"A Texan is walking through a field,
sees a man drinking water from
a stock tank with one of his hands.
The Texan shouts to the man
'Hey don't drink that water,
It has cow shit in it!!!!!!!!!!!
The man shouts back
'Soy Mexicano, yo no entiendo inglés.
Hábleme Español.'.
(I'm Mexican, I don't speak English.
Speak Spanish to me)
The Texan shouts back,
'Utilice ambas manos,
usted conseguirá más para
(Use both hands, you'll get more to drink)
ATTENTION old (seasoned)
RADIO KIDS! Some fine
folk have put together
a blog that looks back
at the twisted history of
would LOVE to have you
check it out. Uh what?
Well heck yes I am MENTIONED
LOTS of mud being tossed
between FOX and CNN these
days. The most watched
Cable News Network in this
or any other country (FOX) is
upset after CNN used a
blog as their fact hole in
called Bill O a racists.
Lord help if you believe
ANY of the media today...especially
the national network news tribes..just
about ANYONE who does not follow their
path is a racists.
Granted, most of them
have the credibility of
a far left community tabloid but
STILL some folks actually
believe them! If you missed
the dust up here is the history
AND the latest.
Hint in news it is the one who does the
worst job...no REALLY check it out!
OK OK OK!!! The reason we have NOT posted
is up until last night this week has been a mega media BORE!
THEN bang here comes the Arbitron Trends followed
right behind by an insidious story concerning
one of the most useless of government agencies..the
good old FCC!
Looking at our local radio stations
after the second trend of the summer
makes me wanta write a song! Nope, too
hard...I will just steal one and jack with it!
How about rather than "WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE"
This second trend of the summer shows the trap
door falling open at WIVK and the FROG
wide-eyed as it looks into the abyss!
The highest rated country station in
all the kingdom is now in the teens
12+! Oh yea kids, and even with all the
hate talk about UT football their
sports talk station is seeing cracks in their
line! As for their NEW "oldies"
attempt on the old WOKI..well don't ask!
It isn't JUST the WIVK Juggernaut that
is bleeding....check out the numbers all
the way down the list and you will see
LISTENERS are taking a powder! Account
Weasels will tell you it is just a
"summer" thing but don't drink their
Kool Aid. It is a combo of children downloading
and creating their OWN music radio stations
on those T tiny little things at the end of
the strings coming out of their ears..
A N D the growth of OUTER SPACE RADIO!
Here is where the black dog of the
government comes into play. First
never forget the FCC is not there to
help YOU ..its only function is
to CONTROL one of the freedoms our kin
fought the British for a few centuries back.
That said as satellite radio grows the
FCC shrinks and man if there is one thing in
this world a government agency hates is to
shrink! Ya think they will just shut down and
let us control what we hear by NATURAL SELECTION?
Not a chance brothers and sisters and the
proof slammed me between the eyes
when I read..
" FCC Chairman Kevin Martin
said this morning that his agency
is considering forfeitures against
XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite
Radio for a series of rule violations
tied to receiver standards and power
levels for terrestrial repeaters."
YEP they are reaching their claws
into something that is growing daily in
popularity and gives the listener an
abundance of choice as to what
bounces out of their car and home speakers!
Remember IF terrestrial radio keeps
exploding it will wither the tree the
FCC loves to prune and cultivate.
Katie's news on CBS sucks
like a super charged HOOVER
and she knows it! The upside
is she continues to dig
her own grave with her far left
mouth and at the same
time she is squaring off against
none other than Dan Rather!
If those two come to blows
we ALL WIN no matter who remains
The Washington Post says
that congress is actually
buying into Al Gore's
carbon footprint horror
story! One member wants
to charge you another .50
for a gallon of gas and
keep you from building
your dream home, because
of Al! Scary kids very scary!
Locally the steam is
draining from the story
about the big paper lawing
Knox County Government
King and Queen Pins.
Watching the fine coverage
on our local TV news
outlets leaves our staff
saying both sides kinda
smell like the back
side of the compost heap.
As with all stories
your comments are so welcome
so jump on in!
Don't forget to vote early
and often in the poll!
Are you surprised that WIVK is experiencing diminishing numbers? Please. Like the rest of Knoxville radio, it is boring with tired and worn out teams in the morning. Pick a station. It's all the same. Really boring yakky people producing really boring shows. The only one remotely interesting is the 103.5 syndicated JB and Billy and that stuff is pure and predictable redneck humor. It's no wonder people are going elsewhere. Alas, we are finally seeing how mega broadcasting companies can ruin successful locally owned stations.
Bring back CP and Walker!
Andy and Al are really wore out
Mark and Kim are not funny but Frank is.
Ashley? Nothing there at all
Tripple H? I can't pick him up and when I do he is always talking about black people.
I agree that there is little to nothing on except WDVX but their
djs are very bad.
I only listen to radio for the music and I can't tell you who any of the dj's are. I do not have XM and will not be getting it because I can hear MPR for FREE along with
WUOT and WDVX. I don't think any
of those stations are on XM?
Also on Saturdays I take my radio to the games and am not alone. WIVK is not on XM right? Then the game will not be on XM? Until
it is I will keep what I have both in my pocket and the car. Also until XM can tell me if school is closed it has no value at all to me.
