Knoxville has jumped up in the TV market rankings.
Local Television Market Universe Estimates
Comparisons of 2006-07 and 2007-08 Market Ranks:
2006-07 Knoxville was ranked 60th..in
2007-8 it has grown to 58th.
LOCALLY the BLOG WARS continue
Here is the skinny...
Knoxviews.com is the far far left side
of the coin and they hate
us good ol Republicans.
Brian is fighting the good
fight..and we should all swing over
and ready his thoughts.
That said..here be the link.
Remember when TV was NBC...ABC...and CBS?
For the first summer ever, ad-supported cable will have double the viewership of broadcast TV in prime time, with a 52.4 share, compared to 24.2 for the six major English-language broadcast networks.
SO the next time a TV salesperson turns up
their nose at you because you are
thinking of buying CABLE smile
and tell him to check out who
has the biggest slice of the
prime pie NOW!
Do you REALLY take
seriously? A new
reality show has a few
of the lady news readers
hot under the Max Factor!
If you are tired of the
blond guy with the
drops of white spit in
the corners of his mouth
guess what.... you are
not alone! Exec producer
Tammy Haddad is officially
out thanks to Chris Matthews
becoming the lowest-rated
host on MSNBC primetime.
Wednesday’s top 10 programs in the Knoxville DMA:
1. WBIR/NBC Nightly News (630p) 13.9
2. WBIR/NBC 10 News (6p) 13.7
3. WBIR/NBC Wheel of Fortune (7p) 12.1
4. WBIR/NBC Jeopardy (730p) 10.0
5. WATE/ABC 6 News (6p) 9.7
6. WBIR/NBC 10 News Nightbeat (11p) 9.5
7. WBIR/NBC Live at Five (5p) 9.1
8. WATE/ABC Inside Edition (530p) 8.6
9. WBIR/NBC Today Show (7a) 8.1 (22.3 share)
10. WATE/ABC World News (630p) 8.1 (14.2 share)
Back window thermometer read
102 at 5:45 yesterday.
The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
The trees are whistling for the dogs.
The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
Hot water now comes out of both taps.
You can make sun tea instantly.
You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
The temperature drops below 95 F (35 C) and you feel a little chilly.
You discover that in August it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.
You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter.
The cows are giving evaporated milk.
Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs
We be talking about TALK RADIO!
If the POLL worked be sure to vote, if not
then tell us what you like and don't like
about it!
NewsMax looked at the more than 4,500 radio hosts
— and the 25 who are most influential
in shaping the political and social landscape.
Rush Limbaugh
Bill O'Reilly
Don Imus
Michael Savage
Sean Hannity
Laura Ingraham
Glenn Beck
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Neal Boortz
Al Franken
Mike Gallagher
Howard Stern
Bill Bennett
Opie and Anthony
Ed Schultz
Michael Medved
Randi Rhodes
Jim Bohannon
G. Gordon Liddy
Diane Rehm
Larry Elder
Michael Reagan
Tammy Bruce
Tom Leykis
I really liked the list of top radio talk people...where are the liberals?
Any change the person or group making up the list was a LEFT wingnut?
More right wing crap! Here is a thought try just once saying something that is objective and not filled with republican talking points!
I like women anchors on FOX and on WVLT in the morning.
The rest locally are either way too old or just too cute. Cute is fine in elementry school but not for TV!
Or as a famous female star once said, "Cute? Cute? Puppy dogs are cute. I'm beautiful, dammit!"
I agree with CUTE DAMN IT...
I am one of those "womem anchors"
and I know that we have be more than smart and good at what we do. Well guess what we ARE!
Sit in on a meeting one time and you will find our voice is the one that forms what you see on the air.
A good set and white teeth are all it takes to be a GIRL anchor!
Most of the news is just re
hashed junk that has been on all day.
Local news is car wrecks and the weather. So if there has to be someone reading it then why should that someone not be HOT?
The reason the Knoxville tv market jumped from 60 to 58 is because of the incre4asing number of illegal immigrants in the area. (And they are baby-making machines!)
(And they are baby-making machines!) Do not forget
the many black babies being born every day and rasied by their grandmothers!
Wow. Just the kind of well-reasoned and intelligent comments one would expect from your faithful readers. Maybe you should try to improve your following by borrowing the Truth Squat.
Maybe you should try to improve your following by borrowing the Truth Squat. "
You forget this is the same man
who we had the pleasure of firing from our paper because he made up ratings stories about WATE and also made up stories about Lori and their parent company Young Broadcasting.
Our paper is founded on the truth and he was blinded to it by the fact that WATE would never consider hiring him. Gene and Lorie both told us he constantly
tried to get on the air and they bothed laughed at the tapes he sent in.
This blog is just more of the same out of someone who has no talent and was always a nightmare to edit! Yes spelling IS important if you are going to TRY to write.
Who would want to work for 6? I thought walker was in radio, did he also do TV news?
As for the paper..what paper are you talking about? Are you really someone who writes?
I have to question whether one of those "womem anchors" is "smart and good at what she does," if she can't even proofread or spell-check.
She must have gotten the job on her knees or on her back.
Quit your bitchin' and get back in the kitchen, girlie.
When someting like 911 happens who do we see on TV? Right, we see men anchors. Women are not up there and never will be as long as Katie still crys on air and that
odd woman on the TODAY SHOW whimpers about global warming right after she reads a news
anonymous said:
"Yes spelling IS important if you are going to TRY to write."
BUT in the same comment -
"Gene and Lorie"
Gee, you critical ass, I sure hope "Lorie" is reading this.
"She must have gotten the job on her knees or on her back.
Quit your bitchin' and get back in the kitchen, girlie."
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