This is the first cyber media column and it has the feel of the first day at school, the last day at camp,and the day the lost puppy showed up on the front porch.
Here is the deal, we and that is ALL of us are going to participate. I will write, you will comment and we will all form the circle and sing Kum Ba Ya, sounds simple because I am simple!
Always keep in mind that all media (especially NEWS) is agenda driven and if we are going to glean any facts we best have our Fib-Dar at warp speed and our since of humor cocked and read to fire. If you wanta bash, admire, enhance or just wonder at our local and national news creators then you have found the right spot. The COMMENT section is wide open and if you ever have problems with a post then e mail it to me (wjonair1@aol.com) and I will make SURE it gets in the next column.
I will try to have a new column up by Sunday afternoon and because we are no longer hampered by deadlines I will amend and add daily if things pop up.
Here is another way you can help. If you have any old pictures of local or national media events (radio remotes, TV shows, personalities living and dead,whatever..) send them in and let us all see them! I will be posting my old files as we go along and if you can add then please do!
Ok, that's about it for now. I will have some things about last week and this week up tonight so check back.
Thanks for reading the column for the last 15 years. It isn't dead just expanding and may find a "hard copy" home in the very near future. Until then, drop by right here. We will both try to keep you up on what is happening and at the same time be looking forward to your thoughts!
It's Showtime! Welcome to cyberspace WJ...you are locked into my favorites and I look forward to being a contributor!!
THANKS GMV, send pictures, thoughts, lies, rumors, and ideas on the next bus!!!!
Great site, I will miss reading the hard copy in the paper, but I'll learn to love it here!
HI just in!
The hard copy may be back...may be in that paper or may be in ANOTHER one. Till that happens the thought is to just have a great time PLAYING with all the stupid, odd, contrived (sp) news that is chucked out daily by the broken and tired media.
I sure hope you like it and I hope you will send this new adventure to everyone on your e mail list!
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