about the coverage of the killings
on Sunday.
As always we will post them unedited
and reply if needed.
After a week of daily stories
in both the paper and on all of the
local TV news casts it really is
time to let this settle out.
SO to kinda get back to
what staff loves best ...
talking about the OLD DAYS....
here is a real ego
deflater from about 1987.
These two over weight kids
had just gotten back together at
WMYU for the third and final
installment of the now legendary
CP and Walker show.
The control room was new and the
station was in an old JAKE BUTCHER
office building on Kingston Pike.
For some reason CP and Walker followed
Jake around, first when he closed his
campaign for Governor office in the Oliver building
their station (WRJZ) rented the floor in an
expansion move.
Then when they got back together
on WMYU the station was in another Butcher
haunt. Reportedly the contractors who gutted
the Kingston Pike building found stashes of
pills in the walls. Because it WAS a radio
station all the pills were immediately ingested
by staff before CP and Walker inked their
first contract. Still the legend lives on from the
Chippewa on down about the goodies in the
Butcher walls.
U102 was the first adult contemporary
station in the area and considering how bad the music
was all were shocked when CP and Walker won back the
mornings for the first time since the death of
WRJZ. After a few short years WEZK caught on, moved
over to the format and U102 was toast. Although the station
lacked the excitement of WRJZ it did make a mark by creating
BOOMSDAY and as long as the morning numbers were high
CP and Walker were left alone. Unlike the old WRJZ, it is
hard for even those who worked at 102 to
remember just who was on the air. Some of the
alumni are still in the area and a few
are still in the business but the names
like the station are kinda fading. COULD be
their names are still bright and the memory
is fading? Happens when you finally turn 40.
Lots of thoughts on the
coverage of the shootings last week.
Here are your notes and posts...
Anonymous said...
The story is over. WVLT has moved on and only returns when they have an exclusive that reveals new facts.
The paper loves it because it involves gays and the mayor. They also are pushing hard for the gay community to be accepted by other churches and the general citizenry of Knoxville.
The problem is the Sentinel is very transparent and it causes them to loose all of their credibility.
Time to close the book on this one until the trial.
Ed.....You are not alone in some of your thoughts.
As for the paper having an agenda, well it IS the paper.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:14:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Obviously, the guy had some serious problems, but making it a hate crime is just as insane. Of course our very liberal News Sentinel jumps on that bandwagon! We don't take the paper, it's not worth reading when it's only propaganda and brainwashing. As for the local news channels, sorry, but they all seem the same to us!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:31:00 AM EST
Ed.....Lots of talk about this being or not
being a hate crime. At this point most
who classify crimes are saying it does not
meet the criteria.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The paper is all gay all the time they will never stop writing about this thing!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:04:00 PM EST
Ed.....We know more than a few who
work there and they are anything but GAY!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Journal is so missed. The Sentinel is a shell of what the Journal use to be.
They did a good job writing what WNOX news talk was saying when the story broke.
Since then all of the TV stations have just killed the paper in coverage all they have left is to push their crazy ideas like this was a crime against gays?
Also they actually ran a story when some gay guy demanded the MAYOR to
take their side? What side did they have, do they go to church, were they shot?
This is stuff the paper eats up and it shows they are just sinking in debt and will to any level to make a dollar.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:28:00 PM EST
Ed....As for debt all newspapers are
now sucking wind. Around the country
even the big guys are firing people and
trying to figure out a way to maintain
that astronomical profit margin of the past.
In the news world death always sells and now that
papers are run by the advertising department
selling is the big goal.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I read the paper on line and never buy it. It takes me about a minute and then I go over to Drudge for the facts.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:37:00 PM EST
Ed.....Staff here at MR are all giant
Drudge fans! That little dude figured out
a way to make a pile of money by just
researching what others reported and
linking to them. Smart as can be and
much admired by those who try to do very
little real work and make buckets of cash.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why do you always single out WATE? I work for that station and we were the first on the air with the story and our phones were flooded with calls about how well we did.
