IT BE FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOKS LIKE WOKI (don't ask me where it is
now on the dial cause they move so much)
"Just wanted to be sure you heard it from us...
At 10 a.m. this morning, WOKI changed its format to "Oldies".
We're very excited about the change - it's a proven format in the Knoxville market &
will fit beautifully with the other formats Citadel in Knoxville has...
I would encourage you to listen today & this weekend, if you can!"
there is a "POLL/STUDY" out and it
says..."US public sees news media as biased, inaccurate, uncaring.."
I THINK the second ANY news anchor (National nets and cable are the worst at this)
asks an EXPERT we should all throw things at the Zenith! KIDS, they hire these SHILLS to enhance their POINTS OF VIEW.
SO remember when you see "EXPERT" under
the face or hear the name used...THROW (pillows work great
never want to kill the Zenith cause that is
where UT FOOTBALL is when you can't
find a ticket!) and then hit the FLIPPER!
Thursday’s top 10 programs in the Knoxville DMA:
1. WBIR/NBC 10 News (6p) 14.1
2. WBIR/NBC Nightly News (630p) 13.6
3. WATE/ABC Judge Judy (7p) 9.4
4. WBIR/NBC 10 News Nightbeat (11p) 9.3
5. WBIR/NBC Live at Five (5p) 9.0
6. WBIR/NBC Today Show (7a) 8.3
7. WVLT/CBS Without a Trace (10p) 7.7
8. WATE/ABC 6 News (6p) 7.6
9. WVLT/CBS CSI (9p) 7.5
10. WBIR/NBC 10 News Today (6a) 7.4
Do you ever watch NBC DATE LINE and the show
where they lure nasty old men into
a TV report on web dating?
Here are some thoughts about
the show...what are yours? As always post
early and often!
Summer time and the air is
nasty...For a look at both
the mountains and the air
quality check out Look Rock
and a great view of the Smoky
IF you are a WBIR news fan
riddle me this one.
Do you think they were used
by the lawyer and his woman
to enhance their filing
event? Check it out and
let me know what you think!
Dash over here
and start POSTING! UNLIKE knoxviews.com that bans great
posters this joint is wide open! Sign up for free and go for it!! I post
wonderful things here and so far have yet to be bounced. I did get a fist
waved in my face a few times from Knoxville's FAR far FAR left but that
was great fun and I kept right on.
ALSO PLEASE leave a post or comment here also! Just moderated (bad word because I
let ALL posts on) one about someone mad at the lack of originality in the new
radio station coming to the area. Whata think? Just click comments and get in the game!
SORRY about the POLL
problem...not a clue what
is going on at blog headquarters
but they assure the staff a
solution will be found before
we all grow old!
You are in the middle of some kind of project around the house.
Mowing the lawn, putting a new fence in, painting the living room, or
whatever. You are hot and sweaty. Covered in dirt or paint. You have
your old work clothes on. You know the outfit, shorts with the hole in
crotch, old t-shirt with a stain from who knows what, and an old pair
of tennis shoes. Right in the middle of this great home improvement
project you realize you need to run to Wal-Mart to get something to
help complete the job. Depending on your age you might do the
In your 20's: Stop what you are doing. Shave, take a shower, blow dry
your hair, brush your teeth, floss, and put on clean clothes. Check
yourself in the mirror and flex. Add a dab of your favorite cologne
because you never know, you just might meet some hot chick while
standing in the checkout lane. You went to school with the pretty girl
running the register.
In your 30's: Stop what you are doing, put on clean shorts and shirt.
Change shoes. You married the hot chick so no need for much else. Wash
your hands and comb your hair. Check yourself in the mirror. Still got
it. Add a shot of your favorite cologne to cover the smell. The cute
girl running the register is the kid sister to someone you went to
school with.
In your 40's: Stop what you are doing. Put a sweatshirt that is long
enough to cover the hole in the crotch of your shorts. Put on
different shoes and a hat. Wash your hands. Your bottle of Brute
Cologne is almost empty so you don't want to waste any of it on a trip
to Wal-Mart. Check yourself in the mirror and do more sucking in than
flexing. The spicy young thing running the register is your daughter's
age and you feel weird thinking she is spicy.
In your 50's: Stop what you are doing. Put a hat on, wipe the dirt off
your hands onto your shirt. Change shoes because you don't want to get
dirt in your new> sports car. Check yourself in the mirror and you
swear not to wear that shirt anymore because it makes you look fat.
The cutie running the register smiles when she sees you coming and you
think you still have it. Then you remember the hat you have on is from
your buddy's bait shop and it says, "I Got Worms."
