Summer is here and so is ALBORE so
brace yourself for another demand
by AL for you to buy CARBON CREDITS!
Gotta love the guy, or not!
Sitting in a cool bar/beanery I noticed the
flat screen was on about the time
Hillary tossed in the towel.
Damn it is over so soon! Why it
feels like it has only been 17
months since she started calling the
candidate everything but a Whi..HOLD ON
I DIDN'T SAY THAT! Wow, talk about a
racists bullet, glad we dodged that one!
ANYWAY found a wonderful site about
the former first cuckolded Lady

Good thing is it is more than just
her social and moral flaws
and bad fitting pant suits. It is
chocked FULL of things you right wing
fanatics will love to read! Here be the
Stay inside today and sleep with the
AC on 66. I KNOW Bare Back wants us to
keep it on 80 but kids he ain't KING
Few letters from the reunion idea
still floating in, here they be.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
youtube has a great clip about the big 89 rewind...really good seeing and hearing Tom Kane, Larry Lujack, and of course, the great one himself, John Records Landecker.
actually you don't get to see Lujack, but he's on there.
how many wannabe radio stars were there who listened to WLS at night to ripoff bits from Landecker and the late great Yvonne Daniels.
Friday, June 6, 2008 5:03:00 AM EST
Ed....I remember Dick Biantie (bet I spelled it wrong)
who said HELL on WLS and was fired! I also remeber Landecker
who wrote in his book.."DJs are beer cans on the road of life."
Pure talent on WLS!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I forgot Yvone! Adel was good but she (Yvone) was the gold standard!
Where did all the good women DJs go? The one on in Knoxville sounds like she might be into other women? Not that that is all bad, could be fun to watch but still what happened to the Yvones of the world.
Friday, June 6, 2008 2:41:00 PM EST
Ed....Most women on the air today
are doing news or kinda hanging around to
side kick on talk shows. Becky Lynn
was great on WIMZ...WIVK...WMDR and
we all know how good Adel was. There
was one gal on the progressive station (Citadel)
can't remember her name but she was good and when
she got mad she would call and lay some
outstanding curse words on the answering machine at
the bunker. She had ONE name like...Libby or Perry or
something like that? Help us out here..who was she?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I only have an AM in my old truck and can find some good shows if I look around! Can't remember the letters because they don't say them but 1470 is really a good station. The shows are about the end of the world and how the Mexicans are going to build a road from their country to Canada and as they drive on it take over America.
990 is good for sports but not in the morning. It is mostly lady vols even when they are not playing.
1180 is good for sports when they are live but most of the time their shows are out of town.
850 and 1400 are the same but 1400 is always off the air. A show in the afternoon is two local married people talking about politics. It can get boring because the man is very much into himself and never gets to the point. The woman is good and their guests are fine.
At night I still get WSM and WLS.
I don't need that XM thing at all!
Ed....Ya know AM now is such a shell of what it was
it is kinda fun to dash over there
and look around. WSM is the best OLDIES COUNTRY
STATION in the world but WLS is all talk and a bore.
WOWO Ft Wayne was a good rock station at night in the
60s, not a clue what they are now?
1 comment:
On that big 89 rewind thing:
It's Tom Kent, not Kane.
But you're right, that's a great clip. Wanna hear the original "big balls" voice? Check out Fred Winston.
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