BOY HOWDY did we win or did we WIN!
UT provided the class and the
talent and ESPN provided the
From the bald old guy who
couldn't talk about the
game for talking about
himself to the cry
baby who said "Even though
the Tigers didn't shoot well,
didn't rebound well and
couldn't hit fowl shots they
STILL PLAYED UT down to the wire"
the network just sucked!
Oh and as for playing us down
to the wire the guy should have
checked the stats. Memphis shot the
lights out, hit more foul shots than
we did and rebounded on defense
better than the Vols. The end
result is we out coached and out
played the number one team in the

Granted he is crazy as an
outhouse rat and older than
EVERYONE, but he does give
the DemOrats a fit so we
have to love the guy!
As for him bringing back
his green party to split
the far left vote, it sure
can't hurt us. As polarized
as they are...with factions
frothing at the mouth for OldBomber
and the rest building Hillary
alters, Ralph could be just what we
need to bleed off the real crazies
and let us win.
I will give him this he is an
equal opportunity hater when it
comes to the two parties and
more than a few out there agree
with the guy.

Bless his heart the Farkman is leaving WBIR.
Another outstanding blog has nailed the story
and for full details including photos
dash over by clicking right here!
More than a few of you
unwashed viewers have gone after
this man and I am sure you
will hate to see him go. I have
talked to a few TRUSTED
inside types and they tell me
he is a very nice guy and
was also very GOOD at his job.
Why in the name of being
would so many jump off the
WBIR ship? Some say (you know
as in those who are often quoted
in the New York Times) the place
is kinda changing. Those same
unidentified folks whisper that
more than a few kids working
at 10 are now just part time
and the old heads are doubling up
on various jobs. Is it true?
Heck if I know but we have to say
something about all these people
leaving Knoxville's top TV news station
and that might as well be it.
Oh another mole said Steve Dean is back.
Lord I hope he is, their imaging stuff
has so SUCKED since he left!
Down the street good old WATE
finds their parent company still
looking for ways to stop the bleeding.
Young wanted to slice 20 million out
of the budget and so far around 11
has been pealed off. The rest reportedly
will be removed by the end of 08.
Shame they can't put some money INTO
WATE news and give them a shot at
going after 10. You would think
with all the folks leaving at BIR now
would be THE time go take a run at them.
Yea you would think.
Boring as it is the political
crap continues to rise to the surface.
Last week the wife of the DemoRat front
runner told the world she just now became
proud of our country. Nice work honey that
will so win the hearts of the AMERICAN
voting public!
Then Hillary and the guy went toe to
chair in a debate last week and
Mrs Clinton just cleaned his clock.

Hey the guy was SCARED to both look at
her or even sit close. He leaned so far
away from her he bout fell in the
floor. Again, what does that say
about the dude IF he ever has to
talk for the COUNTRY against a foreign
leader intent on launching an ICBM
at Dolly dang WOOD?
Lots of fun to watch but when
you start to think about either of these
folks running the USA it makes you
Friday before St. Pats
is the day and if you
like acoustic picking
that includes tunes ranging from
Tom Dooley to In The Midnight Hour
then click right here and check this out! It is
going to be a heck of a good TIME!
I find it hard to believe that hacks with no lives can have such negative words to say about good quality people, such as Dan Farkas, just because these people's on-air perfomances don't meet their goody-two-shoe standards.
If you are going to bitch and complain about your LOCAL NEIGHBORS who work in the LOCAL media, why aren't we complaining about the real assholes who have attitudes and think they are better than everyone else. A prominent anchorwoman at WATE comes to mind, as well as a weekend hack at WVLT. These are the real people who suck at life.
Form your own opinions- that's what I like about this country. But if you don't like who you see on TV, then you don't have to f*cking watch them! That's why I after I watch the news on WBIR, I flip to either WATE or WVLT to watch alternative sports coverage. But I don't make it a habit to bash good quality individuals like Dan.
Good luck Dan. May you find a better public reception outside of Knoxville. Some of these prior posters on this blog from weeks past should be damned ashamed of themselves.
Thank you for your contribution, Mrs. Farkas.
Someone needs a chill pill.
I also agree that Dan did a good job and will be missed.
As for the hate of the Tucker woman, come on. She has been an anchor at WATE for over 25 years and looks just about as good today as when she started. Just because Gene Patterson is much younger than she is is no reason to make fun of her sudden increase in size.
I work at WATE and I know for a fact that all these negitive posts are being put up by Gene. He uses this blog because it never outs anyone and never tries to find out who they are. Gene hates the woman and knows if they cut anyone from the budget it will be HIM!
Lori does very well amoung the viewers and Gene is just flat. He sees it and knows he has to get rid of her.
Mat is also a cruel person and can't be trusted.
I guess abject failure will do
that to a person.
Dan's a class act; equally adept at hard news, features and sports.
At any other station, he would have been promoted, correctly, as a personality.
What a shame that he was stuck at a place where the bosses fixated
on Abby Hambone and decided the
that she and Robin were the only folks worth promoting.
BIR has distinguished itself with its county government coverage.
Beyond that, IT IS #1 BY SHEER
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