With all the dust being kicked up about radio
the staff and management would like to offer
you a nice quiet harbor that consists of
music you will NEVER find on main
stream radio and few if any folks
is found only on the web and does a
great job playing non
focus group approved music. If
you are sick of the same
thing over and over then this
Alaskan adventure just might be
your new favorite way to pretend to
be working!

Rosie O’Donnell in Talks to Join MSNBC
MONDAY and the knives were OUT!
Wow kids you sure do have mixed feelings about
the return of Don Imus.

As always the edit staff
never locks the gate on comment writers
and as always the good and the ugly
are allowed to post!
Management did say the comments
from proponents of the small
Knoxville/Maryville blog (knoxviews.com)
were just a touch off base.
First unlike the Alcoa dude who
runs the thing we never ban
anyone and we welcome all points of
view. Second unlike the far left
folks who post there we lean between the
middle and the far right and third
when posters from their far left
bunker drop by to take shots we
only call them out when they
are spewing unsubstantiated
DNC generated talking points.
That said there is truth
to the post that some of our
staff has been banned for
posting on their blog. Naturally
they just changed certain wireless
doo dads on their computer and started
posting again under new names. So
far 3 of them are flying well under
the "we hate republican" radar at
knoxviews.com and giggling wildly
when they see their posts come up!
In the shell of a nut...all
are welcome here..keep um coming cause
as has been said in the past..your
POSTS beat the living doo doo out of
most of the stuff Staff writes!
Here be the stuff from last week!
Anonymous said...
Sorry but DON is nothing more than a racists.
He went after the basketball
team because they were both BLACK and WOMEN!
He should never be on the radio again.
As for those who got him fired they
are outstanding men who fight for their people!
Yes WE are very proud of them and only the nut
wing right side of the page thinks
they are out for their own gain.
Your far right blog is
typical of the haters in this country!
Friday, November 2, 2007 10:57:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Sharpton and the Rev will now focus all their
attention on "Dog" the bounty hunter,
since he used the dreaded "N" word several times,
and made some remarks to his son during a "PRIVATE"
phone conversation...his beloved son recorded
daddy and sold the audio to the Enquirer..
so I-MAN can come out with both barrels
blazing and catch the dynamic duo off
guard while they fight another racist in
Friday, November 2, 2007 1:28:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Can't you understand in
this country when you go
after a race of people like
Don Imus did you have to
suffer for your actions?
Black journalists should meet
with this new boss and they
should let the world know they
are going to be watching him
every step of the way.
When he starts his hate
speak again they should
jump on him and this time keep him down!
Slaves are free now and
Don better watch his back.
This is the most racists blog in
Knoxville and should be
watched as we are doing!
Go away!
Friday, November 2, 2007 1:44:00 PM EST
TheTruth said...
"Anonymous said...
Can't you understand in
this country when you
go after a race of people
like Don Imus did you have to
suffer for your actions?"
Hey you anonymous pussy,
YOU and the rest of the
bigoted Sharptons of the world
are the REAL racists!
You go away!
I'd like to meet you in an
alley and knock some sense into your head.
Again, Don Imus is a great broadcaster.

Sharpton is the racist.
I'm glad I got to shut a
door in his face when he
gave a speech on the UT campus two years ago.
Friday, November 2, 2007 3:36:00 PM EST
The Patriot said...
Citadel Broadcasting should tell the black journalists
to kiss their ass.
This group won't let
it go when the rest of the country,
including the Rutgers women's team,
has moved on. Instead of trying to
keep Imus off the air,
they should put their efforts
into motivating the black community
into taking care of their families
with honest jobs instead of selling
drugs and stealing. Jes tellin da truth.
People like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson
don't really care about the issues;
they just want to keep getting money
from organizations instead of earning
an honest living. Oh yeah,
liberalism will be the biggest danger
to the Western World since communism.
The left sucks. Eat some of dat, you a-holes.
Sunday, November 4, 2007 11:18:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Imus frequently is a blow-hard ass.
He's the original shock-jock.
But racist, he is not.
He made a dumb remark
about a women's basketball team. He apologized.
That should end it.
Citadel owes NOBODY,
least of all that "Klansman with a Tan"

ANY kind of an explanation whatsoever.
Hiring Imus is a business decision.
Listeners, or lack thereof,
will determine whether it's the CORRECT
business decision.
I'm a liberal. But
I've taken about as much of these moral hypocrites,
spewing their verbal dysentery, as I can stand.
Before anybody calls anybody else
a bigot, best he/she look in the mirror.
Monday, November 5, 2007 1:41:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
I think it is wonderful
that certain black writers and
TV producers are keeping Imus under wraps.
There is no doubt the WHITE power brokers will
eventually cut his from their stations
and when it happens it will because of us!

