There were multiple winners last week in the GUESS THE STAR contest. Yes it WAS Hal Hill and as we did last week the winners will get absolutely nothing.
This week our mystery media Dude or Dudetta is no longer of this earth. Here are your clues, play responsibly and the earlier you guess the faster you qualify for the grand prize given at the end of the year.
1. Yea they are dead
2. They did news and had a great face for radio
3. Their voice was not as low as POA’s but it was close
4. Heck yes it could still be a girl!
5. Their cigarette of choice was hawked by another dead local journalist
6. They did not own a lumber company
7. Their favorite expression was “I will throw him down the steps.”
8. They were the stations last news director before it went into the crapper
Last week one of my favorite local media blogs Jump the Shark jump the shark took a look at the story of the TV reporting on the fire in downtown Knoxville. I fired up the Philco around 8 a.m. and apparently missed the highlight of news battles between WBIR and another station. Jump the Shark said Abby Hambone kinda got physical with another reporter when she was trying to get an update on camera. It really sounded like a fun thing to have seen and I just hope someone TVOed the sucker and posts it on that Tube thing! The Shark also tossed out the question of which station had the best coverage. Borrowing a bit of the ABBY ATTITUDE, what say we rip off the same question and toss it out? Which station do you feel had the best fire coverage?
As for my invaluable opinion I would have to say WBIR came in last, WATE and WVLT were neck and neck for the top slot but WVLT won by a nose with their smooth style. WATE was close but they got just a little to pushy (no not HAM pushy) in trying to talk over each other with BREAKING NEWS. WVLT was the oil on the water and did very nice work for the full 8 or 9 hours of coverage. WBIR came in third because they just had to cut away so we could hear the TODAY SHOW. Excuse me? We have a fire with smoke we can see from Dude’s Grocery at Six Mile and you feel watching a mob of cold Yankees fawning over Albert Lincoln Roker is more important? Granted NBC gets their shorts in a wad if you bail on their programming, but lord help 10 YOU GUYS are reportedly the TOP local TV news operation in the valley right? The fire had everyone watching and even though you put the demolition on your web cast, by then the moment was toast.
Just my thoughts, yours are the ones that count so POST early and post often.
As for the story that won’t go away, the big paper ran some really fun letters to the editor this week cracking on the results of professional politicians playing on TV. It is a shame that the voters have a better grasp of the mess than those reporting on it. As someone asked last week, why won’t someone investigate this political train wreck rather than just spewing ideas from the passengers? To beat a dead horse one more time, the station that does get to the core of the mess is the one that will be remembered; this is a great story to build a new viewer foundation on.
No posts edited, no posters EVER BANNED!
ps more fire pictures @
Jan Wade Joins Hearst-Argyle Television as President & General Manager of WISN-TV, Milwaukee
NEW YORK and MILWAUKEE, Feb 12, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- Jan Wade, a television broadcaster whose experience includes senior positions within leading TV stations in six different markets, is joining Hearst-Argyle Television as President and General Manager of WISN-TV, the ABC affiliate in Milwaukee. She has served since 1994 as President and General Manager of WATE- TV, the Young Broadcasting-owned ABC affiliate in Knoxville, Tennessee. Milwaukee is the nation's 34th largest TV market; Knoxville is the 60th.
The appointment was announced today by David J. Barrett, president and chief executive officer of Hearst-Argyle Television, Inc.
Wade succeeds Frank Biancuzzo, who is returning to Hearst-Argyle's New York headquarters as a Senior Vice President/Group Head. Wade will report to Philip Stolz, also a Hearst-Argyle Senior Vice President/Group Head, with whom Biancuzzo will share management oversight of substantially all of the company's 29 television stations.
"Jan's rich experience in general management as well as in programming, operations, marketing and promotions make her an excellent choice to succeed Frank and to help carry on the success WISN-TV has enjoyed as one of America's top-rated ABC affiliate stations," Barrett said. "She understands the vitally important role a leading local TV station plays, on-air and online, as a provider of local news and information, and as an active citizen in the community."
Before joining WATE, Wade served with WKRN-TV, Young Broadcasting's ABC affiliate in Nashville, first as Marketing & Programming Director. After serving for two years as Marketing Director for WFLA-TV, the Media General NBC affiliate in Tampa, she returned to WRKN as Operations Manager and Programming Director. Before WKRN, she served in senior marketing roles at WLNE-TV, the Freedom Communications CBS affiliate in Providence, Rhode Island; and at WCCO- TV, the CBS owned station in Minneapolis and one of the country's most honored stations. She began her career as an assistant promotions manager at Louisville CBS affiliate WLKY-TV, at the time owned by Gannett Television and now a Hearst-Argyle station.
