WBIR.com has a place
where the unwashed can talk
about all sorts of pressing
and not so pressing thoughts.
A post on there today
wanted to know WHERE the COPS
were directing traffic
Naturally we answered it
I'd like to know where traffic control was after Boomsday was over? "
THEY were practicing for the first UT home
game...they have hiding down to an art
form when it comes to mobs over 20K!
Kaboomsday looked outstanding on da TV! AT
LAST after 3 years of stumbling around they learned what a few of us old time radio kids found out in the early 90s....Folks come for the FIREWORKS and thats about it!
Hey we had NAME bands back then .. all of it free .. and we still pulled well over 300K so we dropped the bands ... went with local pickers and yep still had over 300K show. Before JACOR the founding company of Boomsday sold out to Journal
the mob had grown to a shade under 400K and the bands and pre-game show was cut way back.
Three years ago the newbies tried to bring back
a show across the road (old worlds fair park) and naturally it tanked...could have told them it would cause we had tried in a decade or so earlier.
Last night...it with the exception of some out of step elderly women trying to tap dance..the TV show was all firecrackers! Again...the old stuff was even better and the "magnitude" of the explosions were the best yet!
WVLT VOLUNTEER TV and the VOL NETWORK have announced the rebroadcast of all University of Tennessee football games Sunday nights on MyVLT2.
WVLT and MyVLT2, recently named as the official flagship for the Vol Network, are expanding on their commitment to providing the Big Orange fans of East Tennessee the most comprehensive local sports in the region.
Sunday nights at 7:00 p.m. MyVLT2 and the Vol Network will rebroadcast the previous day’s game. The two hour viewer friendly broadcast, produced by the Vol Network, will feature complete game coverage with Bob Kesling, Tim Priest, Rick Russo and Mike Stowell.
In addition to great, Vol-friendly commentary from the Voice of the Vols, MyVLT2 viewers will be treated all the behind the scenes action, like the team meeting before the big games that only the Vol Network can provide.
When the action ends on the field, viewers get to hear from the Top Vol himself. MyVLT2 will air an encore presentation of THE PHILLIP FULMER SHOW Sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. after the game.
Then MyVLT2 turns it over to the fans as WVLT VOLUNTEER TV’s Mark Packer hosts THE LOCKERROOM at 10:00 p.m. offering armchair quarterbacks the opportunity to discuss Vol football in the hour-long call in show.
MyVLT2 can be found on Comcast channel 8, Charter channel 11, Communicomm channel 14, Knology channel 8, Haywood channel 6, Adelphia channel 73, Cumberland County channel 12, Morristown channel 9, Harlan County channel 3, Access channel 10, Evarts channel 41, Tri-Star channel 10, DirecTV channel 30, and Channel 8.2 on over the air digital TV.
Ten years ago Chuck's X
died in France. Since
the wreck more than a few have felt
everyone from the Queen to Bigfoot
was behind her death. Folks with no
life but a ton of time on their hands
have tried to pull the meat from the bone
and figure out who killed the woman.
If you are interested here is a
nice site that not only gives you
a look into how she died but also
finally clears ELVIS as the possible
The latest ARBITRON Numbers (radio station ratings)
are showing some fast growth coming out of Clinton/Halls!
The new country station is now in a tie for 8th in the market
12+ according to both Radio and Records
and Radio Info.
THINK ABOUT IT...a start up station
comes out of the box with some
really fun boards and nothing else and
KABANG they jump into the face of
the big GROUP OWNED stations!
Yep just about the time we all
had given radio up for dead locally
something like this happens and lord
help does it put a smile on our faces!
Had a question about KaBOOMS DAY
show up this AM and thought I would
share it here and in the comment section.
"Mr. Johnson:
Got a question about Boomsday.
The ads for the event call it the "20th Anniversary" or,
"The 20th Year for Boomsday".
If I'm not mistaken, the first Boomsday was in 1988.
That would put this year's event at indeed the 20th year, but not the 20th anniversary.
The official Boomsday site says "since 1987, Boomsday has been......")
If the event started in 1987, this would be the 20th anniversary but the 21st year.
I still think it started in 1988, not 1987.
But I figured since you were there, you would know.
Just wondering..."
LORD if I can remember??
CP will know he and I were at so many and yes we did
do the first one. I know
We got back together in 1987 on the old
U102. I also know the chain that owned us
(JACOR) put on these same shows on the same
day in at least Tampa and I think Nashville?
Anyway I can tell you that FIRST
Boomsday was flat scary for us.
Here we were BACK and hosting this
event and at 5:30 in the afternoon
the two of us were just about the only
ones there! We sat up on the corner of the
upstairs deck (It is all enclosed now)
at the Rib Joint on the river and
went on the air about 3. Brother we
lied like a cheap rug about how the
crowds were growing by the minute and
then Curtis said something about a boat
coming up river? Like ants headed to
an outdoor family reunion boats of all
kinds started chugging up to the bridge.
Cool part was on that first BOOMSday more thought
had gone into the fire crackers than
the safety of boaters. I think
some dude from the TWRA finally started
shepherding them out of the fire zone after a few
tied up right UNDER the bridge.
Long story longer that night over 100,000 showed
and when the paper reported it Bobby at IVK
went nuts! No matter what the crowd grew into
Bobby would always say there was NO WAY that many
people were down there! Oh and when word got back to
WIMZ that people were coming on that first evening
they raced down to the city county blding garage,
set up their van and started giving out
IMZ balloons. U102 folks took them and popped them
in their face and IMZ tucked tail and went back home!
SO in answer to your question...We were there in
87 and I think the plan for Boomsday was in
place before JACOR bought the place. In
other words, I can't remember! LOL
Do YOU want to get into
the mud and sling a few
dirt clods? Knoxville's
number ONE local news
station...WBIR has
just created a site where
you can expound on all the
(did I say crooked??) antics
on display by members and
co-conspirators of the
Knox County Commission.
Click right here, but bring your
own rail and tar bucket!
A certain staff member who
just out of the Harold Ford
Rehab Center (couldn't afford
Betty's) just found this
web cam and named it
the BUM CAM. Not a CLUE
what this Lout was thinking
and he will be dismissed
very early in 2012