Friday 9 22 06
From dirty dancing to the cooling off of the global warming rage, the stories today are just outstanding!
A furor over what Concord (New Hampshire) High School administrators call an "overtly sexual" style of dancing at school dances has split the school community: There are those who defend the student's right to dance however they want and those who believe the moves are just plain inappropriate.
The single man trying to stop the dance is Reverend Shaw Moor, who has an uncanny resemblance to the actor John Lithgow. He said, "the school will cancel all remaining dances, including the upcoming homecoming dance, unless students step forward to help halt the "grinding."
"This style of dancing is wrong, "If you were to see it, you would be equally offended."
Asked by parents to describe the dance, Reverend Shaw offered this: The girl leans forward and the boy puts his pelvis against her backside. Then, he thrusts."
The entire situation was suddenly diffused when a man smelling of "alcohol" suggested to those near him the children should return to the dances of their grandparents. The buzz soon reached the podium and Reverend Moore invited him forward identify himself and the dance that would pull the children away from the lurid grinding. Speaking in a loud but slurred speech the overweight older man mumbled that his name was John 'Bluto' Blutarsky and after a pause screamed GATOR!
Despite the long term warming trend that the wife of a hack drummer and big time looser in the race for the leader of the free world says is going on around the globe, the oceans have cooled in the last three years, scientists announced today.
The former right hand man to Bill Clinton added "This cooling is probably natural climate variability. The oceans today are still warmer than they were during the 1980s, and most scientists expect the oceans will eventually continue to warm in response to human-induced climate change." Crying before an ice cube slowly melting in a pan, the concluded by saying. "Come on guys if the globe was not heating up why would Babs and Dick Branson be throwing all this money into stopping it? No, come back, don't leave??"
Serbian man needed emergency surgery after he had sex with a hedgehog on a witchdoctor's advice.
Zoran Nikolovic, 35, from Belgrade, says the witchdoctor told him it would cure his premature ejaculation.
But he ended up in an operating theatre after the hedgehog's needles left his "little pal" severely lacerated.
A hospital spokesman said: "The animal was apparently unhurt and the patient came off much worse from the encounter. Zoran told reporters from his hospital bed, "Next time I stick to SHEEP!"
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