remember last week when the MEGA paper ran those
radio ratings? LOL
here be the REAL ONES!
No let me talk to you like
a brother IN law!
I think WIVK is trying to
get folks who pay THAT DAMN MUCH
for a SPOT... to think like it is 1999!
No really...the world of local radio is
shrinking faster than a T shirt bought
at Wally World! I so believe they
(WIVK) are twisting and turning
in the ratings wind right now
cause the playing field has been
so BLOWN up! That said,
you do what you want and you believe what you
want but the next time the big paper runs
RATINGS..Please hang around for this tired ass
blog and let us link YOU to the truth!
Amen to the poster commenting about WVLT. Too much good talent with such crappy management.
(Not saying that ALL of their on air people have talent- they have both the worst and some of the best in the market)
Just a reminder that not ONE media outlet, except the fat mustachioed one at this keyboard, reported the death of the assistant mayor of New Delhi, India at the hands (and feet, and tails) of angry monkeys.
And you call yourself journalists! Bah!
Damnit FOULK I so love you for
reporting that! Beats the living shit out of the trype or is it tripe...you know HEAD CHEESE that is being printed about the Wests and that pool of dorks called COMMISSIONS!
It is blatantly obvious that you hate WIVK, I'm not really sure why. You FAILED to mention that WIVK is STILL double over anyone else, and you FAILED to mention that radio ratings are down overall amongst all the top stations in the survey (WNOX is up...that's good news). Are you going to call out anyone else, or is the frog just your favorite target? they must be doing SOMETHING right, to still be double over anyone else, and winning every imaginable award in catagories that they are eligible to participate in. Play fair.
Hey Walker, this doesn't really apply to this post, but, did you ever find out the real story behind Kim Stephens getting axed at WBIR waaaay back in the 90's? I remember that she was hired by WVLT after leaving and then she went to Cali. She now works for KMPH in Fresno and even has her own blog: http://www.communitycorrespondent.com/kmph/profiledetail.php?id=537
Just wondering if you had any insider info?
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