In your 60's: Stop what you are doing. No need for a hat anymore. Hose
the dog crap off your shoes. The mirror was shattered when you were in
your 50's. You hope you have underwear on so nothing hangs out the
hole in your pants. The girl running the register may be cute but you
don't have your glasses on so you are not sure.
In your 70's: Stop what you are doing. Wait to go to Wal-Mart until
they have your prescriptions ready, too Don't' even notice the dog
crap on your shoes. The young thing at the register smiles at you
because you remind her of her grandfather.
In your 80's: Stop what you are doing. Start again. Then stop again.
Now you remember that you needed to go to Wal-Mart. Go to Wal-Mart and
wonder around trying to think what it is you are looking for. Fart out
loud and you think someone called out your name. The old lady that
greeted you at the front door went to school with you.
In your 90's: Stop what you are doing
We think you work for WVLT.
As for WATE...we are number two
and in certain spots number 1!
Viewers want a change and WE give it to them. We are the station for breaking news and weather, we also have the longest running weather and news anchors in East Tennessee and we are the FIRST televisions station in Knoxville.
10 keeps running OUR STORIES..and they are OUR stories..most of that
film was edited from OUR files!
As for WVLT, they are still just jokes and if you will LOOK at the real numbers you will see we own them at 5:30 in the afternoon and at 6 And 11.
Yes we DID get you fired from the SHOPPER and if you ever dare write again for a paper we can and will do it again. Unlike us YOU make news UP!
I love it with the newbies in the bidness get all beet-red and go
on little tirades.
FIRST television station in Knoxville?
Who cares?
You haven't been first in the ratings
in more than a quarter-century.
10 still cleans your clock @6 & 11.
8 cleans your clock, more often than not @11.
That 8's even competitive at all is testimony to what folks over there have done the past five years, and
8 manipulates the numbers.
So do you.
The only difference is, Walker's more prone to drinking 'VLT's questionable Kool-Aid than yours.
You have some talented people.
Frequently, you guys turn great stories. But all the gimmicks --
the "rule-of-threes", the side CGs,
etc.---drown the meat in a pool
of noise.
So far, all I've heard from Victory radio is that it's a Contemporary Christian version of Jack or Earl. No personality, just music.
Ho Hum.
WVLT sucks big time...but they do beat 6 so what does that tell you about 6?
Insiders at 6 are scared to
death now that WVLT is the
TV flagship station of the Vols.
They know it is just another step away from third place which is right where WATE wants to keep channel 8.
Consultants run the station as the other poster said and the fact that Gene is looking for a job..we hear it is in government..tells you a
lot about how bad things are.
Lori could do it alone but who would watch?
another religious station on the radio dial is as needed as another church in West Knoxville.
it is a pure shame to waste
that new signal.
I DID see wbir cover the thing and yes it was a set up from the get
The real paper was also there. I guess it is just to good a story to pass up..but being used does stink.
what in the name of cas walker are you talking about?
Personally, I like newspapers. I do not like to read news on a computer screen.
I think there is a general "dumbing down" of the population in America, and the demise of newspapers, while not a cause, is certainly evidence.
People can't spell and don't use proper grammar. The newspapers used to be good examples of good English usage, but just recently in our own News Sentinel I found a columnist misuse the word "whom" (it is an object, as in "he gave the ball to whome?" not a subject). I have also seen in the last few days the word "penultimate" used to denote the absolute ultimate in something or another. The word actually means the next to last.
But beyond such admittedly pickiness, I'm convinced that no one wants to read or hear anything that doesn't confirm their already held convictions. Which is why you read letters to the editors demanding that certain columnists be removed from the newspaper, or as has been seen on this blog, posters admonishing Mr. Johnson to "go away."
I rue the day when there are no more newspapers. All that will be left will be made-to-order websites that will reinforce political, moral, or social convictions, whatever they may be.
The Professor
The handwriting is on the wall. Has no one noticed that WATE is not #1 in any news time period where all three stations go head-to-head with local news? In the past year's worth of ratings books, WVLT has been #1 at Noon and #2 at 11:00, beating WATE. Saying that the cumulative daily 6:00 A.M.-11:30 P.M. news dominance by WVLT over WATE doesn't count is shere nonsense. Stations that live by the old 6 and 11 news numbers will die on the vine. The 6:00 and 11:00 newscasts were created when "Leave It To Beaver" was the number one sitcom on network TV. Lifestyles have changed more than the number of news directors at WATE over the past years. There is no need to get personal, call names or attack anyone here. Simply, realize that WATE and its consultant driven big-city-Yankee-minded-in-your face newscasts do not fly with the people of East Tennessee and if you took away OPRAH! at 4:00 and Inside Edition at 5:30 away from WATE, WVLT would already be the strong #2 at 6:00 as well as 11:00. All three stations have excellent people on board. What beats WATE is its poor editorial judgment and an apparent void in the vision department. But, no one should count their chickens just yet; not WBIR and not WVLT, even with its new UT contract. One GM running WATE along with two other Young Broadcasting stations right now is a great indicator they're on the block. Everyone needs to stay humble. They may sell to someone who knows how to run a TV station and treat a newsroom full of good people with respect.