A fan of local radio
I love Andy he is funny and
not bad looking! WIVK rocks and
it is the only station we have on
at work. WIVK gives us our music, the news and sports.
The big reason I keep it on is
all of the people there from Andy to Gunner have been with the station forever and they feel like
family to me when I wake up and then when I drive home.
I could care what some survay says, WIVK is the best.
Are you just now figuring out
the media lies to you?
I get all my news off the web because I can look at more than one point of view and read the stories.
Television news is a thing of the past for those who really want to find out what is going on.
I am a voting democrat and a progressive also.
My favorite radio station was WKGN and I graduated from Central in 1967. We talkeda about it at school, won T shirts and knew the names of all the people playing the music. WNOX was more music and it always sounded like they were from another town, but WKGN let us request songs, came out to our school and when I got to UT they were right there doing dances and even broadcasting from the strip.
Today I have XM and the reason is
outside of WIVK there just isn't another local station on the air that makes me feel like WKGN did. So I hear the old songs on XM and also some talk shows but when I try to tell my grand kids about WKGN they just don't understand.
It would be wonderful if at least one more generation could grow up in Knoxville with their station, I was so lucky!
Phil is a good coach and we all want him to stay. The press does not lie and WIVK is still a great radio station.
You and your blog are a problem and you need to just go away!
I've always felt that small subtle changes in the radio wars are the results of who gets the ratings books for that period, although they can also be indicative of current trends. People are searching for something different but still entertaining. No matter how great steak tastes, you get tired of it if you eat it three times a day every day. Same with radio. No imagination, no fun, no risk-taking (within the rules, of course), no local involvement or information (which takes hard work, by the way), no variety, no desire for professionalism or excellence. Just a it-on-my-ass-and-do-as-little-as-I-have -to attitude by management. And ownership that won't free up the pocket change to make things happen. People usually don't work for free, no matter how much they like their work. Promotions and fun ideas cost money, but no one wants to pay for them. With all the entertainment choices available, local radio will need to do more to gain and keep listeners. If it's a music station, variety is the spice of life. The same 300 "core" songs aren't going to cut it. If it's talk, some intelligence and talent is needed, whether local or national, and even then, variety still plays a role. These latest ratings are so fragmented, it means that people are searching for something different, they have left the local scene altogether, or it could be just who received Arbitron books this time. But I think it starts at the top with ownership and trickles down. Local managers can only do so much with the resources they have, and after that, the vines wither. Throwing money at this problem doesn't solve it, but it can create an environment for growth in so many ways. But as long as industry personnel are satisfied with what they have, don't bet the farm on any innovative changes. That would require some imagination and creativity.
Phil is a good coach in some ways, but he has become fat and satisfied, and his recruiting skills have gone to sleep. And not everyone wants him to stay. Sometimes new blood is needed. This year's team is really boring and lacking in the skills areas. If Ainge goes down, it's boo hoo all over Big Orange Country.
The press DOES lie, usually on the left side. People started learning with the Clinton era that if you tell lies long enough, loud enough, and often enough, finally people will begin to believe those lies and defend them. Add in a touch of moral degradation and power thirst, and you have what we have today. I don't trust anyone except Fox News anymore, and they could also become corrupt unless they police themselves every day.
Granted, WIVK is a great station, but that is not etched in stone. The day they take their status for granted and also become lazy is the day the downward slide begins.
And finally, this blog is great because there is no censorship here. The left-wing nutjobs hate it because they finally see the truth showing up in a forum they cannot control. Every year these leftist fruitcakes inch closer to the values of communism, and left unchecked, would lead us down a primrose path to destruction. In the end, denial of Biblical principles and teachings are the roots of all our problems. People can justify their sinful actions in the name of justice and freedom, but they are liars. As God has said, you are either for me or against me. Hmmmm...that sounds like something said recently by one of our leaders.
I just went to the link for the
ratings and that person that said it was just a lack of ratings books is nuts!
WIVK used to have over a 30 and now they are under 20? If that is a blip I would hate to see what a
SLIP looked like!
I like the new country station out of Halls they play better music and don't have as many commercials!
Regarding ratings books, there are more stations than just WIVK. Their ratings dip is due to other reasons. My comments apply more to the bottom half of the ratings. There are stations there who have never (or rarely) appeared in the ratings. Are they all that greatly improved or could it be some of their listeners got the books this time? The next two or three books will tell the story for them, as well as for WIVK. Get your head out of the Frog's ass. Your last sentence tells the story to a certain degree on Froggy.
I don't know what books are and I don't really understand ratings but I can tell you WIVK is only on in my house on football saturdays.
My kids think it is a redneck station and my husband and I both hate the sound of country music.
In the car we have MPR on or
the 80s station and at home we have radio off the dish if we want music.
As for TV news we go to Fox at night for the Shepard Smith report and in the morning either the Daily Buz or MSNBC. There is a wide range in all of there reporting and often they are either wrong or just giving parts of the story.
I have no idea why they are so bad but most everyone I knows agrees they are not the place to find out what is really going on.
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