THE ANSWER FOR LAST WEEK WAS frank Irwin (WKGN 1973-?) Winners will be notified by the prize patrol girl with the usual phone call, as always if a woman answers the phone at the winner’s home the PPG will hang up immediately.
This week’s media mystery member is anything but a “past” talent, but due to the wonderful exercise in democracy experienced by the taxpayers/voters of Knox County last week he has to be in the featured picture.
1. Wears hankies in his suit coat that always match his tie.
2. Weighs hundreds of pounds less than Dave
3. Has never been wrong.
If you think you know who it is post your guess. Remember to read the rules on the box top carefully and if snail mailing in your guess do not sniff your Sharpie.
LOTS going on last week but the most fun media event of not only the week but the new year and I bet the decade had to be the web cast on WBIR covering the appointments of characters to the term limited Knox County Commission seats. Due to the fact the GPS coordinates of my bunker are south of the Knox county line, I am allowed to smell but not step in the political world of the home of Cas Walker. I still have to confess watching the WBIR web cast was right up there with first light Katrina coverage and viewing one of the regular UT bowl debacles.
As great, great, great, grandmother used to say, “That thing had more moves that a case of X Lax and was slicker than hot snot on a pickle.” From a media standpoint the mother of all questions has to be, WHICH TV STATION WILL RUN WITH THIS STORY? No joke kids, the station that pops a tire iron under the rock and keeps their lights shinning on all that slithers beneath it could come away smelling like a rose.
This story has all the elements that East Tennessee viewers love!
First there is mystery. Do these people always run the government like this or was it just an anomaly caused by the charter mess and the compacted time situation? Oh and what about the question of how deep does this nepotistic maneuvering go? Is it in all areas of local government? How hard is it to get a list of who is kin to whom and see if they are drawing government checks because of their linage.
Next the story has the solid good and evil foundation. Most residents of the Tennessee Valley feel in their heart of hearts that few if any elected officials are honest children who color inside the lines and play by the rules. So the verification of said thought that took place at the “I will put this one in if you will do this for me” meeting makes it a wonderfully secure, if not down right warm and fuzzy launch pad for an extensive media investigation.
Last, this story will make the station that really gets into it a new family member, you know like WBIR. Ten has always been the wise Uncle at the reunion who enlightens us with the latest news. If 10 were to really get into this wild ride they could further solidify that family membership, BUT if one of the other kids wants to ease them away from the table the door is now wide open!
SO, which station will keep the light shining under the rock? Which station will look at the story and not take a side, and trust me when the smoke clears certain media outlets will turn this into a giant “Who Shot John” faster than you can say political power struggle. Send your thoughts; will it be WBIR, WATE, or WVLT? Oh and don’t forget the Big Talker, unlike the TV coverage they injected questions during the circus that most of us were thinking. Personally I think it would be outstanding to see the last radio news operation in town kick some TV donkey. Big question is WHO do you think will take this story and find out how deep this iceberg is? The floor and the e mail and the post area are wide open. EXPOUND!
Last week radio AM 1180 took the bottle of Jack Daniel and the .38 and went to the woods. This morning the station is all sports. Listening to the last Lloyd gathering I got the impression they would be coming back and a few e mails from inside their former command center backed the thought. Although their show allowed a few left wing, odd ball, types on the air in general they were never worried about rattling a cage or losing an advertiser. It is so hard to find that kind of radio today and we all are pulling for them to find a new nest in the near future.
Wanta see a COLD BIRD?
The station will be "shining" the light, not "shinning" it. And, the other station wasn't in danger of "loosing" adverisers, but "losing" them.
Other than that, I vote for Mean Gene at 6 to be the light that blows the lid off this caper.
As a product of the Maryville school system I take your corrections with grattitudey and kindness as I am sure that was the spirut inwhich they were given.
Gene would be a natural after his great work on the UT KING story. He also is the only anchor on the air with a former working knowledge of the "dealings" that go with "those" people. WATE needs a kick and this sure could be it.
