TV NEWS, is now going to emulate cross
town rival WVLT! KINDA?
Reportedly the canning of the
wildly popular STYLE at 4 was
due to WVLT winning the time
slot with their early news. Or
at least that is what the local paper says?
Granted Channel 8 has grown at such a rate
WATE is nothing more now than a dream that was, but
is their growth enough to cause
WBIR to toss out their live WOMEN
oriented programming at 4? The
So what becomes of the 4 PM slot on
WBIR? The local paper says they
are going to move Live At Five
to 4? PLEASE that doesn't even RHYME!
The bigger question is how many of
you unwashed viewers are even HOME at 4, 5 or
even 6 to see the TV Anchors read you the
Some national programming geniuses and
readers of focus group tripe think
there is actually a bigger audience in the
early afternoon than later for local news?
TRUTH is a 7 cast..you know like WVLT is doing
NOW serves those with JOBS much better than
anything earlier. Those with JOBS often
can buy that car the guy screams about after
the weather and just before the sports. If you look
at last years advertising dollars over on the print side
you find it is much higher than today. Wanta bet
TV is also down? SO with a BUYING audience getting home
later can you still charge over a grand for a
spot on TV LOCAL NEWS at 4 or 6 and justify it to your client?
Good LUCK!
As for Live at FOUR we need to find it a new name.
Come on you guys are the brain trust, lets do it!
Live At Five moves to 4 so what do you want to call it?
As always your thoughts and ideas are coveted just post
The Community Organizer who would be king
is really cutting a swath across the sand
box! Pulling from his file of DO THIS TO BE
ELECTED he showed up at the Western Wall
in the Old City of Jerusalem wearing
a yamaka

(a thin, usually slightly-rounded
cloth cap worn by observant Jews)
THE TODAY SHOW had a short clip of the guy
and in the background (the first time they played
it the second time it was taken OUT) you could hear
Looks like the former Rev. Wright follower
did not go over very well in this holy place.
When people started to actually yell at
the man who would be President his quote was
"It was rowdier than the last time I was there, you know?"
Obama told reporters on the plane.
"I mean, people were sort of, like,
holerin'. You know I was expecting more reverence."
When asked if he thought they were yelling because he had
the yamaka on he said they didn't say a word
when he wore it on his last visit, handing out this
happier picture of him visiting in the past.

BE sure to check out
this site!
CLICK below the FloATing Randy and take
a trip back in time!
How about
Four with one WHORE?
Sorry but it is hard to find a word
to go with Four.
I love the Obama pictures and so agree that he is nothing to vote for.
I bet WBIR is going under, it costs to do that many live shows and they had to pay moria a bunch of money to get her to come back this time.
I hate to see it because WBIR used to be THE station. We are just about all on WVLT because their people look better and it will be UT football time VERY soon!
Quote --
"We are just about all on WVLT because their people look better and it will be UT football time VERY soon!"
Bet that posting came from within the CH-8-oh-shit-we-paid-too-much-for-this-Vol-Network-contract bunker.
By the way, nice photo featuring "The Brain Center of MR." Since when did you set up shop at Horne Radio?
The perfect name for the former Live At Five show should be "Bored At Four". How much stuff will get repeated 5-6pm that first aired 4-5pm?
Look for 10 to eventually run two Beverly Hillbillies shows back to back starting at 4pm! LOL
We're Braking In Reverse
WBIR has just made a lot of staff changes and is down-sizing at an incredible rate. The network must be going down the wazoo and is making all the local affiliates become clones.
Names are hard for that show because it is all built around the cute man named Glitter.
Lets see, if it is going to be on at 4 and they still insist on keeping the "time" in the title I would have to say More at Four?
Hate it
OK how about
Not a Bore at Four?
Oh my this is just HARD!
I will ask the girls at I.C. King what they think and get back to you.
At our house we don't have a TV on until 7 when we get home. What is Style?
I hear Glitter's likeness is on the three-dollar bill.
Jewelry Television cancels new headquarters
OK, this obviously is a copy and paste, but read it. It's brilliant!
He ventured forth to bring light to the world. The anointed one's pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a miracle in action - and a blessing to all his faithful followers.
And it came to pass, in the eighth year of the reign of the evil Bush the Younger (The Ignorant), when the whole land from the Arabian desert to the shores of the Great Lakes had been laid barren, that a Child appeared in the wilderness.
The Child was blessed in looks and intellect. Scion of a simple family, offspring of a miraculous union, grandson of a typical white person and an African peasant. And yea, as he grew, the Child walked in the path of righteousness, with only the occasional detour into the odd weed and a little blow.
