I just got this:
Keep Michael Grider of WNOX and his brother in your thoughts and prayers. Jonathan Grider was stabbed in Oak Ridge...including having his throat slashed...and is now at UT Med Ctr.
Michael has had to go from reporter to now being a spokesman for the family. I can only imagine the stress he is experiencing.
Jay Kersting,
Good WEDNESDAY morning!
The HISTORIC KNOXVILLE RADIO site has a really cool old poster of the line up from the long dead WETE!
The station was the AM radio side of WATE
television and evolved into WRJZ in 1976.
The CEO of the blog managed to get a job
doing afternoons there after a guy
let it slip that there was an opening
and said “guy” was going to apply.
Both the Boss and this guy were
working at WKGN and not knowing that
the Boss was a veteran of many
radio back stabbings
he shared the super secret
info of an opening at WETE with him.
Quickly the Boss exited the control room
found a phone and called the WETE Program Director.
Being familiar with his
snappy wit, fine deep voice, the Boss's $110.00 a week salary
Don Patrick (WETE PD) hired the Boss
on the phone for a knee rattling salary of $145.00 a WEEK!
Moving from WKGN to WETE
was like going from the penthouse to the outhouse.
The Famous 1340 was
slick, played hit tunes, and was a jumping off
place for announcers to move to bigger markets.
WETE was an eclectic group
of really great announcers
coupled with a sales/management staff that made Herb Tarlek look like a genius.
All in all WETE was great fun
and as is said so often in radio
the inmates truly did run the institution!
NEW...the L I N K S are now in white. The staff said it was much
easier to find them with the new color format.
For some odd reason the BIG PAPER ran a look
at the radio ratings over the weekend.
Friends if you want to see CURRENT ratings
and find out just where all the dawgs are
running in the race just click right
HERE! Yep, the numbers the BIG PAPER
ran were correct but again if you want
CURRENT numbers..as in what is going
on RIGHT NOW in local radio tap
that new WHITE link!
IMUS is back according to Drudge
be sure to check their site today
for more details. Right now they
are saying he will be starting December
I just hope he returns spitting nails and
fire at those who slithered around in the
dark to get him canned. I also hope he remembers
his last day on the air and how H. FORD Jr.
ran under the rug on him! GO DON..WELCOME

Vote early and often on
the question about Al Gore
winning a prize for
PEACE by boring us with
a movie on his thoughts
on the environment!
As we all have been told
by Al he is very big on
going GREEN and because
we believe in equal time
we found a great inside
link outlining some of his
biggest ideas on
Please check it out
before you vote!
Also before you vote
on Al Gore's big win you
might want to take a look at
what SCIENTISTS are saying about
global warming and Albert's
point of view!
More to come as it happens...be sure to check
Drudge for the newest details on the long
awaited return of DON IMUS!
And as always after
you vote feel free to
drop in your comments!
In case you didn't know, the Nobel Peace Prize is about as legit as the Heisman Trophy. Everyone in East Tennessee gets that analogy!!
OH, and in 20 years, or less, "An Inconvenient Truth" will be the latest incarnation of "Reefer Madness" with kids jamming up their dorm rooms for a great belly laugh!!!
President Gore and yes he should be..was given this great award because he could see the future and unlike the man who robbed him of his office..he wants to do something about it.
Soon the oceans will rise over 20 feet, the ice at both polls will be gone and there will be no water
in the US.
These are facts that President Gore has shown us but so far nothing is being done.
He needs to be our next president so he can correct the problem.
Draft Al Gore
Draft Al Gore? Ha Ha That's today's belly laugh!
Liberals suck. But they're good at it!
Oooooeeeee....sounds like somebody's cranky. Expecting bad results, perhaps?
Channel 10 has a sign in their newsroom that says, "Accuracy First." But when it comes to sports, very often they are inaccurate in subtle ways. They'll get a score right, but the wrong winning team. Often they don't do their homework correctly and pass on wrong information. And like today, in talking about Todd Helton and the Rockies, they get the winning streak wrong. Yes, not that important, but if you're going to stress "Accuracy First"...maybe you should actually come through on that. My, how the mighty have fallen when it comes to quality.
Maybe they smoke pot in the break room before going on air.
Perhaps you smoke pot in your breakroom.
Keep Michael Grider of WNOX and his brother in your thoughts and prayers. Jonathan Grider was stabbed in Oak Ridge...including having his throat slashed...and is now at UT Med Ctr.
Michael has had to go from reporter to now being a spokesman for the family. I can only imagine the stress he is experiencing.
Right now the local news in Knoxville is just about hitting the lowest of low.
Why didn't TV get into the thing with the county government. Why did they sit it out and report as the newspaper made the news? Can you say no vision or talent? Print is strong in East Tennessee and TV news is not!
"Why didn't TV get into the thing with the county government. Why did they sit it out and report as the newspaper made the news? Can you say no vision or talent? Print is strong in East Tennessee and TV news is not!"
WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? They, TV and radio, were all camped out at the city/county building. Sure, KNS is going to focus a little more on all the specific tangents because THEY are the ones who filed the suit.
Anon Wednesday October 17 8:00:00PM
= Master Baiter.
You bit.
WVLT just echoed the fact that they are the worst and most pathetic local affiliate in the market this weekend. Please bear with me, this will take a little bit.
First of all, I am not taking a shot at their talent. I am especially fond of personalities such as Rick Russo, Scott Blalock, Craig Edwards, and Alan Williams.
But their programming heads need to be taken out back and dunked in the pond. For instance, all weekend long, when I tuned into WVLT, I was reminded SEVERAL times through whorish promos and crawls at the bottom of the screen to "Stay tuned after the games for complete All-Vol coverage" or whatever the hell. On the TV guide, WVLT had an hour block set aside for local "All-Vol" news/sports coverage from 7 - 8pm Saturday night. So I decided to tune in. Understandablly, because of the Florida game, programming didn't start at 7pm sharp. But again, because of the promos, and because of the TV guide on their website and online, I expected their local programming to last until 8 pm.
I'll be damned if WVLT didn't start airing a damn infomercial at 7:30!!! Why promo hour-long coverage and whore yourself out as the new "Vol Network affiliate" when you pull a stunt like that. I just flipped over and watched WBIR, which continued their local news broadcast until 7:40, complete with more sports coverage.
I suppose infomercials can bring in a "bang for your buck," but that stunt was just pathetic. Didn't you make enough money during your football game spots for the day!!!!!
WBIR should've lured away Rick Russo a long time ago. By the way, thank you WVLT, I now can't watch The Phillip Fulmer Show live on Sunday mornings. Besides, I would rather watch John Pennington's show on WATE LIVE now instead.
Besides, I would rather watch John Pennington's show on WATE LIVE now instead."
BUT the giant problem there is John is on WATE! As everyone knows that station is nothing more than a want to be in the world of UT sports.
WVLT has it all with the
exception of Sunday Sports Talk.
WATE has nothing AND their local news is a bigger joke than the UTs defense.
Sorry but WATE is just a joke in the market and if John whated viewers he would move over to 8 or try to get on 10
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