Earlier a reader said
the reason The View was
in the tank was because
they featured women who
wore plaid. Again a READER
posted this and because this
blog is an equal opportunity
offender we certainly do NOT
agree with them.
The strong women reference
generated the following
Get Over it said...
<<< And a liberal lesbian audience doesn't help. Ugh. >>>>
So? Get over it or simply don't watch it. It's that simple of a concept.
The GLBT Community has just as much right to be on TV as anyone else does, so all of you prejudice backwooded homophobic East Tennessee hillbillies can just get over it.
Gotta agree with ya, Walker, on WATE's weather coverage the other morning. They flat out kicked the other stations' asses. WATE should be commended for going local with the weather information we all needed and wanted when the storm arrived. It's so sad that the other stations failed to think of their viewers that morning, and some dimwitted executives made some dumb decisions. Walker, glad you reminded me of it.
So? Get over it or simply don't watch it. It's that simple of a concept.
The GLBT Community has just as much right to be on TV as anyone else does, so all of you prejudice backwooded homophobic East Tennessee hillbillies can just get over it.
It is simple. I don't watch it. I guess if I wanted to watch rugged lesbians, I'd look you up. I'd expect to get a tonguelashing from you, but I guess I'm not your type. Why aren't you watching LOGO instead of Channel 6?
Just because someone defends lesbians does not mean that they are in fact a "Lesbian".
In case some of you didn't know, there are some "Straight People" out there who happen to be very open minded and accepting towards others who choose to be different.
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