Media Column
A contest! Name all three of the above men and you could win a Lexus LS460L!
1. Name all three men
2. Find a contest where a Lexus LS460L is being given away
3. Enter the contest
4. Follow the rules of the contest
5. Win the contest
Hints 32 years ago these three worked together in Knoxville
at WKGN. Two are still alive, although they no longer live in
East Tennessee.
Last week the local media buzz was about the large crack that formed in the earth, the falling of the stars from the sky, the spotting of the 6 heavenly horsemen and the local TV overnights showing WVLT is now beating WATE at 6! Naturally the ratings overshadowed all of the above.
"Andy this is big really BIG!"
Since WATE gave up news reporting and became the 60 Minutes of North Knoxville their viewers have started to migrate over to WVLT. Unlike the days when Margie could jump ship and take the passengers and crew with her, today the moving of a TV news audience is a long and slow process. When WVLT started out west (behind the good liquor store that unfortunately moved) they just kinda plodded along while WATE and WBIR laughed at them. Now, with some solid talent and local news reporting they have been beating WATE daily at noon, at times at 5 and last week they started kicking them at 6!
So what is going on inside the mansion on Broadway? What happened to Mat and Gene and Jim? They are still there, but as WVLT continues to welcome their former viewers into the channel 8 camp and WBIR just keeps on beating everyone, you have to wonder if the WATE "News Director of the Month" is not considering some changes? I flat like Jim and so do a ton of sports fans, so I would have to think he is safe. Gene is politically connected in town which normally would be a big liability but because he is Gene I would hope they would cast eyes elsewhere. Mat? Well hell it is just weather who cares.
So who can the new News King set a drift on the ice?
Heck who do YOU think it will be? Face it management will always eat their young before they will admit they have screwed up so who will be tossed in the oven? Hit the comment doober and expound. I am sure you can hide your real e mail and name and I encourage you to do so. Blogs that ask for anonymous comments and then later out the writer are run with about the same ethics as certain local TV news departments! It won't happen here!
Frank Erwin, Joe Anderson, and ?...darn, I guess I don't win the Lexus. I'll just buy one!
I entered for the Lexus. Where do I pick it up?
Is one of the guys Billu Bob Thornton before "Sling Blade" and Angelina Jolie?
Or not...
Jay Kersting
Since Lori is so good, easy on the eyes, has proven herself in this market for years and kicks Robin's butt every night, management, in their twisted thinking, may want to sacrifice her.
Matt? Like you say, just the weather guy. So that's an easy shot if you want a new face on the air.
Gene? Is it time for him to go into political consulting?
Maybe the ND at WATE wants to wait and see what Big Hair will do at WBIR when he moves into the anchor chair after the November sweeps.
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