Gene blew it
Posts from last week
Abby is not a Ham BONE
Last week the media star was the late great JOE ANDERSON.
This week I want you to tell me where the above picture was taken!
Clue... The street rhymes with what costs a buck at the golden arches.
ABBY has SPOKEN at Knoxtrivia do you believe her?
I was hoodwinked, snookered, suckered, and taken by all the blog hype concerning the giant blow up set for Sunday on the WATE political talk show! Although it was my mom’s 91st birthday I canned the Birthday Lunch at the Hilton and made her bail early out of the Knoxville First Baptist service so I could have WATE warmed up and ready to go at noon.
So??? So WHAT! The first half was Gene and Rags playing nice. Only spicy question was when Patterson asked the county mayor if his recommended ethics committee could have members other than elected officials? Rags said no and then after he explained it dropped in something like if one of the people he asked to be on said no which he said was highly unlikely then he could ask a citizen to be a member. Lord help, first no and then yes? Patterson was tossed a nice slow pitch down the middle and just watched it go into the catcher’s glove for a called strike? Anyway, I blew it off thinking Gene was going to nail him in the next segment and he didn’t wanta tip his hand early!
Then the last segment! Here come the fireworks! Normandy, Boomsday, Hiroshima AND Nagasaki set to blow right there in my bunker!!!
Here is the way it went down. Gene said the report issued the last days of the former High Sheriff concerning Tyler Harber called the Rags a teller of tall tales, a prevaricator, a well you know the L word. Rags wanted to know who made the claims and where were they in the report.
Gene stammered a bit.
Gene kinda looked at his notes.
Gene then said he had not really looked at the report as much as he should have but that it said it. Rags implied that Gene had best have his facts in line before he made such a call about someone and Gene kept saying it was in the report although he couldn’t produce the page, the paragraph, or who said it.
Brothers and sisters if we watch any of the NATIONAL political Sunday shows we know the way to play GOTCHA is to HAVE the quote or the source on the screen when you ask the question. Lord help at least have it on the table with the parts high lighted so you can shove it in the victim's face when he tries to bob and weave! As for Rags getting agitated, well yes, but from what I was told on Gene’s blog, I thought we would see the veins in his teeth and fists flying. The second Gene could NOT produce the source Rags had him nailed and just pushed him around a little to make him squirm a bit. It was not worth missing a birthday lunch (actually moved it to an early birthday dinner) or cutting out of Knoxville First Baptist early!
Upside was the last of the show had Lloyd on and it was good to hear him back on the air. Bless his heart despite all his good words and ideas all I could think of was he needed to put a hit out on whoever styled his hair for the show.
New ratings for the networks and the LOCAL ABC STATION (WATE) is watching their network ROCK NBC out of first place! Part of it is FOX letting people know that NBC is NOT releasing their list of P A I D experts (CNN and ABC did) and also pointing out NBC network news is on a major swing to the left. Last week ABC won and guess what, they are beating NBC again THIS WEEK!
I hope by the 08 elections the entire nation realizes most of the over the air (and CNN) network news programs are built around their agendas and flash, and little to no news reporting. If that happens voters will make up their own minds rather than letting a paid talking head do it for them.
Here is the latest ratings from the BIG DOGS.
ABC World News With Charles Gibson got more viewers in the key 25-54 demo. Last week it was No. 1 across all the demos.
Overall, World News averaged 10,060,000 total viewers, with a 2.6 rating/10 share in adults 25-54 (3,240,000 viewers). This marks nine straight weeks of growth for Gibson's World News and an 11% increase year-to-year in total viewers.
Nightly News averaged 10,170,000 total viewers and had a 2.6/9 in adults 25-54. It had a 2.6 rating/9 share in the demo, with 3,150.000 viewers.
CBS Evening News With Katie Couric averaged 7,776,000 viewers and held a 2.2 rating/8 share among the key demo, finishing third in both categories.
Some of the posts this week are being talked about at knoxviews.com. One comment on that site is asking if being a D.J. qualifies someone to be a Journalist. I was midday and then later afternoon drive NEWS anchor at WKGN in 1973 (when radio news was both respected and HARD to get into in Knoxville) and also the weekend stringer for the AP broadcast desk. As for the D.J. part, I eased back into that area for one reason MONEY! I would love to post my answer to the "shot at Knoxviews.com but they have banned me for life, bless their hearts. Anyway, feel free to dash over and see what is living under the rock. I thought folks like that all grew up after 1965 and became republicans...lord was I wrong! LOL
As always THANK YOU for reading and passing the Media Report along. If you are bored the other blog has some new pictures posted.
