from 5.50 to
But hold on, their stock is actually
exciting when you hold it up to Citadel Broadcasting!
These are the fellows that made James A. Dick
so much richer than he already was and put a
smile on Bobby's face that time can't erase!
Yep they own, WIVK, NewsTalk, Sports Animal,and Whatever the name of that Oldies station is.
In 2004 Citadel Stock was being gobbled up at
$25.00 a share...according to the market today it is
at .16 cents a share.
Friends it tant pretty out there
and unless THE ONE

can get the banks
to lend rather than hoard all those
dollars us TAX PAYERS are giving them,
people will continue to not BUY and by not
buying those who sell will continue to not
Still it is almost the weekend
so lets give THE ONE till Monday to at least
fire Barney Frank

. If by then you are still
in need of a 700+ credit rating to borrow
a few hundred to buy that fine used truck from
Easy Eddy's Motors, Zeek suggests we fire up the
pine knots and pull an Iceland on D.C.
Here be the latest....
As always nothing is ever edited
and no matter how over the wall your
comments are they are so appreciated!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 5:22:00 PM EST
I would rather the paper go under than any of the three TV stations. At least they try to report some news without making it a political statement.
Who buys the most local TV advertising and are they still buying?
Sounds like WATE is in the most trouble of the three. I like Gene and I also like the woman on in the morning. Lori is someone we all grew up with and she does a great job.
Ed...Ya know if the paper
expired you have to believe
some ego with money would
print a replacement. Sure it
would be smaller and on line, but
again there would be SOMETHING out there.
No matter how much you like or DON'T like
the KNS, we are better off WITH it than
without it.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 6:13:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If that is true about the WATE stock then that company looks like it is going to go under.
Would someone else buy the station or would they have to buy the company.
What is a TV station like that worth in Knoxville and does that big house come in the deal?
Ed...The question is not would someone buy
the station or the company but more like
why? Right now it would take a very special
person to jump into any aspect of media.
Remember the reason the stock of any and all
of these places is dropping is evaporating
advertising dollars. Will those dollars come back?
If so how LONG before they do? Questions like
that make the folks with big dollars shy away
from buying most media right now.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 7:51:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is anyone advertising now? How can either radio or TV stay on the air without selling ads?
I listen to HHH and his talk show is full of sponsors, so is Rush and Phil in the afternoon. Over on B 97 I never hear ads?
Ed...Sure there are some people buying but
not as many as last year and none are buying
as much. Everyone can keep drawing a check
as long as the parent company keeps sending them but
as you can see from the stock drops some of these
parent companies are in C.C.U. and starting to turn
blue very quickly.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 1:10:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A radio station that serves the local community well will survive. A jukebox will not.
By the way, on the TV thing, how come WATE's reporters continue to mispronounce Letalvis Cobbins' name? It's Letalvis, not Letavius.
ED...Jukebox radio is all over XM and
it is where more and more folks are going
when they just want their tunes. Key here is
those radio stations will never tell you
that school is closing due to the snow, what that giant
cloud of black smoke is over Kingston or
why those giant cracks are opening up in the yards
out in Halls. Keeping it local is the ONLY
way stations today can fight the real twenty five hits
in a row "pay" stations.
Anonymous said...
You write shitty stupid things in your own blog and you're the only one who thinks they're funny.
Ed....Zeek is headed to your trailer right now
with a case of TP and a loaded Crossman, better shutter the
windows and lock up the cat!
Sunday, February 1, 2009 7:22:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
This is an Obmama hater blog and all those who comment are racists. As for the blogger, he is a racists from way back and that is why he was fired from the Halls News and all those radio stations.
Ed...Betty is that you?