On a personal note I am just beyond excited (hard to get beyond anything at my advanced age) about the return of Don Imus.
Al Sharpton Says Citadel
Should Meet With Journalists
Don Imus' apparent new employer,
Citadel Broadcasting, has been keeping
the National Association of Black Journalists
waiting since early last
week on the association's
request for "dialogue" over Citadel's reported
plans to put Imus back on the air in seven weeks."
I think it is way out of
line that Citadel would
even CONSIDER meeting with
your shills AND now that the
meeting never happened CITADEL
gets a big GOLD STAR!!!
MONEY! Citadel does NOT HAVE TO
Yep, Al this is America where
people can hire people without
the BLESSING of anyone and certainly
without the licking of your BOOTS!
ANY radio dude or dudetta who has ever had outsiders
pound on a GM’s door demanding your
head will understand the empowerment
Imus has given us!
He took it from
the left, took it from the right, and really took it in the back
and guess what he not only
lived to write the book
he got a multi million dollar deal out of the mess!
Even with less than credible critics
still snapping at his heals
Don is headed right back to the airwaves
and we are all hoping he brings
the same sardonic humor with him.
Reports are most if not all of his crew will be on the show and the best news is Don has sharpened his ax! I hope he spends the first MONTH
nailing the race baiters and phony socialists
who worked so hard to
both get him both fired and ruined!
Take their heads off at the neck I man!

In yet another left sided debate held while most
were last minute pumpkin shopping...NBC's MR MEET THE
PRESS got on the wrong side of the networks
endorsed presidential candidate.
Granted more folks are watching the RFD Channel (hey
give it a shot..tant half bad) than these
softball exchanges between the democratic hopefuls
and their media lap dawgs BUT what made this one
special was how Hillary is now after one of
those who kiss her ring! Great fun to watch
as they (the far left media and the far left
dem candidates) start to eat their young.
Left over SPOOK!
Lots of talk about ORBS this time
of the year. Some think they are
balls of energy others think they
are ghosts or at the least related
to things that go bump in the night.
Here is Ms Molly having dinner
with one of those visitors..look
above her.

Sorry but DON is nothing more than a racists. He went after the basketball team because they were both BLACK and WOMEN! He should never be on the radio again. As for those who got him fired they are outstanding men who fight for their people! Yes WE are very proud of them and only the nut
wing right side of the page thinks
they are out for their own gain.
Your far right blog is typical of the haters in this country!
Sharpton and the Rev will now focus all their attention on "Dog" the bounty hunter,since he used the dreaded "N" word several times,and made some remarks to his son during a "PRIVATE" phone conversation...his beloved son recorded daddy and sold the audio to the Enquirer..so I-MAN can come out with both barrels blazing and catch the dynamic duo off guard while they fight another racist in
"Anonymous said...
Can't you understand in this country when you go after a race of people like Don Imus did you have to suffer for your actions?"
Hey you anonymous pussy, YOU and the rest of the bigoted Sharptons of the world are the REAL racists! You go away! I'd like to meet you in an alley and knock some sense into your head.
Again, Don Imus is a great broadcaster. Sharpton is the racist. I'm glad I got to shut a door in his face when he gave a speech on the UT campus two years ago.
Citadel Broadcasting should tell the black journalists to kiss their ass. This group won't let it go when the rest of the country, including the Rutgers women's team, has moved on. Instead of trying to keep Imus off the air, they should put their efforts into motivating the black community into taking care of their families with honest jobs instead of selling drugs and stealing. Jes tellin da truth. People like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson don't really care about the issues; they just want to keep getting money from organizations instead of earning an honest living. Oh yeah, liberalism will be the biggest danger to the Western World since communism. The left sucks. Eat some of dat, you a-holes.
Imus frequently is a blow-hard ass.
He's the original shock-jock.
But racist, he is not.
He made a dumb remark about a women's basketball team. He apologized.
That should end it.
Citadel owes NOBODY, least of all that "Klansman with a Tan" ANY kind of an explanation whatsoever.
Hiring Imus is a business decision.
Listeners, or lack thereof, will determine whether it's the CORRECT
business decision.
I'm a liberal. But I've taken about as much of these moral hypocrites,
spewing their verbal dysentery, as I can stand.
Before anybody calls anybody else
a bigot, best he/she look in the mirror.
I think it is wonderful that certain black writers and TV producers are keeping Imus under wraps. There is no doubt the WHITE power brokers will
eventually cut his from their stations and when it happens it will because of us!
You can't say things like he said and have us allow you to come back to work. We were freed many years ago!
This is the most radical WHITE blog I have ever read. There are OTHER people in this country who think Don Imus should not only not come back to work but should also put his money where is mouth is and support things like the work Rev. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton are doing!
I so agree with knoxviews.com and their banning of YOU and your insanity from their blog it is also wonderful that you are no longer writing for the Halls News they don't need or WANT your type of racists comments in their paper!
Funny you bring up knoxviews.com! They are a great voice for the left in Knoxville but they also hate Don Imus and understand his views are just the old "white
man" point of view.
They also are a memeber of the party with the big umbrella and it includes even right wing nuts like you and those who read this garbage!
The man behind knoxviews.com is not a racists like the writer of this blog and he has the well
being of both knoxville and now maryville at heart when he keeps posters OFF his blog!
Before you chastise knoxviews why don't you read it and if you have the nerve sign up and post. Be careful though there are great writers on there and they will correct your spelling and at times they will correct your far right thoughts!
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