WHAT A WONDERFUL WEEK WE JUST HAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FOUR of the stories that made us go,
DANG were:
1.. THE DAN FARKUS!!! Friends in all fairness I think this guy is
doing OK. Before you jump on him too hard check out his pedigree!
2.. THE RUSH LIMBAUGH! Lord help I had
NO idea when the "STAFF" said in the
afternoon meeting we needed
to talk about RUSH LIMBAUGH the
pure HATE and rage it would generate!
I was so AGAINST talking about the guy!
Heck everyone knows just the mention
of the man's name makes the far
far left grow fangs and pool
massive amounts of spittle!
I was told my vote didn't count
because I was crippled by age. We
ran the story and boy did the rats
come out of their HOLES!!!!!
You commented and commented and
here is RUSH'S SIDE.

3..THE DON IMUS! Kids how
cool or NOT COOL would it be
to have this wonderful old curmudgeon
on the air right here in KNOXPATCH!
You naturally had thoughts on the
return of the Don and they were
as always WONDERFUL!
Brothers and sisters we
SAID it was just a rumor but
certain posters took it
to heart and embraced it
as FACT! Staff wants you
to know the story is still
in the rumor box until
the WATE MOLE says
the deal is done!
As aways..YOU the POSTER
made the blog a heck of a read last week!
THANK YOU and if you would like to continue to
post this weekend...fire at WILL!
The great POSTS from last week!!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 8:21:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Why is everyone picking on the Fark
Man? He is a nice guy and knows his sports.
Go after that old woman who anchors on 6 or the fat fool that cooks on 8. Leave Fark Man alone!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 8:23:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
That fat fool on 8 helps WVLT keep their reign in the 12 Noon news block. (Plus the Price is Right and their new fat fool)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 9:03:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
I just checked this blog..what a ridiculous waste of time.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 12:52:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
The Fark IS irritating. I don't want a nice guy who reads the sports like he is talking to pre-schoolers. Maybe the above poster has a crush (even a mancrush) on him.
And I like that Fat Fool on Channel 8 at noon. He keeps people tuned in for the whole half hour and not bailing after the weather. The other two stations noon hours are very boring. And sucky.
No wonder Knoxville radio is so bad. There are so many stupid people running the statios it boggles the mind. They'll never learn, so they can kiss their assets goodbye.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 1:06:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I hate the damn Democrats. They will really screw up the country if they get totally in charge.
The left is so desperate that they will latch onto two words uttered by Rush Limbaugh, take them out of context, and then beat a dead horse over and over, all in an effort to take attention away from the moveon.org fiasco.
Almost every aspect of what the Democrats do is hateful and devious. They hate Bush and the right so much they will do anything to get power. But it WILL backfire on them. They learned from Bill Clinton a long time ago to lie and lie and lie and keep on lying, and to not shut up.
Those lying Democrats are wanting to legislate the Fairness Doctrine for talk radio and television. Because their Communistic ideas are not popular enough with real people to keep an audience. So they want to jam it down out throats. It won't work, and I pray that the Fairness Doctrine never becomes law. Because it is not fair. It reeks of Stalinism.
Some idiots post on this blog criticizing the Right, Republicans, Bush and Rush. As always, no new ideas, just blame and hate. Got news for ya--the folks on Fox are keeping the leftist networks from dealing propaganda to the masses. Someone to call the networks on their lies. Fox is not going away, and is becoming more popular than ever.
I firmly believe that if this country ever falls, it will be from within, and likely because Democrats and the Left failed the country. They'll let terrorism grow, let the damn Mexicans take over because they don't have the stones to patrol the border correctly, let China and Russia drive us into the ground economically, and weaken our military because they don't like them. To hell with them all.
I hate the damn left. And if you don't agree with me, you can kiss my ass.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 1:23:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I just checked this blog..what a ridiculous waste of time.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 12:52:00 PM EST"
I agree and here are the reasons.
I work for WATE and just because we are dropping FOX at ten is no reason to say they are mad and dropping us. We have a great news product at 11 and because we often rank higher than WBIR at that time we are tired of doing stories at 10 that they try to run out and cover before 11.
Also the link to Rush was a black eye to anyone who posts on Gene's blog at WATE of knoxviews.com
Both are great blogs and certainly do NOT need the hate speak that comes from this blog.
Unlike the author of this blog I have and still do work in media. It is so obvious this person has never been where I have been and is nothing more than a viewer. Until they have put in a few YEARS working for a real radio or television station they should stop trying to lie to professionals!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 1:24:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I am a professional broadcaster with over 30 years experience. There is a lot of lying on this blog, but it seems to come mostly from liberals.
If these tv and radio stations are operated so well, why are there so many problems with them? It's fun to sit back and read the tit for tat volleys fired here. One thing is constant from generation to generation. There's always an abundance of stupid people.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 1:42:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I don't know who that person was that said they work for WATE but I really do and I had no idea FOX was going to drop us!
I wonder when they are going to tell our staff? Does anyone know if there are going to be other cut backs? Come on please fill us in.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 1:43:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I just checked this blog..what a ridiculous waste of time
Then why are YOU here? You like it and you know it. heh heh
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 1:44:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I love WIVK in the morning and I do not want a bigot on when I drive my children to school
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 2:27:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
We got Imus off the are and we will also get Rush off the air.
Watch what you let POST here or we may have you taken off also!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 3:55:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
We all just need to get together and have some drinks...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 7:36:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I love don imus and he always was talking about country music so
i am sure he would be a great one to do mornings at IVK. When does he start?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 10:35:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
QUOTE-"We got Imus off the are and we will also get Rush off the air. Watch what you let POST here or we may have you taken off also!"
Spoken like a true fascist. Although I will say that Imus took himself off the air. Had he not made that verbal slip, he would still be on the air and YOU wouldn't have made a difference at all. The comment about Rush? I suppose a Democratic-led Congress and a Democratic president could begin to take our freedoms away. One more reason for the Right to keep the fascists out of power.
Thursday, October 4, 2007 4:58:00 AM EST
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