Monday 10-2-06
Last week WATE Anchor extraordinaire, Gene Patterson announced on his blog that he would feature the county Mayor on his TV news chat show. "Mike Ragsdale breaks his silence on the Tyler Harber stories by Betty Bean in the Halls Shopper. In those stories, Harber (a former County employee and political soldier for Mayor Ragsdale) claims while working for the County, his workload was zero because his “real” job was doing political work for the County mayor. Harber claimed that Ragsdale was aware of his involvement with CasWalker.com, a mean-spirited website that attacked numbers of local officials; and that Ragsdale knew of Harber’s involvement in the hacking of former GOP Chairman Chad Tindell’s computer."
Personally I never watch anything on Sunday that does not have the words, Big Orange or SEC in the title, but after reading the three part series on the County Mayor Gene's show became a must see. Bless his heart he (Gene) so tried to Chris Wallace the Mayor but he would never rise to the bait. What he did accomplish in the half hour was to get Mayor Mike to go on record as saying the facts in the big Harber story were "simply not true." Although Gene never got a finger waving, dry mouthed, venom filled Clinton response from the guy, he did get him to take a hard stance on the question. Children politicians NEVER take a hard stance on anything, especially questions about why they hire kids in their early twenties and keep them on staff after they commit very public "HE WAVED A BADGE AND SAID WHAT?" loaded frat boy acts. So if someone does investigate all of the above and finds that this Harber dude was telling a modicum of truth, bet your grandmother's golden key burial policy on the fact that Gene Patterson will have Mayor Mike all over WATE saying "that is absolutely not true" as someone in blue tells him to watch his head as he piles in the back seat of a caged ride.
The only downside to the show, besides having to miss the "Hal Hill It Is All About Me" Sunday show on 10 was Gene said in his blog (Mayor Mike) " believes the stories were generated out of a personal vendetta by Betty Bean and Halls Shopper editor Sandra Clark" when what really happened was he asked the politician if he thought the two Shopper women were out to get him and his answer was like all of his other ones, NO. Still it was fun to see the two guys at the big table and hear Mayor Mike either taking the high road by denying all of the Harber charges or digging his grave by doing the same thing!
Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou was found resting in his car just after 3.20am yesterday. Police received calls about a car causing an obstruction at the junction of Cricklewood Lane with Hendon Way, North West London. They found the Careless Whispers singer’s Mercedes stationary at the lights.
He was taken to the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead where the singer was placed in a holding room for hours while officials begged for volunteers to pump his stomach. At last a bed pan orderly, who had been accused of pinching a HAZMAT suit from a local nuclear facility volunteered for the job under the condition that he both could wear the suit and everyone involved, would keep mum after the job was done.
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