In KNOXVILLE here be
a few PLACES to check OUT!
Any places listed in the Haunted Places requires permission to visit or investigate. Many of the places are patrolled by the authorities, trespassers will be prosecuted.
Knoxville - Baker Peters Jazz Club - Baker Peters Jazz Club is a known haunted site in Knoxville. Now a trendy & expensive Jazz bar, it was once a Civil War era residence. The baseline of the story goes that the house was built by a Dr. James Harvey Baker. Dr. Baker's allegiances in the war are disputed; some have him on the side of the Confederates, others have him as neutral. Either way, he did have at least one son that we know of named Abner who fought staunchly for the Confederates (other versions have Dr. Baker with TWO sons on opposing sides of the war). During an invasion by the Union army in 1864, Dr. Baker was treating wounded Confederates in his home when the Union army arrived and demanded the surrender of the men in the house. Dr. Baker refused and barricaded himself and in his bedroom. The Yankees invaded the house, raced upstairs and shot him through the door. Upon returning home, 22 yr old Abner vowed revenge on the person who informed the Yankees that his father harbored Confederates. He did kill the informer, a postmaster, but was later killed by the informer's friends in a return act of revenge. Legend has it that Abner has refused to leave the house that he and his family fought so hard to retain. The house went through several changes of hands before becoming a jazz bar, which was likely very disrupting to whatever spirits are there. Baker Peters claims to have a framed photo of what looks like Abner's ghostly reflection posted somewhere in the restaurant. Other accounts report employees experiencing chills, hearing whispering, objects moving or being thrown from shelves and breaking, and even (in the early days) discovering a hanging candelabra in a dining room with the candle holders twisted downward.
Knoxville - Bijou Theater - Rumors has it that this theater located in the middle of the city is haunted by a man. The theater was once some kind of army hospital way back when. It gained publicity by local radio station...Voices and even sightings have been heard there.
Knoxville - Halls High School - It is said that in the late 1970's a young girl was having a fight with her boyfriend at the top of the stairs by the office when he pushed her and she fell to the bottom of the stairs. He left her to bleed to death. When the boyfriend got nervous, he went back to where he had left her and she wasn't there. No one knew where the girl had went and he told no one of what he had done. She was filed under "missing persons" and no one ever found her. One year later on the day of her murder, the boyfriend was on his way home from a party when he was stabbed and killed and left for dead. No weapon was ever recovered nor was anyone ever convicted. It is said that is was his high school girlfriend that came back from the dead to avenge her murder. Supposedly, many strange things happened in that stairwell that caused the school board to close it up. The doors are locked and it now leads to nowhere cause it has been built up at the top. There are many boxes of storage in there and no student is to be allowed in there at anytime. At night it has been reported that janitors can hear arguing, and sometimes you may even hear something falling down them.
Knoxville - HillCrest-North Nursing Home - Building "B" - was built in 1951,the oldest wing of the Nursing Home was originally used as a T.B. Hospital and years later turned into a Nursing Home. The building is of the Art-Deco style and has six floors and a basement. Many who have worked here, have seen ghosts. The ghosts have been of dead people who have worked there years ago, such as Nurses and Maintenance Men who still feel compassionate towards the building and residents. Hillcrest is known for it's caring staff. Living and Deceased.
Knoxville - Lakeshore Asylum - The original structure burned down in the 1920's, but the gutted ruins remain. People have reported hearing the screams of patients being beaten and shackles being thrown around.
Knoxville - Lennox Place - Lennox subdivision - Not many of the neighbors want to talk about it but some do. The whole Lennox subdivision has experienced ghosts. It is not a house but many houses that see the same ghosts. A man with white hair, in a long nightgown. A young girl with long blonde hair. They are mischievous mostly and not mean. They like to open people's garage doors in the middle of the night. Rattle dishes. Unlock doors during daytime when the owners are away so that they come home and their house is wide open.
Knoxville - Old Grey Cemetery - Supposedly haunted by a black shape. Mainly seen late at night moving through the tombstones.
