radio history blog
posted a newspaper
ad from back in the 80s
and asked the question WHO ARE
THESE FOLKS! His Zeekness
just about spilled his 40
when he saw the pictures!
He not only did hard time
with a few of those on the
Ad, but also owes money
to a most of the others!

See if you can identify
these captains of radio!
Post your answer and the person
that gets more than half of
the names right will win
absolutely NOTHING!
Zeek is working on
a rumor that those
who have over ten years
in at WBIR are being given
early retirement packages.
The completely unfounded
rumor (yep those are the best)
added the packages are being OFFERED
and not forced on the graying
side of the staff.
had Tim go toes up does anyone
still watch? If you have been
slogging through the lisping Tom
since the funeral you are to be
congratulated. Bottom line is
NBC is sending Mr. T back to
the ranch and bringing in
a new hater of the right wing,
yep Howdy Doody (a network nick
name for this guy) and a real
hater of GW and the boys is taking
over for Tom. Show of hands of
those who care?
Lots of the cyber mail
was gravy stained and
had a slight Ripple smell due
to the holiday. Still a few
folks managed to send in their
Byron Chesney said...
Hey Walker, I enjoyed hearing you on WJBZ with Mike in the Morning yesterday. Great job with the new CD. btw... you and Mike sounded great together again, you might seriously consider that comeback...
Thursday, November 27, 2008 9:14:00 AM EST
Ed...Zeek is managing the
former radio Icon's career and at this
particular point in time a comback is
always being considered but never
by those who write the check.
As for the CD... Yuletide Dreams...
It is on sale at South Land Books in
Maryville and all the proceeds go to
the Empty Pantry Fund. A concert featuring
the songs from Yuletide Dreams is in the
works for South Land Books soon.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Walker...
How about dropping all this stupid shit and giving us some info on the damn media, for once! 93.1 just changed formats. Give us the scoop, man. Or have all your sources dried on the vine? And more info on the tv stations and the newsrag at KNS.
Make it a MEDIA report once again, not this crap you've been feeding us.
Thursday, November 27, 2008 5:19:00 PM EST
Ed...Staff has a question
does feces have the capacity to be
intelligence or stupid? To answer the
question we found this CT scan of
the posters head!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We got to hear the songs tonight and they were really good, bought a CD also!
With all the boring nothing news going on right now the media report has been refreshing!
Giving time and money to those who need it is what Christmas is all about.
Tell Zeek he done good.
Ed...Zeek has been
basking in the spirit of the
season and is floating on a Yuletide
cloud produced by some wonderful
herb tossed in his open car window
two weeks ago on MLK.
Thursday, November 27, 2008 11:13:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You are your blog are so hated! You SAY you are media but you talk about shit and never get any of the media stories right.
I hated reading you in the Shopper and am going to stop reading you now, unless you talk about the positive side of local TV news. Your hate for WATE is open and obvious and we can see right through it.
You are too old and ugly and stupid to ever be on TV or ever write for a real paper (Halls News) again so just
Friday, November 28, 2008 9:17:00 PM EST
Ed...We are
crushed that you still hate us
after all these years. We don't hate you, but
we do have a very young copy boy who isn't fond of
your SUV!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nice job UT this guy sucks!
Fire the AD and bring back
Majors as AD! UT has not been UT since the fat man ran him off.
Friday, November 28, 2008 10:04:00 PM EST
Ed...Zeek tried to have a
drink with Majors the day before
UT hired the new coach but when he knocked on his
door the pool boy sicked three pitbulls on him.
By the time Lifestar arrived and the medics
found Zeek's leg and fingers the ink was on
the paper and Majors was out of the hunt.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Walker, regarding 93.1's switch last week, this is in R & R Magazine...
"It was good news-bad news for Citadel's venerable WIVK/Knoxville on Wednesday (Nov. 26). On one hand, fall phase one results showed the station off to a great start with a 19.5 12+ share. By the end of the work day, however, it also had a competitor, Journal's WCYQ, "Q93, Today's Continuous Country."
Q93 replaces the '80s format of WMYU. According to Chris Protzman, VP/GM of Journal/Knoxville, "We've listened to what Knoxville radio listeners have been asking for quite a while, and that was a radio station that would play their favorite country hits of today without constant interruptions."
The station officially launched Wednesday afternoon at 5 p.m. with a promise of playing 10,000 songs in a row and plans for "several major promotions in the coming weeks." WCYQ already has a Web site up and running at"
And as they say, that's the poop.
Ed....BOY do we love the past coming back
around. A quote from the release has been
used more times than the late great Anna Nicole..
"We've listened to what Knoxville radio listeners have been asking for quite a while, and that was a radio station that would play their favorite country hits of today without constant interruptions."
LOL!!!!!!!! Get this Journal, the REASON WIVK
wins is they do NOT play continuous tunes. Yep, they have
humans TALKING and they talk about KNOXVILLE. Oh
one more hint...IF listeners want no talk all music they
can have it with terrestrial radio! The FROG is not worried, but
Journal should be.
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