Feb 25, 2007


The difference in this years Academy Awards and a fifty
Gallon bucket of horse droppings is THE BUCKET!

No kidding, we started early this afternoon with the E channel (everyone voted against Joan Rivers and her child on TV Guide) and hung in until 10:00 EST. Bless your hearts if you continued with this boring insider driven concrete filled balloon, you are better than we are!

Remember the days when they said “Earlier the Academy gave the award to the best teaser of nose hairs to Skullman Smoot for his work in Late Last Night The Fog Felt Like Dripping Snot? Not tonight kids, every T tiny category was given the full treatment eating time and more importantly quarter hour ratings. It was like watching The Price Is Right without the big breasted contestants running down the aisle and Bob Barker off the Prozac. So at 10:05 PM I have no idea what the best pictures was, who won best actor, or if ALGORE came back to mug yet a second time to his Hollywierd minions and the truth is I just don’t care! E mail or post your thought if you fought the good fight and managed to stay up, I really did feel sorry for Peter O’Tool even after all his face lifts even HIS eyes were drooping.

Locally who thinks the media coverage of the Knox County Commission abortion has major similarities to the Anna Nicole story? Both involve characters who would not know the truth if it flew out their shorts and poo pooed on their flip flops, and both stories are harder to turn away from than a train hitting midget Corvette filled with dwarf Rotarians.

This weekend it really looked like the paper of record (yea that one) had sided up with Rags although they didn’t have the hanger downs to admit that their boss… NOT the paper is the one lawing the county. Anyone find it kinda cool to see county bow their back and threaten to pull their advertising? Let’s face it, when you are driven NOT by ethics but by dollars, such a threat can make forget what your Grandfather said about “never assume it is only a fart unless you are willing to personally scrub the brown lines out of your skivvies.” I don’t have a clue if the county can pull all those legal notices they file out of the paper or not, but if they could I bet The Journal would flat give them a much better rate!

As Anna starts to rot and stink, so goes the world of the coverage of Knox County politics. Also just like Anna, nothing is what it seems. If that baby was not worth millions do you think all of those gutter snipes would be popping up to declare “Daddyship” of the thing? Same here in River City, why would people with pasts as jaded as the Guess Your Weight dude at the fair be willing to let the media light shine on them? Simple, follow the money! Lots to be made if that kid is really the fruit of your loins and even more to be made if you are about a third crooked and a newly appointed member of Knox County Government. The big question is where are our electronic and print journalist during this low water make of integrity? I kinda thought I would give Gene Patterson one more chance this morning but then I noticed it was noon and I still had not read the Maryville Daily Times, so I fired up some new age channel on XM and rocked back to see if any of my classmates had assumed room temperature. After marking out the noon hour for Gene last week and taking it between the legs, I felt time this week would be better served by perusing the Times.

Anyway, that is the rant for the weekend, thanks for all the comments last week and I will continue posting ratings as they come it. Do you think it really is FOX exposing NBC’s left wing agenda that is causing the Peacock to drop like Chubby Checker through a skylight, or is it just the fact that ABC is giving us more news and less paid experts? Discuss and post.

Also check out my other blog for info on the Foolish Follies, an annual party in Maryville that raises money for children by presenting ugly men in drag and singing groups called Buford’s Atomic Outhouse. Party on Wayne!

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