Wade holds a bachelor of science degree from Ball State University, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude as a Journalism and Broadcast double major. She serves on the boards of the Knoxville chapter of United Way, which she currently chairs, as well as the Historic Tennessee Theater, St. Mary's Hospital Women's Health Advisory, Second Harvest Food Bank, Legacy Parks Foundation, the Leadership Knoxville Board and the Executive Women's Foundation, and she is a past chair of the Knoxville Opera Board.
Hearst-Argyle Television, Inc. owns 26 television stations, and manages an additional three television and two radio stations, in geographically diverse U.S. markets. The Company's television stations reach approximately 18% of U.S. TV households, making it one of America's largest television station groups. Hearst-Argyle owns 12 ABC-affiliated stations, and manages an additional ABC station owned by Hearst Corporation, and is the largest ABC affiliate group. The Company also owns 10 NBC affiliates, and is the second- largest NBC affiliate owner, and owns two CBS affiliates. Hearst-Argyle also is a leader in the convergence of local broadcast television and the Internet through its partnership with Internet Broadcasting (http://www.ibsys.com), and in the application of digital broadcast spectrum for new local informational services through its Weather Plus partnership with NBC and various NBC affiliate groups. Hearst-Argyle Series A Common Stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "HTV." HTV debt is rated investment grade by Moody's (Baa3), Standard & Poor's (BBB-) and Fitch (BBB-), each with a stable outlook. The Company's Web address is www.hearstargyle.com
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here it is
Hey WJ,
That of course would be the late great Joe Anderson.
Who also did a commercial for "Mr. D's.", which was some kind of Clinton Highway hotspot.
And also volunteered to cover the story of the crowning of Ms Nude Knoxville at the joint that later became West Knoxville Dinner Theater.
Every media rep in Knoxville and a few who swore they were press on a stack of Playboys were there, free adult beverages and a private show from the winner.
Although the mega media event took place a tad over 33 years ago seeing that vision taking a bath on stage while a few of the much oiled journalists tried to wash her back is still burned in my media memory.
Who is or was Joe Anderson and I don't know what you were smoking but WATE had the best coverage of the fire.
I watch WBIR but am switching now.
WJ - What did you think about the fire coverage? You have a favorite station for that day? I didn't see a comment from you on here. Maybe I was just looking in the wrong place. My opinion, I think WATE stood out from all the rest. Their field reporter was the best and I felt like they really grasped the story well. They were cool, calm, and collective. BIR and VLT did a good job also, but I again think 6 ran away with it...
Michael Davenport
I said (in the blog) that it was between vlt and ate but vlt won cause they were just smoother.
Everyone I talk with says that WBIR is old and tired, WATE is the new station for news in Knoxville!
I thought the best video was from someone across the street who caught the floors collapsing. You could see the floors falling down on each other. Now that was dramatic. I saw that footage on WATE but I think someone sent it in to them. Modern technology is wonderful.
I think the best video was on WNOX. Ha ha ha....
Jan Wade to WISN in Milwaukee...interesting move. Going to the upper midwest in February is always an interesting move. (Not at all like going to the middle of the country in December. Totally different.)
Would the other dead local journalist, cigarette hawker be Ron Ashburn?
Joe Anderson was news director for WKGN in the '70's.
He could also hypnotise you.
Word in the gutter this morning is not only did Jan hit the bricks at WATE but the entire shooting match is on the block!
If you wanta buy it just call the front desk and ask for SLICK, he is the broker and is running a special on finanacing today only.
The answer to Who Am I? is Joe Anderson.
I was thinking about Wade the other day and wondering how she was still hanging on over there.
With WATE now beating WBIR I think that WADE leaving will actually help the station. She was the one who wanted all the wild news and breaking stories!
I am a poster at knoxviews.com and we know YOU try to post with us, stop it. You were tossed in the past and will be again. Also your blog is a mess, hard to read, you can't spell and the Shopper is so much better off without you. Why don't you just go away, I don't know anyone who likes what you write or thinks of you as anymore than a clown.
sorry you are not a fan, but if you are big on knoxviews then I can sure see why.
bless their hearts they are so bunkered over there if anyone who drives an American car, votes republican or thinks GW is NOT the devil posts they kick them off for life.
STILL, it is a fun read to see what the "other side" is thinking and most of the time I just shake my head.
Sad thing is a local TV kid's blog attracts those people like flies to ..well you know. If I were that dude I would be worried that my viewers might find out and associate my "journalistic" views with knoxviews.com. No kidding, if you read their site you will know just what I am talking about..there are some really odd tree kissers over there!
I love ABBY HAM, where did you get the Hambone thing?