I think the investigative team at WVLT could handle this better than anyone at 6.
My family has always lived in Knoxville and this stuff isn't new, but seeing it on TV was just hard to watch.
Some of those men couldn't even speak english! I hope someone does investigate and they start now!
Another first for radio news: Sunday, Tim Hutchison talked about his planned retirement in July. He was on Sound-Off with a balding malcontent, who does not weigh hundreds more than Hallerin Hilton Hill. But Hill does dress better, and even wears socks.
-Dave Foulk
OK, so you got TH...BUT did you get betty bean to drop in? Just KIDDING!
Now that Ragsdale has jumped into the game someone should investigate HIM! The only reason he wants all of these ethics groups to polk around is he didn't get the ones he tried to bribe to vote for his pals.
They are all crooks!
Was that balding malcontent's initials LT?
WJ, no offense intended. I just can't help myself.
who is betty bean?
None ever taken, no joke my education was never a shinning or is it shining anyway, a BIG DEAL in my other life. I was having too much fun to learn to spell and it shows now that I scribble in public.
LT ?
Nope I think it was the former WBS RADIO FLASH who got some ink this morning in the big paper. Locally he was and is a very good news hound and I really had fun back in the dark ages working stories both against and with him!
Nice to see my friend and mentor Dave Foulk get some pub for doing his job he has done for over 30 years!!!
I wish that I was in the talk game in Knoxville right now. Fun, fun...and I do not pull punches, if anyone recalls my antics.
Oh, and this just in. The City of Chicago is sending a letter of commondation to Knox County. Chicago says that it is nice to see someone following the straight, narrow, honest path to governance that Chicago has always led by.
49 degrees in Jefferson City, Missouri, with an average amount of government corruption.
35 degrees in Knoxville, Tennessee, with government corruption that would make Tammany Hall look like a preschool and bring Richard J. Daley out of his grave.
Where would I rather be?
Where would I rather be? "
The giant problem was the voters got to WATCH these kids make the sausage and they are really shocked! LOL
EVERYONE who votes should go in a dark room and whisper the question.."why do folks spend so much to get elected to work for so little?" Can you say VOTE FOR SALE?
OH and while your at it make a list of all the elected officials in the COUNTRY that you would want to invite to dinner, have date your daughter or be seen with in public. SHORT AIN'T IT!
If I could be in a position in Knoxville, like I have here in JC, I would love to rattle the cages there.
You and I know why I ain't there. Funny, isn't it?
Now that LLLLOYD at 1180 is toast it would be wonderful to have a voice of the folks FOLKS back in town!
Remember when folks said that end of town looked like bombed out Bagdaddy? After the fire it kinda does!
Knock that crap down...salvage the back better and then stick the old brick on the inside walls and sell the spaces a 300K to dork ass yankeeees who think it is cool to live down dang town!
Talking about the fire coverage for a moment... I think all the stations (WBIR, WATE, WVLT, WNOX) did an excellent job with covering the story Wednesday... But, hands down I think WATE stood out from all the rest. Their reporter in the field seemed to have a better hold on the scene than anyone else out there and the anchors did a good job of showing how the fire was affecting the morning commute. Good job to the 6 News Team! They deserve a pat on the back! I'm a channel 10 viewer -- but, for breaking news, I'm now tuning in to watch 6. R-
im tired of news guys on the big talker not even pronouncing words correctly. i aint talkin bout dave, either. i want authoritative sounding news,,,, the afternoons there aint got it wj!!! grgrgr!!!
the afternoons there aint got it wj!!! grgrgr!!! "
I am just about never in the car in the afternoon....Since Murvle got a rush hour I feel a real need to be hunkered down in Rockfurd around 2 daily.
Because of that I don't have any radio on (other than WDVX or here in the bunker after 2. I will spin the Delco over to 100 and see if I can catch what you are talking about. These E.TN words can knaw your leg if you ain't from here, could be a yankee trying too hard?
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