radio reunion rumor. The
list grows and grows, check them out
and feel free to add more!
As we get ready to skid
sideways into the weekend
we will all remember this week
as the time Hillary Clinton
almost got out of the election
process, Tornadoes hit D.C.
AND the dreaded SHEEP FART "may"
have been curtailed.
Here is the deal on the
Like most animals sheep
often blow one

Shepherds will tell you to be
down wind from a flock can
knock your staff off!
In yet another effort to
save MeeMAW Earth
those who care have found
a possible solution to
the odoriferous problem!
ANOTHER positive note to carry
you into the long hot weekend is
the GLOBAL WARMING BILL stalled in
the senate!
Guess they didn't get the word on
the farting sheep cure in time?
Reports are with the temps climbing into
the 90s ALGORE will be surfacing
and as we all know if he sees his
shadow he will announce a half off
sale of his carbon credits!
Here are the thoughts on the
radio reunion from YOU KIDS!
Remember this idea did not come
from staff or management but because
we live to hear what you think we
love a rumor like this! Read and add..
we are standing by to publish YOU!
Anonymous said...
Bring back Frank Irwin,
Jack Diamond, Gary Drake,
Jim Deerman, Johnny Walker, Smoky Burns,
Jefferson K, Johnny Mountain, The Brothers, Shotgun, Kay Manley,
Sherry on WIMZ, Eddy Roy,
Paul Oskar Anderson, and Your Dave Young
Ed.....WOW that was a good list. Sorry
but a few of those named are toes up but
most could be sucking air as far as we know!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008 5:25:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Sonny Knight (Carlos Kivett)
has passed on, as has POA (Paul Brown).
Since Dr. Al Adams (Alan Johnson)
was a competitor with WNOX while
he was on WKGN, he should be a guest also.
Ed.....KGN (by the time we got there
in the early 70s) didn't pay much
attention to WNOX. It was a very good
if not the best local station of the time
and it worked more on what IT DID
rather than worry about the other guys.
Dr. Al was way better than anything on
WNOX and certainly would be great on
a reunion show!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008 4:57:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Well hell if you are
going to have the dead
make sure JJ Scott and Joe Anderson get invited.
Ed.....JJ had the largest collection of
station T shirts in the entire world! Not
a clue what happened to them after he
walked toward the light, but I keep watching
E BAY to see!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008 11:26:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
As far as I know the WLS
89 Rewind only included
former air staff of that station, not competitors.
Ed.....WELL Laa T FU***N DA!
(or dead people)
Thursday, June 5, 2008 9:13:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
When I was a kid the only
time we turned on WNOX as
at night because when the
sun set you could not hear WKGN.
I remember the DJs at night
on WNOX were really bad, but
I can't remember any of their names.
My parents used to listen to
POA and then turn it over the
WKGN the second his news was over.
They loved him and when
I told them you said he
was dead they both were sorry to hear he was gone.
Is WKGN going to do a
reunion? Now that would be fun!
My brother has a GOOD GUY Cowboy hat
from WKGN and I have a Chicken Man T shirt!
Ed.....Jack Diamond once said in
a staff meeting his hair dryer had more
power than KGN at night and STILL
he wiped the floor with NOX.
Thursday, June 5, 2008 1:14:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
The only real radio people
I would want to see or hear
from the past would be Adel,
John Boy, CP and Walker, and
Bob Baron. Dr. Al was before
my time but my Dad really did like him.
I didn't know most of the names
on the first list? Did they work in Knoxville?
Ed.....Yep all da names on
the very first list passed this way
at one time or another. Get this
when WKGN was hot it was THE station in
the South East to work for...reason was
the big kids (large markets) used it to
pick talent and move them in to
the big money. More than a few passed
through the WKGN door just to get
to the big time!
The old man band had a
heck of a good show last FRIDAY!
Next stop is Catinos...for pictures
of Friday's show and info on the next
be sure to dash over HERE!
don't know sheeeet about 98.5% of these here radeeo people named here. radeeeo is fer, well not so many. since cassette tapes, followed by compact discs, followed by satellite radio, the only reason fer local radio is fer traffick jam reports and non-televised Vol games. btw, it r rumored that the officsahl Vol boob tube station pay $500,000 a yeer fer the privilige to be da Vol station. R that true? times change, n even us old phfarts change wit the times. XM17 be da one.
Nonymoose - from the woods of Duglas Lake
the official vol boob tube station is so desperate that i heard a rumor that they were paying WIVK over six figures large to air their weather on the ole froggy station
youtube has a great clip about the big 89 rewind...really good seeing and hearing Tom Kane, Larry Lujack, and of course, the great one himself, John Records Landecker.
actually you don't get to see Lujack, but he's on there.
how many wannabe radio stars were there who listened to WLS at night to ripoff bits from Landecker and the late great Yvonne Daniels.
I forgot Yvone! Adel was good but she (Yvone) was the gold standard!
Where did all the good women DJs go? The one on in Knoxville sounds like she might be into other women? Not that that is all bad, could be fun to watch but still what happened to the Yvones of the world.
I only have an AM in my old truck and can find some good shows if I look around! Can't remember the letters because they don't say them but 1470 is really a good station. The shows are about the end of the world and how the Mexicans are going to build a road from their country to Canada and as they drive on it take over America.
990 is good for sports but not in the morning. It is mostly lady vols even when they are not playing.
1180 is good for sports when they are live but most of the time their shows are out of town.
850 and 1400 are the same but 1400 is always off the air. A show in the afternoon is two local married people talking about politics. It can get boring because the man is very much into himself and never gets to the point. The woman is good and their guests are fine.
At night I still get WSM and WLS.
I don't need that XM thing at all!
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