JUST when you think your fifteen minutes of fame
is up boy howdy here comes an extra ninety seconds!
Sunday evening a one hundred plus year old
Red Oak fell at the Johnson family home.
Both the big paper
(now just a touch smaller around the edges)
and the local Murvile Daily Times
ran pictures along with
a T tiny caption
giving the street location.
WVLT was on the scene
at first light (Ok the next morning)
and really put some flesh
on the story.
Their interview included
the vivacious next door
neighbor and the
elderly old fool who now
owns the estate.
As an observer and a totally
unqualified critic
of the local news gatherers
it can be said
WVLT did a very good job on short
notice. With the exception of the
fine reporting work by
WVLT on the storm
the news in front of and behind the
scenes has been
slower than cold Sand Mountain Sorghum on
a icy slab.
SO what da hey..lets get right to your
Anonymous said...
1. You have to be against capital punishment,
but support abortion on demand.
2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression
and governments create prosperity.
3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans
are more of a threat than
U.S. Nuclear weapons technology in the hands of the Chinese,
the North Korean's and soon Iran.
4. You have to believe that
there was no art before Federal funding.
5. You have to believe that
global temperatures are less affected
by cyclical documented changes in the earth's climate
and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV's.
6. You have to believe that
the AIDS virus is spread
by a lack of federal funding.
7. You have to believe that
the same teacher who can't teach
fourth graders how to read
is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.
8. You have to believe that
hunters don't care about nature,
but loony activists
who have never been outside of San Francisco do.
9. You have to believe that
self-esteem is more important
than actually doing something to earn it.
10. You have to believe that Mel Gibson
spent $25 million of his own money
to make The Passion of the Christ solely for financial gain.
11. You have to believe the NRA
is bad because it supports certain parts
of the Constitution,
while the ACLU is good because
it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
12. You have to believe that
taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.
13. You have to believe that
Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem
are more important to American history than
Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, and A.G. Bell.
14. You have to believe that
standardized tests are racist,
but racial quotas and set-asides are not.
15. You have to believe that
Hillary Clinton is normal and
is a very nice person.
16. You have to believe that
the only reason socialism hasn't worked
anywhere it's been tried is because
the right people haven't been in charge.
17. You have to believe conservatives telling
the truth belong in jail,
but a liar and a sex offender belonged in the White House.
18. You have to believe that homosexual parades
displaying drag, transvestites, and
bestiality should be constitutionally
protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.
19. You have to believe that illegal
Democratic Party funding by the
Chinese Government is somehow in
the best interest to the United States.
20. You have to believe that
this message is a part of a vast, right wing conspiracy.
21. You have to believe that it's
okay to give Federal workers off on Christmas Day
but it's not okay to say 'Merry Christmas.'
Ed...AND some believe if a black fellow beats a white
woman rather than going to prison
he should become PRESIDENT! Go figure?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:08:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Did anyone else see this?
I did and I could not believe it was on NBC!
Are all of the people who work for NBC news this crazy?
Brian Williams: 'Smart' Say Tornadoes a Reaction to Abuse of Earth
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams
on Monday evening gave credibility to
the extremist environmental theory
that the Earth is reacting to mankind's mistreatment
by spawning a rash of tornadoes.
Williams reported how
"this has been one of the most active, deadly tornado seasons
in a long time" with more tornadoes
so far this year than through August last year.
He then forwarded to NBC Weather Plus
meteorologist Bill Karins the kind of reasoning
he hears during his daily routine:
"I talked to three people, casual
conversation today, all of them smart,
saying 'I don't know, we must be doing
something to our Earth.'" Karins gently corrected him:
"Well, there are correlations that can be made.
Global warming not quite one of them. La Nina, more likely."
Ed...Hey Al GORE is blaming the big storm
and also all of the earth quakes
I kid you not!
IF man is causing all of this
and if MAN is killing mother earth
then there is only one way to
save the planet!
Get that pint of Jack Daniels out of the
hiding place behind the family bible,
load up the Glock and
take that one way walk to the woods!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:10:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
When did thing go political?
Get back to telling us when
they are going to can Gene and Lori at 6
and why the son of Herman Munster
is still anchor at 10 while his
pop is working weather at 6?
WVLT has one hot woman doing anchor now!
Ed..OK..Gene and Lori will go
when they wanta go
or when contracts run out
and some pencil neck
number cruncher thinks
they can save a buck.
Both of these kids have
been here a very long time
and according to
those focus groups Lori does
as well if not better than most when they are asked
who do you both know
and like on Knoxville, Television.
Get over it!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:59:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
This blog always goes after Gene and Lori.
All because they told Sandra to fire
the editor from the Shopper.
She did and it was good for
her paper but that is no reason
to keep saying they are going to be fired from 6.
They are the most watched anchors
in east Tenneesse and
have more viewers than fox and wvlt combined.
Gene is a respected reporter and
Lori brings class to both the job and the station.
If you want to talk about someone why not those two on 8.
Neither have experience and just
because they are blond does not mean people will watch them.
The newest ratings show WATE killing
8 and just about to knock over 10
Lori is one of the big reasons for
their growth so give the woman some
respect or just shut up.
Ed....See above.
As for going after ANYONE you really have to
be a mess before staff and
management gets on your donkey. NOW the
posters are an entirely different tribe.
They will get out the
knives on a moments notice.
Unlike other chicken DOO DOO blogs who
try to curb thoughts
we flat let everyone have their say.