They may sell to someone who knows how to run a TV station and treat a newsroom full of good people with respect."
OR to someone who will fire the
consultants who are killing them!
I've always been bothered by such programs as "To Catch a Pervert", or whatever they call it. I agree that for the journalist, it crosses the line from observing to participating.
Having said that, this program, and others like it, are indicative of how the news business has evolved (devolved?) over the years. Such programs are entertainment, not news, and should be viewed as such.
The Professor
EARL MUST DIE..no hold on..EARL did DIE!
WOKI and OLDIES? Who cares,
XM here.
Former Frog Person
Earl had way too much COUNTRY music on to beat JACK.
WOKI as an OLDIES station will
not work either...you watch...they will try to play country on it also.
I love WDVX and JACK in that order but I agree with those who have XM..when I get my new car next month I will make sure it is in it.
Just hope I can still figure out a
way to hear WDVX!
Hey, Walker, do you know the ratings for the WBIR Friends of the Smokies telethon from 7-8 last night? That's the highest rating Judge Judy will have for some time coming.
Then you will need a LOT of money. XM is the future.
Random Thoughts:
WOKI as an oldies station? Might work if they don't play the same 300 songs and instead play 3000. The appeal of the oldies channels on XM is variety. Hearing something that was popular way back when but maybe not a Top Ten song. Those are used to death. Will WOKI wise up or do it the lazy way?
Competition is good but Knoxville doesn't need any more than two stations in the same format. Another Christian music station is ok, but they'll have to boost their signal and drop the network from Nashville, and actually hire local people to make it a local station and somwhat interesting.
I've always thought one of the reasons WVLT wins the noon news is the strong lead-in from The Price Is Right. With Bob Barker now retired, we'll see if Drew Carey can keep up the momentum. If he fails, it will affect CBS stations at least in the Eastern time zone.
I agree with many of the things said about WATE, but one of the things I hate most about their news is the morning anchor Bo Williams. Sometimes he will have presentations that makes him seem like a high school teacher explaining the facts to the dumb kids. Highly irritating!
Two Spanish radio stations in Knoxville? The world is going to Hell in a handbasket. Now this is a true waste of resources. Let 'em learn and use English. If they don't want to use English, back to Medico on a fast rail.
Now that the NFL is gearing up, we have another year to look forward to all Colts and all Titans games. I understand why they are aired here, but I'd like to see some other teams from time to time. This makes Sunday Ticket on DirecTV seem more viable every day.
Now that we have 60s music on 98.7 and 80s music on 93.1, who'll step up and do 70s music exclusively? Anyone willing to carve out their niche in, say, dance music, or true instrumental jazz music done correctly, or some other minor format that will never win second place but might be something different. Hey, what's wrong with losing money in a new way?
WVLT, with the exception of one or two, still has the hottest chicks in Knoxville television. Especially Stacy. Yum.
Has the NBC Network sold its soul by showing poker on late night tv? Things really must be desperate when you're number four.
And another thing. Good help in Knoxville tv must be hard to find. Constant misspellings on the chiros, and they're not all typos. (But even the national news channels occasionally do this--doesn't make it right, but Knoxville is not alone.) And the master control operators are constantly screwing up, both on the local newscasts and also usually later in the evening. Aggravating.
As long as people have birds in cages, there will be a place for the News-Sentinel.
What's the biggest waste of a radio frequency in Knoxville? Try 95.3.
I know this is a bitch session. Deal with it. Walker, keep up the good work. The more arrogant a-holes you can irritate, the more my stock in Preparation-H goes up.
Oldies on 98.7 might work???
give me a break. unless they put some local talent on the air and get involved, they'll continue to pull their usual .8 or 1.0 in the 12-plus numbers.
FM lover
WOKI...The True Oldies Channel.
Another satellite radio offering which has no local input, no local DJ's, and will probably pull no numbers.
It's sad, because with a format like that--and I admit the music is good--it could really make some noise in the market. But corporate doesn't care about that.
Thank God for the local stations that still do it right.
..."What's the biggest waste of a radio frequency in Knoxville? Try 95.3."
No, try AM 850 on a weekday!!!!
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