OK, I am one of the FEW who has a cell phone and has NO idea what
the number is! Mine will not take a picture,
go on the net to text, or stay charged half the time.
STILL it is better than this new slice of DOO DOO
everyone stood in line for!
The FIRST trend of the SPRING book is out and
WIVK is still D O W N five big points.
Da FROG is still 11 point ahead of
B 97, but FIVE down is still FIVE down!
Also, if you like to read these
things, take a minute and SEE
if you can find where those 5 points went?
At first glance it looks like they (the
people represented by the points) just
LEFT over the air radio? Click here, then
TYPE IN KNOXVILLE to get then numbers.
Al Gore has a bit of a problem. On the EVE of his
free publicity tour his kid done got cross ways with
the fuzz (old hippie term for POLICE) and now
Al has to dump all his pre-game
shows cause someone might say...Al why would
your kid be out of his mind on dope with a
daddy like you?
Al is a trip! LOL
Two former KNOXVILLE television news babes worked at one time for
WBBM TV in Chicago. An anchor at the station is having
a tiff with the dude that built his THREE MILLION DOLLAR HOME.
Course the story is about the dust up, but
outside of former WBIR anchor TED HALL I
can't think of ANY local TV anchors owning a
home costing a dime more than a MILLION FIVE
locally, can you?
SO who would leave NETWORK TV NEWS to anchor
news on the world wide web?
How about a gal who could pass for Lindsay Lohan,speaks five languages, was valedictorian at Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism, and at 23 is one of the youngest anchors in CNN's history
Well, from the pictures it is obvious you are an ANIMAL killer and from the posts it is more obvious that those who slime into your blog hate you!
Shame on Kersting. He leaves for a market on the nations flood-plain, and sends back coffee cups and microphone flags that are twice as nice as ours. And before YOU bring it up= "Mankiller" the Ford Explorer that nearly flattened me- is still answering calls for Seymour, and never failed to start, nor has it run over its new owners.
Walker and I go back to a time in radio where there were no mic flags..just pretty rocks.
I am in the process of re-vamping my blog and updating it. I figure if The Sentinel can, so can I. And speaking of cans, I am putting mine in the bed.
I don't have a dog in the hunt, but here are my unbiased thoughts about your blog.
It needs to be better organized and to stay on topic. Set up a Current Events section or Turd Slinging area, but the Media Report should concentrate on media. Especially local media. And not only tv, but radio, too. If you don't have the connections anymore, just drop the Media Report. When I come to the Media Report blog, the last thing I want to see is non-media pishurs and slurs thrown around. Put your pictures in a separate area, and move non media-related commments to a different area of the blog. That way, you're not editing them, but they will all be together in a section where they belong.
The only reason I visit this blog is for the Media Report, which I used to enjoy very much. Lately though, YOUR comments about Rosie and the Donald and Paris Hilton, etc., have made you look biased and foolish. Put them in an opinions or current events area and they will fit perfectly. But keep the Media Report for that media news we never hear about--like the cute news reporter at WVLT who is leaving or the big format change at WXXX. Otherwise, your blog will be worthless to everyone but you. I enjoy the pictures and comments a lot, but they need to be elsewhere. No malice intended in these comments, but I do hope you'll at least consider them.
New things all going after the Progressives! It is so YOU and you are nothing.
Why would anyone admit they enjoyed anything you wrote? I also agree with the post that you look very foolish and I woudl add that you should stop blogging and join the KKK!
As for your hate of the democratic party you best get over it before the election because we are going to be taking the country back and you will again look foolish.
I do disagree on one point with the poster that called you foolish. I have yet to find ANY cute reporters on WVLT. In fact the reporters they do have couldn't find their way to a fire if it was in their control room!
I just read the blog and can't understand why someone is upset over no media news? The first story is about some old DJ from Knoxville and all the others talk about either print or TV?
Heck it is all media coverage! I had no idea that Channel 8 was beating
When will they fix that? I watch 10 but I bet heads will roll at 6 after reading those ratings posted here!
We all know you're dumb, boy.
But BLIND too? "
Dumb is an acident at birth...blind is a combo of glacoma and these clouds growing over my eyes.
I will give you this..the other morning I did turn on the TV (I get up between 5 and 6 but I would rather READ than watch the box) and it was on 8. A damn cute BLOND was working with Yarbrough (I think he is one of if not THE best anchors in Kvle) and she certainly backs up your arguement of nice looking gals on WVLT.
Tip from an elder statesman..Try to get out a bit more and stop lusting after these TV ladies. Most are smarter than you and all of them would point..laugh and run like hell if you said hi to them!
I agree that Bob Yarbrough is one of the best anchors in town. Very believable, very dignified, and intelligent enough not to pronounce Luttrell as Lu-TRELL'.
As far as cute goes, in my humble opinion Robin Williams is the queen of cute in Knoxville TV, but how can anyone say there are no cute women on WVLT? (see the list above) with number one far and away being Stacy McCloud.
In fact, the old adage about "channel 10 blonds" is no longer valid, in my opinion. Channel 8 is tops in cute-dom.
There's a Knoxville radio hall of fame???? And Eddie Beacon is the first inductee????
Man, we could go around and around on that. Beacon probably deserves to be in, if for no other reason than longevity, but how about:
Doc Johnston
Al Adams
Joe Anderson
Claude Tomlinson
Walker Johnson
Curtis Parham
Eddy Roy
I could go on...
So Elton was in a snit at having to walk, eh?
I'm not clear on why a queen is outranked by two princes, but, I'm just saying...
Mr. Johnson keep up the good work... every time the libs attack... it just shows their real colors... as you are aware no one is as smart or as worldly as the libs... of course if it was not for government cheese they would all starve... whole bunch of quit in them and just sitting around waiting on the cheese truck... not me I rather keep all my money and kill what I eat...
We are all coming down to hear
this band! Sounds like
The Cream on stool softeners!
See you on the deck!
Walker=homophobic loser."
Hey WJ..I knew you had the liberal knoxviews folks posting but I didn't know you had a rump ranger!
Watch your step, they might jump you and give you a hair cut and a facial!
Also Elton John gives all
gay people a black eye he is just
a pushy old man.
WE love your BLATHERING..keep
sticking pins in the liberal hide and we will keep reading!
Somebody's a little too "gay-focused".
Makes you wonder whether the last poster has "identity issues."
"" Heck it is all media coverage! I had no idea that Channel 8 was beating
When will they fix that? I watch 10 but I bet heads will roll at 6 after reading those ratings posted here! ""
It's sad to me that channel 8 psychos come on these blogs and write inaccurate crap. GET A LIFE!
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