We admit we are a news station and we have proven that East Tennessee wants real news and not the fluff WBIR hands out.
Also we are number one at 5, check your ratings!
Ed.....Who singles out WATE?? STAFF?? NOOOOOO!
As for the numbers we got tired of looking at them
and would have to call someone to find out
if you are really number one in ANY news time slot.
As for your coverage we are sure it was
award winning.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:59:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:56:00 PM EST
Ed......SEE we said this thing was getting OLD!
we did read the story about the guitar case and
the part that the paper didn't really talk
much about was the Shooters KIN tried to sell
the MARTIN back to the store the day after the
crime! Boy that is something. Course I guess
the money might be needed to hire a legal eagle but
it really did have an odd ring to it.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Lori Tucker has done and is still doing the best of any of the TV anchors in covering this story.
Tonight she talked about all the churches scheduling remembrance services and it runs all the way into September.
Mrs Tucker calms all of this down and you can tell her reports are not only well done but she feels for the church and those who died.
We are lucky to have her here all these years and especially lucky when something this bad happens to have her tell us about it in such a calm manner.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:18:00 PM EST
ED......Ms Tucker has always done a fine on air
job. Glad she calmed you down and gave you the
feeling she has compassion for those involved.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
We said no more, and left it for the networks to wallow in, as I believe it should have been. This overzealous sensationalism of these kinds of acts in the press drives more crazies to do these things anyway for their "moment of fame" IMHO.
Ed.....That is a scary thought but you
might be right. Lets hope you are wrong!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:26:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
KNS = Metro Government Express
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:32:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Walker, on that poll that you did about shooting coverage, why didn't you include a box that said Neither? I didn't get my facts from either of those four places the day of the shooting. You also left out network TV news and local radio.
By the way, I watched Fox News the day of the shooting, and they were getting their updates from WATE and WIVK.
Ed.....Zeek Ridings does the polls and often
he is half to three quarters in the bag
when he puts them together. The HHH show
was saying earlier in the week that they
were the first on the scene and their
reporters were being used on FOX. Also
more than a few of us read the expensive
Sunday paper on line. Many saw the story
breaking as they read the letters to the editor.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 11:38:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I got all my facts from the net. Drudge had it and then I went to CNN where they had it.
Later I pulled up knoxnews.com and read their coverage which was not bad and their time line had them there very fast.
I never turned to radio because even WNOX newstalk is often out of the loop on Sundays. The last time I even thought of getting any news from radio was on 911 and that was because I wanted to know what was going on here.
WNOX newstalk did a good job that day and so did everyone else.
Ed.....The day of the shooting everyone who reported DID
do a good job. The question now is should they
let it rest. Most are answering that it is
time to move on.
Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:26:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How do you feel about WBIR going to an interactive 5 o'clock broadcast, moving Live At Five to 4pm and doing away with the show Style?
Ed....ZEEK is a wild man for STYLE and is
already calling area rehab centers in anticipation
of the binge he is planning when Moria and Mr. Glitter
say Cya! As for WBIR going interactive the answer is,
uh, what is interactive? NO really we missed that when Dr.
Holt was trying to teach us TV and RADIO NEWS 101.
Thursday, July 31, 2008 12:31:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I saw WBIR announce tonight that they were going to carry the UU Sunday Church service live. They made a point to say it was at the request of the church.
To be invited into both one of the biggest crime stories to ever hit Knoxville AND to be invited to broadcast the first service from the scene of the crime is a big testament to WBIR.
It says the church trusts them and it says it trusts their journalistic
style and attitude.
Trust like that is earned.
No mention if the news paper was invited to photograph the service, but I bet they were not.
Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:35:00 PM EST
Ed......OK even though most agree
the story is about over... show of hands right now
of those who will NOT be watching that
service on WBIR come Sunday? The big key
was WBIR said the church INVITED them to
air the service. As a news organization they
would be nuts not to do it and because they
are the Str8 From The Heart station they are
expected to do it.
Staff here is about all old line Baptists
and their consensus is they want to see
a church that puts on a Broadway Play for their
Sunday morning service.