Knoxville - University of Tennessee campus - Strong Hall - The Women's Residence Hall, Strong, is said to be haunted by the ghost of one of the first female students to attend the school. It is said that she appears in the lobby mirror every year on her birthday. Students have reported strange noises at night, and Sophie, the ghost, is said to take a dislike of sexual indiscretions.December 2003 Addition: "Sophie"... One of the most popular rumors is that the 4th floor Resident Asst's room is considered to be "Sophie's" room and that anyone assigned to that room is teasingly/affectionately nicknamed "Sophie's Roommate". Some have even gone so far as to say that no one RA has lasted more than a year in that room. While Sophie is generally depicted as a benevolent spirit who wants to ensure that the women of Strong uphold their moral decency, many younger students are afraid of her still.
My favorite “media” memories of Halloween were writing stories about what the local radio mob was doing to scare up some ratings. Two of my favorites were when the original Mark and Kim of Star spent the evening in the basement of
Baker Peters on that special night. Kim could tell you stories! The other was the time Mike Hammond and the WIVK kids spent Halloween night ghost hunting in the Bijou.

Real media haunts include the old WIVK building on Kingston Pike (Old timers can tell you some “basement” stories that will curl your hair)..and the mansion on Broadway where WATE has their studios and offices. That joint’s owner was stone cold dead for five days in the manse before anyone found him and folks have said they can still smell him cooking breakfast upstairs!
The current SCARY story in radio has to be the reports that the morning guy on WWST flew into a rant about his competition on the FROG and reportedly said they (the WIVK morning show) were doing 80s radio? Bless his heart if that means they are doing news, bits, taking calls on the air, giving stuff away and playing the hits then he might wanta give it a try! From the numbers it sure looks like more than a few listeners “prefer” 80s radio over long protracted rants he allegedly engages in!
WIVK-FM Citadel Country 25.2 23.5 20.6 21.1 19.6
WWST-FM Journal CHR/Top 40 7.1 8.1 7.7 7.1 7.2
As always your comments are welcome and remember if you are going to roll a yard or soap a window please go with biodegradable products! Al Gore would so appreciate it!
Here are the latest comments…ADD YOURS NOW
Anyone hear the rant from Marc on STAR about how bad the WIVK morning show was?
He was out of the box in insults and even Kim was still!
Who is this guy and why would he go off on a show that has 2.9X the listeners as his?
Friday, October 26, 2007 6:21:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Radio is dead because it has no
idea how to get people to listen!
Music is so not the answer because MUSIC is found around every
How about some FUN?
Could work?
Friday, October 26, 2007 6:23:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Yeah...heard that rant about ivk the other morning..he always does that...why in the world would you even bring up that station...but he is always bashing them...would be different if their show was kicking their ass...but thats not the case...Kim and Frank were kinda speechless...letting the dude rant...but of course, he always seems to think he's better and smarter than everyone else anyway,so there ya go..
Saturday, October 27, 2007 3:47:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I think Hal Hill beat Marc and Kim 12+ this time for goodness sakes!
Sunday, October 28, 2007 7:59:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
guess he figures if he gives them down the road,it might make a few more listeners turn their way...but that station is always smashed by ivk....they should say were Number 1 ...right after the toad station...they would be correct it most all books...wonder if he knows how much of a cry baby that makes him sound...feel sorry for the other 2 having to hear that crap all the time...
Sunday, October 28, 2007 8:32:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Kim and Frank are class acts, but that Mark Anthony dude is a bald, jealous, big piece of crap who would likely not do well in a market bigger than Knoxville. Maybe he is jealous because WIVK, a station double the size of his, would NEVER hire him. Whoopdie-do, you work at Star 102.1, who gives a crap!
That station is not established and has sucked since the end of the old U-102 days. Mark is NOT a reflection of the local market and should leave. At least Kim has been in Knoxville radio for years and Frank is polite enough to adapt; heck Frank has worked at all three of the big radio groups in Knoxville over the past five years, and has still seen fit to stay.
I think it's funny how WIVK now has a part time jock named Mark Anthony as well!
Sunday, October 28, 2007 6:45:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Is the guy on the pop station Marc or Mark? Was there a Mark before this Mark?
I do remember Frank when he was on with Phil at WIMZ and we really enjoyed hearing him when we drove the kids to school, he was really funny and added class to the show.
Why don't they use him more? I agree that Mark or Marc adds very little to the show and most mornings sounds like he has a chip on his shoulder!
Monday, October 29, 2007 8:56:00 AM EST
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