1:41 PM
So I was on WATE.com and ran across the following story:
I got to the following part and had to scratch my head: "In anticipation of a decision, 6 News is taking a look back at Lindsey's
tenure. When he took the job, Knox County's average ACT score was 20.4, well below the national average. Fast forward to 2006, when the most recent data shows ACT scores have jumped to 22.2, nearly two full points above the state and national averages."
The average ACT score was 20.4 (well below the national average per WATE). In 2006, the most recent data shows scores have jumped to 22.2, nearly two full points above the state and national averages. So what the hell is the national average? If 20.4 is well below, I am led to believe the average is at least 22. When it was 22.2, it was suddenly 2 points above. Did WATE
invent a few numbers between 20 and 22? Who taught them to count?
Fred, if folks will do the ask.com or google they can find the average ACT scores. You are right about the numbers you posted (the same as 6 has on their site) they just confuse the issue.
From the info on the web the best I can tell is 20 was the average for about 4 years and now it is pushing 22. The hard part is there are more than ONE group being averaged and you have to look at the big picture to get the national average.
Wonder how many others caught the problem in the 6 story?
Bang, bang, bang...sorry just putting another nail in the channel 6 coffin cause they are D-E-D dead.
"I am thinking now that JAN youknowho has jumped ship they might let the inmates run the joint. IF that happens watch 6 rock!"
You're kidding right? Those kids at 6 couldn't find a legitimate news story if their lives depended on it. You leave them alone and Patterson's liable to stick a fork in an outlet or something. But at least they'd have a topical and alliterating title for it, I'm leaning toward "SHOCKING SILVERWARE tonight on 6 News".
I've said it before and I'll say it a few more times I'm sure, BIR ain't dead, they're just napping. If Gannett were to come in tomorrow, drop a Mil on a chopper and a few talented folks, the game would be over by lunchtime.
Same goes for VLT, they land ole Pete Michael's a whirlybird and maybe fill a few positons and it's good night irene. 6 and 10 would be out like abby ham when that bedford girl was done with her.
Last time I checked the stock for 6's parent I couldn't buy a whopper meal at bk with it..
Looking forward to that ham/bedford rematch, somebody call don king.
You're kidding right? Those kids at 6 couldn't find a legitimate news story if their lives depended on it. You leave them alone and Patterson's liable to stick a fork in an outlet or something. But at least they'd have a topical and alliterating title for it, I'm leaning toward "SHOCKING SILVERWARE tonight on 6 News"."
OK, now THAT was funny.
Look here is a fact..WATE was the very first TV station to go on the air here. How far have they come from that launch? They are just about to become the only local (full service) station in Knoxville without a LOCAL GM! No kidding, the word is when Jan of the Wades hits I 75 North the big guys are going to let a GM at their Nashville station run both that station AND Knoxville.
Sad as can be cause this area NEEDS three stations fighting over news
stories. Hey anyone remember when we had TWO major newspapers? See what happened now that we only have one?
I want 6 get back into the game, it will keep BIR and VLT on their toes and give the viewers a much better group of news products to pick from.
Hey Walker, give me a chance dude, I've been busy. Also you don't have to post as an anonymous on my site and as long as nothing real nasty is said, I'll normally publish the comments. I think Abby is a sweetie and was getting way too much bad publicity over the whole thing and I felt she needed a voice in her defense. I don't have any political agendas and I'm not associated with anyone in particular, I'm just a dumb ol Knoxville boy that likes to write about local stuff. Besides, I think bb slammed my article over on the view anyways. Hey, I use to listen to CP & Walker on WRJZ waaaaay back in the day, I'm a fan, not a hater! Thanks for reading my blog! :-)
Heck, you are also welcome right here and I think it is very cool of you to e mail the kid for her thoughts.
I didn't see the thing but there has to be a tape or a Tvo recording out there? Wish someone would put it!
ALso I just found your blog and it is a winner, you don't just crack on us elderly republicans and like you did with Ham..you take that extra step to find the answer to what everyone is asking!
Keep coming back and reminding us where you are and we sure will drop in.
been searching for a video of it myself, can't find one. Oh well, probably for the best, I know Abby would like to put this all behind her.
Thanks for compliment on my blog.
Abby would like to put this all behind her."
Considering the size of her behind it could take months to get that done!
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