WOW at last some G R E A T news! We have Katie falling and Kinky scaring the professional politicians, ALL IN THE SAME DAY!
Katie Couric is slip sliding away faster than you can say, "Dress up and then SHUT UP!"
The left coast chat show (love the way the British describe fluff programming) host, turned SAVIOR for CBS has jumped the shark, no make that the entire ocean! As fast the CBS Evening news went up it has come down! Could be we got tired of seeing a gal in a rumpled white blouse pushing her agenda on the network that gave us Dan "Sure I made it up" Rather. Or it may have been "perky" just doesn't translate to informing the nation of earth shaking and at times life changing events. Either way, the house of Nielsen has spoken and she is officially on the ratings "slip and slide" of death! Really for fifteen million a year (comes to $4109.00 a day) you would have thought the gal could have afforded an iron and a Fantastic Sams haircut!
Here is the way this mornings numbers shook out for the late Kate!
I LOVE KINKY FRIEDMAN!! WHY?? Here is one of the thousands of reasons..
"I don't eat tamales in the barrio, I don't eat fried chicken in the ghetto, I don't eat bagels with the Jews for breakfast," said Friedman, who is Jewish. "That to me is true racism."
Up front let me tell you reading and even worse writing about politics is about as much fun as pushing knitting needles up a cat's nose make that a rats nose. The reason is simple the vast majority of politicians are people you would NEVER allow in your home! Think about it, invite Ted Kennedy over and next thing you know you are in court for over serving a guest. Granted you had no idea all those trips to your guest bathroom were to drink the cough medicine dry and it was two days before you found the liquor cabinet empty. But still one wrong turn into another tidal pond on the way home and one more set of panties knocked into the glove compartment and YOU are in court! Face it most if not all of them will lie to you so they can get elected so later they can steal from everyone. Facts is facts and parts are parts.
That said, I LOVE KINKY FRIEDMAN and if I lived in TEXAS he would get my vote big time for GOVERNOR!
He is so grass roots he shakes like a tuning fork when he drives by the Snapper display at Home Depot. This author, singer, dog lover and giant hat wearer is trying to run without a party or an organization and he is scaring the dog doo doo out of the professional thieves (politicians) on the ballot.
How do we KNOW Kinky is scaring them?
Because they are letting the press DAWGS loose on him. First sign the pros are scared of you is when you see an attempt to smear you in the papers!
Star-Telegram and the Houston Chronicle have reported on an interview with Friedman that aired on CNBC last year in which the country singer and comedian was asked what to do with sexual predators.
"Throw them in prison and throw away the key and make them listen to a Negro talking to himself," Friedman said. He also called "Negro" a "charming word."
State Rep. Garnet Coleman, former chairman of the Texas Legislative Black Caucus, said the remarks are unacceptable from a candidate for governor, and sound more like something uttered by someone running for "class clown or the grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan!"
SEE they are after him! You don't dig up something from a year ago unless you are quaking in your Gucci loafers over the thought of having your hands REMOVED from the tax payers wallet! Kinky is starting to rock their shadowy world!! Here is MORE.
"The independent candidate already was under fire for referring to Hurricane Katrina evacuees in Texas as "crackheads and thugs." That remark was taken as a slap at black victims of the storm"
Oh and from the mouth of one of the government vampires comes...
"Democratic candidate Chris Bell said he was offended by Friedman's remark, and added, "I just don't think those types of comments have a place in this campaign."
Bless his heart!
Most folks trying to correct the crooked ship of state would just ignore a smear like this but KINKY is not "most folks" and that is why he should be governor.
"If I've got to lie to people, sweep the truth under the rug and worry about offending people, I'm not going to be very effective," Friedman said.
His spokeswoman said part of the "Negro" line was derived from a book Friedman wrote in the late 1980s that was being discussed in the CNBC interview before Friedman used the phrase.
If you want to help him get elected go to his web site, kinkyfriedman.com/vote. GO KINKY!
1 comment:
Well, thats a shock, Katie going down in the ratings. Didn't see that one coming. Ha.
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