When he was twelve years old, they found him in the temple in the City of Chicago, arguing the finer points of community organization with the Prophet Jeremiah and the Elders. And the Elders were astonished at what they heard and said among themselves: “Verily, who is this Child that he opens our hearts and minds to the audacity of hope?”
In the great Battles of Caucus and Primary he smote the conniving Hillary, wife of the deposed King Bill the Priapic and their barbarian hordes of Working Class Whites.
And so it was, in the fullness of time, before the harvest month of the appointed year, the Child ventured forth - for the first time - to bring the light unto all the world.
He travelled fleet of foot and light of camel, with a small retinue that consisted only of his loyal disciples from the tribe of the Media. He ventured first to the land of the Hindu Kush, where the Taliban had harbored the viper of al-Qaeda in their bosom, raining terror on all the world.
And the Child spake and the tribes of NATO immediately loosened the Caveats that had previously bound them. And in the great battle that ensued the forces of the light were triumphant. For as long as the Child stood with his arms raised aloft, the enemy suffered great blows and the threat of terror was no more.
From there he went forth to Mesopotamia where he was received by the great ruler al-Maliki, and al-Maliki spake unto him and blessed his Sixteen Month Troop Withdrawal Plan even as the imperial warrior Petraeus tried to destroy it.
And lo, in Mesopotamia, a miracle occurred. Even though the Great Surge of Armor that the evil Bush had ordered had been a terrible mistake, a waste of vital military resources and doomed to end in disaster, the Child's very presence suddenly brought forth a great victory for the forces of the light.
And the Persians, who saw all this and were greatly fearful, longed to speak with the Child and saw that the Child was the bringer of peace. At the mention of his name they quickly laid aside their intrigues and beat their uranium swords into civil nuclear energy ploughshares.
From there the Child went up to the city of Jerusalem, and entered through the gate seated on an ---. The crowds of network anchors who had followed him from afar cheered “Hosanna” and waved great palm fronds and strewed them at his feet.
In Jerusalem and in surrounding Palestine, the Child spake to the Hebrews and the Arabs, as the Scripture had foretold. And in an instant, the lion lay down with the lamb, and the Israelites and Ishmaelites ended their long enmity and lived for ever after in peace.
As word spread throughout the land about the Child's wondrous works, peoples from all over flocked to hear him; Hittites and Abbasids; Obamacons and McCainiacs; Cameroonians and Blairites.
And they told of strange and wondrous things that greeted the news of the Child's journey. Around the world, global temperatures began to decline, and the ocean levels fell and the great warming was over.
The Great Prophet Algore of Nobel and Oscar, who many had believed was the anointed one, smiled and told his followers that the Child was the one generations had been waiting for.
And there were other wonderful signs. In the city of the Street at the Wall, spreads on interbank interest rates dropped like manna from Heaven and rates on credit default swaps fell to the ground as dead birds from the almond tree, and the people who had lived in foreclosure were able to borrow again.
Black gold gushed from the ground at prices well below $140 per barrel. In hospitals across the land the sick were cured even though they were uninsured. And all because the Child had pronounced it.
And this is the testimony of one who speaks the truth and bears witness to the truth so that you might believe. And he knows it is the truth for he saw it all on CNN and the BBC and in the pages of The New York Times.
Then the Child ventured forth from Israel and Palestine and stepped onto the shores of the Old Continent. In the land of Queen Angela of Merkel, vast multitudes gathered to hear his voice, and he preached to them at length.
But when he had finished speaking his disciples told him the crowd was hungry, for they had had nothing to eat all the hours they had waited for him.
And so the Child told his disciples to fetch some food but all they had was five loaves and a couple of frankfurters. So he took the bread and the frankfurters and blessed them and told his disciples to feed the multitudes. And when all had eaten their fill, the scraps filled twelve baskets.
Thence he travelled west to Mount Sarkozy. Even the beauteous Princess Carla of the tribe of the Bruni was struck by awe and she was great in love with the Child, but he was tempted not.
On the Seventh Day he walked across the Channel of the Angles to the ancient land of the hooligans. There he was welcomed with open arms by the once great prophet Blair and his successor, Gordon the Leper, and his successor, David the Golden One.
And suddenly, with the men appeared the archangel Gabriel and the whole host of the heavenly choir, ranks of cherubim and seraphim, all praising God and singing: “Yes, We Can.”
How about Snore At Four? I suggest putting in some female mud wrestling with Michele Silva as referee. It will attract more male viewers.
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