If she did push someone to get a better story then I love her even more! WBIR didn't get to be number one by standing around, the did it with hard hitting reporters who always are the first there and right!
I can tell from reading your report you are trying very hard to make WATE look better than WBIR, but it just isn't going to happen.
VLT walked away with the fire, no questions. If you paid close attention, 6, 8, and 10 were all in the same location where abby ham got into a fist fight with kim bedford from vlt (according to shark). but vlt was on the other side too with that morning show guy bob.
by the way, bedford could have dropped ham in a second, she's got a solid foot and a half on her. Shows that some folks still got some class. never realized reporting was a full contact sport. who's your pick walker?
hate to get longwinded, but things gotta be bad at 6 for wade to hightail it to wisconsin in the dead of winter, even if it is milwaukee
I still think walker is the real father of anna nichole smith's baby.
I still think walker is the real father of anna nichole smith's baby."
Ya know I kinda think I am about the ONLY ONE who can't be da DADDY of that kid.
The more I hear about 6 the more I think Ms Jan ran cause the FOR SALE sign is in the front yard.
The beauty of management is knowing first when the fan is about to be filled and running out on the troops BEFORE the ship hits the rocks!
I have asked the writers and reporters to do a report this sunday that will use lies and rumors to try and answer the question of what is going on at 6. Until then keep posting your comments...lord they are aways better than the crap we write...and remember we never edit or ask for a name, unlike Gene Patterson and his tribe.
Go over to WATE.COM and see if you can find Gene's blog? It is there but I bet you get tired and give up before you find the location.
WVLT easily had the best coverage of the fire. They had aerial pictures from their traffic guy, and two reporters. Great video from two cameras on the ground.
As for "WATE is the news station in town"...are you kidding me. They are struggling to hang on to #2. WBIR is still the leader...by a longshot, VLT is seriously challening WATE for the second spot.
BIR has "hard-hitting reporters who are always first, there, and right."
What a load of steaming horse feces.
Name one story that ANY 'BIR reporter has broken in the last year?
Collectively, the reporting staff is pedantic, weak, slow and late.
Farkas was the best thing the Gannetteers had on the street, but it took a switch to sports for his true talents to shine.
Poor Schwall is so out of the pop-culture loop he couldn't even recognize a college kid's set-up in his valentine's piece.
Take Bill and Robin out of the mix, and the "Fortress" that is BIR is little more than a shell suffering from dry rot and termite damage.
Gannett should thank God for the clowns in Greystone.
I'm not sure whether WATE's cluelessness is home-grown, consultant-driven, or a combination thereof, but I've yet to see a more concerted effort to alienate and drive-away viewers.
If VLT could match these folks body-for-body, dollar-for-dollar,
with a half-way competent topical promotion strategy -- it'd be a whole new ballgame.
Collectively, the reporting staff is pedantic, weak, slow and late."
Brother..or sister..I LOVE your big ass words!
Please don't go picken on my man Schwalldude. If you think you can walk into a shop every dang moring and have something half way funny and three quarters viewable by 6 then go for it. He does a very good job on a nothing budget.
As for BIR breaking stories, granted they don't but they do get it right more often than the other kids.
I never noticed VLT's air shots but I really did like their cool reports from both Bob and the blond back at the bunker.
SIX was good also, they worked like field hands to bring us the NEW and BREAKING stuff...but at times they walked all over each other.
I am thinking now that JAN youknowho has jumped ship they might let the inmates run the joint. IF that happens watch 6 rock!
Anyone wanta put money on when TUCKER hits the road? Gal is good, but sorry..she has been there long enough to make TOO MUCH MONEY...if they are trying to dump the joint they have to show some black ink. See YA!
"As for "WATE is the news station in town"...are you kidding me. They are struggling to hang on to #2. WBIR is still the leader...by a longshot, VLT is seriously challening WATE for the second spot."
It's sad when people out there come log on blog sites and cite the wrong information. Walker just to help your blog viewers along out there. At one point VLT might have been gaining on 6. But, take a look at recent numbers and 8 is by far the dominant # 3 station. Okay, okay, they are #1 at noon. I'm sorry I forgot to mention that.
From now and into the near future it will be:
I am still trying to learn how to blog..can you tell? LOL!!!
Getting help from those who are good at it is wonderful. This week (starting Monday the 19th) I am going to try like heck to LINK to the over-nights.
I will stick to news and the morning afternoon and night casts of record...not the fringe deals. These numbers will not be showing noon, but like you said in your post...WVLT is number one in that slot most days.
Anyway, I hope the links both show how erratic the numbers can be and also which station is trending up or down.
As always PLEASE feel free to post and challenge them!
New MEDIA REPORT will be out Sunday afternoon or evening!
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