One of WBIR's most popular former anchor/reporters
is fighting cancer for the second time.
When I wrote for the real paper (no not the one in HALLS!)
I never did a story on this woman that didn't generate
letters and e mails complimenting her work and style on the air.
Please remember her in your prayers as she
again fights this insidious disease.
The July 2007 sweep is complete and WBIR-TV delivers 18 of the top 20 shows:
WBIR also delivered in the July 2007 sweep:
· Winning 9 of 9 weekday day parts (early morning, day, early fringe, early news 1, early news 2, prime access, prime, late news, & late fringe)
· Receiving 38% in market share of the primary 5 stations (nearest competitor had only 22%)
· WBIR/NBC’s over-all prime had a 34% advantage over its nearest competitor’s prime
"We're not condemning bad behavior, but Michael Vick is innocent until proven guilty," SAY WHAT???????????? READ IT ALL and get back to me OK?
We will be at the LIBRARY! We got to hear you at Music Row and
will be back for this Thursday.
Keep playing those old songs!!!
I have copied your "poll" and sent it to everyone. You should had something about Victor or how about
Beatty Bean! They would make wonderful co-county Mayors! LOL
What time does the folk group play Thursday?
It's a damn shame that WKGN is now a Spanish Squawkbox. One of the less than a handful of Knoxville AM stations that can broadcast after dark. (At least they got decent ratings before their last format switch.) Wish someone with balls would buy it and make it a great LOCAL station.
"We're not condemning bad behavior, but Michael Vick is innocent until proven guilty,"
OK we get it...because you are a
bigot and a REPUBLICAN you are trying to point out a MISS QUOTE from the Atlanta NAACP chapter.
Your right wing attitude will not work this time. The NAACP has done more for Atlanta than SHERMAN and just because some right wing newspaper miss quoted them don't get all excited with your racial
over tones.
Is it because Mr. Vick is black,therefore we should give him a get out of jail free card?...Question I have is,where is Big Al Sharpton and brother Jesse?...they should already be on tv pleading his innocence,and how if he were a white man,everybody would leave him alone...oh I forgot,they only take on cases that
where they know they'll look good,and that they'll come out on the winning side...kinda makes you think they don't want anything to do with Mr. Vick and his posse!!
and I'm sure as heck WATCHING YOU!
Guess OJ was innocent too!!...of course he was lynched becase he was black...not because he was guilty!!...ability to earn a living!!..if Vick is found guilty,and isn't able to play the GAME of football,with all the millions he's made,he should be able to live out his years in leisure...or get this..he might have to get a REAL job!!...and even if he's found guilty,people will always say he was framed by the MAN...and that is soley because the color of his skin...same old story..blah..blah..
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