LOS ANGELES - The doctor who helped Nadya Suleman get pregnant with octuplets has reportedly transferred at least seven embryos to another patient.

As you look at the above CLICK HERE!
Zeek was in line to audition
for the role of a pioneer, redneck,
moon shining, whistle pig eating, sister
dating, cousin marrying, single wide
living, white after labor day wearing,
home grown smoking, poorly dressed white
trash hillbilly down at WBIR when the word
came down that the Heart Land TV show was
being axed come this fall!

background player for years Zeek took it personal
and did an "end around" run at the front desk to get
to the Grand Fromage for the scoop.
Back in olden times when the station was taken over
and the new suits reviewed the budget they
kinda thought stories about a toothless octogenarian
on a porch pushing a plunger and singing COME BUTTER COME..
were a bit over priced. Still, with the talent of Steve of the Deans behind the adventure they did a bit of financial
slicing around the edges and let the wonderment
of the good old days continue on BIR.
Zeek said the reason for the
dropping of the ax was money.
He also said he could see it, cause
when he first started as an "extra"
on the show his pay was a 5X7 photo
of him standing in front of the old
Cas Walker wall flanked by
a cut out of Cas, and John Rice Irwin.
Over the years the fame and glory were
bundled in a monetary contribution that
made Zeek always be first in line
when there was a cattle call!
So is the show really going to pick up
the mussel loader, a quart of two hundred
proof and take that one way walk out into the
woods? According to the power brokers the word
is no. The only change is those who make
the show will now be in the soon to be forming
Obama bread lines, while the shows that are
in the can continue to run.
Zeek is heart broken that the Heart Land
has lost its Heart on this the day before
Radio host Mario Solis Marich asked former President Bill Clinton if it was time for "some type of enforced media accountability.
The former President said....
"Well, you either ought to have the Fairness Doctrine or we ought to have more balance on the other side," Clinton said, "because essentially there's always been a lot of big money to support the right wing talk shows and let face it, you know, Rush Limbaugh

Staff and management at THE MEDIA REPORT
stand as a body of one against any
and all FAIRNESS! Never will
this almost award winning
publication be scared into
presenting TWO sides of ANY
issue! As with Rush, and
the other successful
seekers of truth we
believe our opinion is
the only opinion. To
allow a new administration
that so far can't find
enough boys who have actually paid
their taxes, to work for them tell
us what to say, express or think
goes over about as well as
the often referenced "offering"
in the punch bowl.
As always if you disagree with
this publication you are
encouraged to vent on the
comment page.
Last week it looked like
satellite radio just might be
going breasts up. Last minute
offers and deals are in the works
to save the industry so don't panic
yet. IF you are a subscriber and
the two networks do shut down, Zeek is
working with Tha Swang and a few other
old timers to set up a
local FREE radio station featuring
the local Heart Land Series band members
who were just throw under the buggy by
WBIR. Preliminarily plans are for the station
to broadcast on CB channel 69, provided
our engineer Sparky can get two new Chicken
Chokers and a couple of Foot Warmers at
Green Acres on Sunday.

NEW YORK -- Young Broadcasting Inc., owner of 10 TV stations affiliated with the CBS and ABC networks, including two in Tennessee, said Friday it has filed for Chapter 11 protection in U.S. bankruptcy court in the Southern District of New York.
The New York-based company said it will continue to operate the stations without interruption.
"Our decision to restructure through a Chapter 11 filing will allow the company to bring its debt in line with current economic realities so that we can emerge a stronger and more financially secure company. It is important to note that we are restructuring our debt, not our operations," says Chairman Vincent Young in a written statement.
TV broadcasters in the U.S. are under pressure as the economic downturn sends advertising revenue spiraling downward. Credit rating agency Moody's Investors Service warned last week that broadcasters entered the recession with high levels of debt and already were struggling to retain audiences as more customers turn to portable gadgets and the Web for entertainment.
At the same time, broadcasters -- and some of their cable counterparts -- are facing tough times absent must-see television such as major political campaigns or the Olympics.
On Thursday, the country's fourth-largest cable operator Charter Communications Inc., said it expects to file for bankruptcy by April 1 and get relief from creditors.
The St. Louis-based company has never made a profit since it began trading publicly in 1999.
And last December, Chicago-based Tribune Co., which owns flagship newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, The (Baltimore) Sun, The Hartford Courant and other dailies, as well as 23 television stations and the Chicago Cubs baseball team, sought bankruptcy protection amid a $13 billion debt load and sinking ad revenues.
Young Broadcasting owns a national television representation firm, Adam Young Inc., and the following stations:
WATE-TV in Knoxville, Tenn. (ABC)
WKRN-TV in Nashville, Tenn. (ABC)
WTEN-TV in Albany, N.Y. (ABC)
WRIC-TV in Richmond, Va. (ABC)
WBAY-TV in Green Bay, Wis. (ABC)
WLNS-TV in Lansing, Mich. (CBS)
KLFY-TV in Lafayette, La. (CBS)
KELO-TV in Sioux Falls, S.D. (CBS)
KWQC-TV in Davenport, Iowa (NBC)
KRON-TV in San Francisco
WTF-old news...don't wast our time on copy & paste stuff..When Walker just posted about the same stuff..give us something new or nothing at all.
Anonymous #2--You have permission to kiss my rosy red ass. I'll contribute anything I damn well please. Get off your own lazy ass and find something to contribute instead of bitching about what someone else has added. The story above is confirmation of what Walker wrote earlier. If you can't handle copy & paste, stick your head back in your ass where it belongs.
how can anyone believe what is posted on this thing? Everyone knows the bog hates channel 6 and makes up things about the station.
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