You can't say things like
he said and have us allow you to come
back to work. We were freed many years ago!
Monday, November 5, 2007 11:33:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
This is the most radical WHITE blog
I have ever read. There are OTHER
people in this country who think
Don Imus should not only not come
back to work but should also put
his money where is mouth is and
support things like the work Rev.

and Rev. Sharpton are doing!
I so agree with knoxviews.com
and their banning of YOU and
your insanity from their blog it
is also wonderful that you are
no longer writing for the
Halls News they don't need or
WANT your type of racists comments in their paper!
Monday, November 5, 2007 11:39:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Funny you bring up knoxviews.com!
They are a great voice for the
left in Knoxville but they also
hate Don Imus and understand
his views are just the old "white
man" point of view.
They also are a member
of the party with the big umbrella
and it includes even right wing nuts
like you and those who read this garbage!
The man behind knoxviews.com
is not a racists like the writer of this blog and he has the well
being of both knoxville and now maryville
at heart when he keeps posters OFF his blog!
Before you chastise knoxviews
why don't you read it and
if you have the nerve sign up and post.
Be careful though there are great writers
on there and they will correct
your spelling and at times
they will correct your far right thoughts!
Monday, November 5, 2007 12:15:00 PM EST
Random media thoughts:
[1] I already miss Abby Ham.
[2] Why can't the people running master control for Channel 10 get the 11pm news right? And what is this continuing problem with the latenight Tennessee Lottery spot? (It ends and then the image stays unchanged on the screen for 30 or 40 seconds.)
[3] Dan Farkas has returned to his sing-song little girl voice.
[4] Channel 8 should lose the country bumpkins reporters and hire someone who can talk sensibly. (This refers to reporters, not anchors.)
[5] Channel 6 needs to buy a bucket of personality and then give everyone a saucerfull before going on the air.
[6] Knoxville radio remains lame. And why does a station change its format to oldies and then signs on with a network? No local involvement = death to the latest format flavor.
[7] Mexican radio in Knoxville is a waste of time and space. Si.
[8] The Froggy station wins by default because everyone else is so bad. Bad as in no good.
[9] Has WIMZ begun the long slide downward? Perenially number three in the market, they now have fallen to fourth.
[10] The News-Sentinel is great because they provide all the news and commentary that we need. Yeah, and my dog's farts smell like roses, too.
Yeah, and my dog's farts smell like roses, too."
So does mine!
[6] Knoxville radio remains lame. And why does a station change its format to oldies and then signs on with a network? No local involvement = death to the latest format flavor."
Last week it was jump on Star or whatever they are calling that station now? So after being on IVK for the last few years I went over and gave it a try.
The morning show spent over 15 minutes talking about a little boy who peed in church. No really at least 15 and there was no punch line? One of them said they wore depends on the air to see if they would leak but outside of that it just went on and no.
I gave up, went back to IVK and then for some reason tried them again. This time they were talking about a dog that peed in the house.
Freddy was doing Chicken Hawk on WDVX and it was just nice to leave the pee station and hear anything that at least tried to be funny!
The morning show on Star was so boring..don't take my word for it go over and listen yourself.
Walker, who is this dumbass who keeps talking about correcting your spelling on the knoxviews.com blog, when he cannot even spell words in his own post correctly. He writes "racists" instead of "racist."
"[9] Has WIMZ begun the long slide downward? Perenially number three in the market, they now have fallen to fourth. "
Now 5th 12+ behind WNOX The Big Talker (aka WIVK's stepchild/bitch). But they still kick ass in 2nd place in many demos afternoon drive.
"[7] Mexican radio in Knoxville is a waste of time and space. Si."
AMEN!!!! I enjoyed the country on 93.5 two years ago, and WKGN's adult urban format on 1340 did well. Both signals are now screwed, hardly showing up in a diary. Thank a Jose the next time you see one.
"[1] I already miss Abby Ham."
Watch Channel 8 in the morning for some great talent, and looks. Those guys may be number 3 but they have FUN on the air. Stacey is better looking than Abby anyway.
Regarding random media thoughts:
You think WATE people should get more personality--have more fun on the air? Consider this quote on mixing news and entertainment from Jim Lehrer (know who he is?)
"You want to be entertained? Go to the circus, please."
"[6] Knoxville radio remains lame. And why does a station change its format to oldies and then signs on with a network? No local involvement = death to the latest format flavor."
Agreed. 103.5 maybe does worse in the mornings because it is satellite instead of local. Stupid, LONG, boring chit chat on music stations in the mornings (or anytime) is a recipe for disaster. And the oldies station using a satellite network--just what we need--more narrow-minded programming using a small core of music instead of the huge variety that's available. Yep. Smart stuff there. And now someone's started Christmas music this week--I'll be puking on Santa by the week before Christmas if I listen to six weeks of this stuff. Anyone who plays Christmas music the first week of November should be horsewhipped. WIVK didn't win Station of the Year this year. The cash cow's udders must be dry right now. But the News-Sentinel is still great--8 out of 10 birds like it but hope they start using a round format so it fits in the cage better.
"WIVK didn't win Station of the Year this year. The cash cow's udders must be dry right now."
Hey guy, if you are referring to CMA Station of the Year, the Counrty Music Association has a rule that if you win one year, you can't win the next. Which is why we typically win every other year.
Our share might be down slightly, but our cume is up in key demos.
Channel 10 used to be real good in airing local news in a technical sort of way. They never made mistakes. What happened? They must be using the Arby's monkeys to run their control board, especially at 6pm and 11pm. No, wait, nevermind. The Arby's monkeys have coordination.
Our share might be down slightly, but our cume is up in key demos."
WHich says folks come over and get the time and then they go back to the station they really like.
cume is a joke from hell and is often used by stations that can t get folks to stay with them.
IVK is down...so is the rest of the market!
WATE doesn't need "personality."
It needs a news philosophy beyond "let's scare the shit out of everybody" with pointless stories covered by newbie reporters whose idea of compelling television is how many consultant cliche's they can pack into a 1:30.
Out of four hires, three are blonde women with barely a smattering of experience.
Can you tell them apart?
The NEWS Station?
Dan Farkas makes me tingly all over, but afterwards I usually get the runs.
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