WOW!!!! Are we in a mess or WHAT?
OK deep breath, now lets see what
we can do. On the left we have the
CRYING WOMAN and on the right we have
the 100 YEARS OF WAR guy. How about we
look between the lines and see if there is
something...ANYTHING better? Don't vote
for an unknown because you hate the
CRYING WOMAN and don't vote for the
WAR GUY cause you think he can beat her
again look between the lines!
Oh and one other thing when you look be
careful of the flavor of the month, make sure
it has something to back it up!
Locally...as in Knoxville...LOL
Did any of you kids read
the NYT story about the cast of characters
who run River City? For the Times it wasn't
half bad. If you vote in Knoxville today
vote for someone who is already corrupt!
I am not saying that will clean the mess up
but at least you won't be corrupting an honest man.
Local media had one very very small story
last week. WATE told a mega fib to the
big paper about why they dropped the NOON NEWS
and naturally the big paper ran it as fact.
WATE is owned by a company that needs to
CUT 20 Million dollars fast! They took a high
hard one in the shorts when they bought a Calf.
TV station and never really recovered. Many of their
stations including the one in Nashpatch are seeing
the boys in the corner office roll out the
SNAPPER for some staff trimming.
Locally the halls of Gray Stone are filled
with whispers as to who might be packing their desk.
WATE has been in a rut for more than a few years
and even with the surge from ABC they can't find
a path out of it. Their local news is just stuck in number
two at 6 PM...three at 11 and 3 at NOON. Dropping NOON was easy for them
and the lie that there were no viewers was really a half
truth. They were right THEY had no viewers at NOON..they
were all watching WVLT.
1 comment:
Consider the facts. Channel 6 has very little charisma and personality.
Mainly consider the lead-ins for the noon newscasts.
Channel 10 leads in with Martha Stewart. Ladies will watch and maybe stay on 10 for the news.
Channel 8 leads in with The Price Is Right. Kaboom! That is a home run. 'Nuff said.
Channel 6 leads in with The View, which has been ruined by the likes of Rosie and Joy. And a liberal lesbian audience doesn't help. Ugh.
I personally watch TPIR and right on into the noon news on 8. Pretty anchors, good weather guy, and the fat chef often keeps me tuned in to the end.
Channel 6 may be starting its death spiral.
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