No matter how
stupid it is or at times is not.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:00:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Thanks for showing us Knoxville Radio History 101!
What a great look at the past.
My kid read it and could not believe
people were that involved with their radios.
I told her she was missing out on a great
part of being a kid by not having a station
you could fight over at school or knowing the names of the jocks.
Those were the days when really big people
were right her in Knoxville and
you could speak to them in Church
or at the mall and they would always stop
and say hi or sign something for you.
I have noticed all the radio signs are
just about gone from the highways.
Remember when someone new would come
into town and their picture would be
on a giant sigh on Kingston Pike?
Now if you can even find a radio
sign it just talks about music.
I think the Santa Clause Parade
is the only thing left that a radio
station puts on now? I guess when WIVK is sold that will also stop.
Sure wish someone would figure
out a way to get people to turn
on their radios and forget XM!
Ed...I agree on turning off XM but it is
like moonshine to a hillbilly
and meth to well just about anyone else.
In the car I am still a LOCAL radio guy.
In the house XM (try The Village at 813)
cranks up the second everyone
leaves the bunker and the dogs and
I are alone! My large yellow dog
loves to do the LAB Dance to
any Kingston Trio tune
and the Golden sleeps like a rock when
Peter Paul and Mary are featured on XM.
Bottom line is
local radio will never ever
out music the stations on the bird.
Either crank up more Hal Hill, Phil Williams or
Southern Roots talk
shows or turn your Hundred Thousand Watts
of Love over to the
Mexicans and go home.
We also agree on your blog choice. Last week
we found out who writes Radio 101
but if we tell we were promised we would
NEVER work in RADIO again!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:12:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Hey, Lori Tucker, I'm sure this blog thanks you for your comments.
I believe 10 still whips the dog shit out of you
when it comes to having
the most viewed anchors in East Tennessee.
And back off of 8. Alan Williams does a fine job.
Ed...I swear on a stack of Lori 8X10s the staff
never tries to find who writes what BUT in this case
we would all be shocked if Mrs T was behind the
said post. As for 10 being the King Mac Daddy
according to the numbers you are right.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:21:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Our thoughts (boys at A***A north plant)
Lorie Tucker...Fat!
Robin.........Only owns two jackets.BRING BACK THAT T SHIRT YOU WORE IN MISSISSIPPI!
Blond on 8...We can't remember your name but who cares!
Gene...They still make that stuff
you comb into your hair to turn it dark, get a box!
Alan...You can read and you sit up so you beat the guy on 10
Guy On Ten...(can't remember your name) get some sleep you have more bags under your eyes than the check out at Kroger.
Schwall...Never change!
Landry....Guess what there are NO MORE STORIES LEFT..stick a fork in it.
Todd Howl...Good work but you still sound like you came out of Gibbs.
Sports guy at 10..We have a bet you were in the band in High School.
Wogan...You should never change either you get it!
Rick....Thanks for all the UT coverage.
Red Headed Old Woman on 8..I don't care if they clean it up or not!
Don Dare...Same goes for you.
Julia Weather girl on 10.. We have three guys who swear they have never seen you on TV unless you were knocked up? Drop the giggle and try sleeping in the living room some.
Ed...Damn it that was just FUNNY! Would A***A be *LCO*?
If it is you pot room kids have way too much time on your hands.
Thanks for the laugh, you guys are GOOD!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:48:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
BEST ever on TV from Knoxville
1. Marshal Andy on Ch 2
2. Walker selling Furbies on TV
Ed...Marshal is still on and if it is raining
I never miss his great old black and white
westerns! As for the toys you were talking about
here is a secret.

They were all fakes and most
didn't work! Oh and because they were the hottest
toy of the year the stores were out of them
BUT old WJ sold them on CHRISTMAS EVE guaranteeing
they would be under your tree the next morning!
The phrase HELL TO PAY is not strong enough to describe
the calls December 26th that rolled into customer service.
WEEKS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lori Tucker said...
I normally don't read this blog, but have certainly heard about Walker's continued attacks on me and some of my co-workers.
He's entitled to his opinion, I've got a pretty thick skin, so I usually let things slide and consider the source.
On a positive note, I do want to thank whoever wrote the nice things about Gene and me.
And to the person accusing me of writing the comments myself: come on now. I consider Alan Williams a friend-he is one of the nicest people I've ever met. I've not met Stacy but do appreciate her work. While we in the TV news business are competitive and should be, there's also a sort of "we're in this thing together" at the very heart of it all, especially now,with the ongoing economic problems affecting our industry.
Now, to the person who wrote that I'm fat. Yeah, I get it. You're not telling me something I don't already know. I've been concerned about my weight gain --because I haven't changed my lifestyle at all. Last week, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which explains everything. I encourage anyone feeling unusual fatigue, weight gain despite healthy diet and exercise to get checked. It could change your life for the better.
Ed...Fat, look at me! 285 and I used to be 223.
If this is a note from Mrs. T and if she
thinks she is not liked then please read
this new updated blog section.
Personal standpoint I have never
worked with the woman and am very
sure I never will. If she is
sick I am sorry if it causes her to
gain then I am very sorry. As for reading or
not reading the blog, well we don't read
Genes either but we never miss his posts
on knoxviews.com.
The staff took a trip to Biltmore house over the weekend
and i
f you would like to see their pictures just click right here!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:53:00 PM EST