Bound to be something happening by Monday.
Our crack remote TV reporter will keep looking
for it this weekend!

Till then you keep sending and we will keep
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Uh if that note was from the real Lori
how come she is just how talking about the weight gain?
Looks like more than a few fake Loris
are trying to get this issue talked about.
Walker is a jerk we all know that,
he never worked for anyone
that didn't fire him or hate to see him walk in the door.
I worked for the Shopper
and the reason he was fired
he posted on Genes blog and
said things about Lori.
We all agreed he should go
when a group from WATE called us.
Typical Walker. Sandra would
have never known about his posts
on Genes blog without the calls
and when she told him he represented
her paper and should never
post on any blog he did it again.
He was also hard to
edit and we laughed at
the way he tried to write,
spelling was something they
didn't teach in Maryville schools.
Lori is a fine journalist
and writer and Gene is as good
a reporter as he is an anchor.
When the station lost Jan Wade
they lost a bright star
not only from TV but in the community.
IF the letter DID come
from Lori we agree with
every word of it, but
it does sounds as if i
t were composed by someone
just trying to get this
issue back on the table.
Ed...As has been said before we NEVER try to find
an e mail address or name of those who
post here and we never will. What we do
is offer an open place where no
one has to worry about being exposed and
everyone can have their say.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:19:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I work for WATE and
they are all mad about
the posts here talking about Lori.
Gene is a big reader of this blog
and always tells her when someone
says bad things about her on it.
I can't see her doing a real post
here though because she is just not that way.
The one signed by her sounds
more like something Gene would
post or one of his friends.
All of the anchors over here are
keeping their heads down now that
Jan is gone and the company is still cutting back.
Lori just would not expose herself by posting.
WATE gal
Ed..Again don't cut those eyes at us,
we just don't CARE to dig and find out
who sent any of these. If you work and want to
find out something rock on but we are sure not
ASKING you to!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008 11:49:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jerks are normal in the media
and just because he was one
is no reason to say he was not liked.
Phil Willams has always been a jerk
but unlike walker he has a JOB!
What is the Shopper?
Ed...HEY more power to the Dandridge Dandy!
Yep he is one of the last dawgs still
hunting and that gets him a star and
a giant attaboy from the rest of us
NON working old dudes. To hang in for
all these years and still be at a BIG
station is something NONE of us did.
As for being a Jerk the guy was always
nice to me.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 12:18:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Television news..yawn...is just
not what it was and most of
the time not worth turning on.
Just like the newspapers,
making money or now trying to
just keep the lights on,
has caused it to cut back on people.
A story about a tree for gods sake
is not worth being on television anymore
than a story about "another"
killing in East Knoxville should be.
Real news is lost now
that the paper is down
to just a few and their
point of view is politics rather than reporting.
I watch 6 because they
have a good group that
know never changes.
Channel 10 has a new person
on every few years and 8 flips around all the time.
I think Lori Tucker is beautiful
and can't see where she has gained
or lost at all. When I read her letter
here I was pleased that she stood
up and defended herself. This blog should
be ashamed for saying personal things
about anyone on television, especially someone who is ill.
I will keep reading it because
I like the pictures and the posts
but I will never like the person who writes it again!
Ed...Hold on BUBBA! A "tree" story is a great story
IF it is about a great tree! Mix in a crushed Volvo
with homework in the back seat and you have a BREAKING NEWS
REPORT! OK you ever see a tree that old do something like that?
Me either!
Thursday, May 15, 2008 4:13:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is so funny.
Lori Tucker didn't write any of this
and we (Channel 6 moles as you call us)
know who did.
It should let this blog know
they can be had and they need
to start to check out who posts and from where.
We are just like the other stations,
low on money, everyone working two or three jobs and worried.
So when something like this blog
comes along it is fun to forget what
is going on and just play with it.
Lori just saw these posts tonight
and laughed at all of them, we saw here.
You have been buzzed..
now go away!
Ed...What be up with da BUZZED my brother?
Is that one of those MTV things the youngsters
watch? Once again, pulling one off on
this blog isn't very hard. Remember we
post all that comes in!
A bar in Mississippi caught all sorts
of HECK from the Dems when they started
selling THIS T shirt!

When told to stop they said they had because they only ordered fifty dozen and they
were SOLD OUT!
What letter from WATE are you talking about?
Only a racists would show a monkey and talk about Barback. Take that picture down now..and GO AWAY
Sure looks like 6 is pissed at CP and WALKER! I like to watch them because of sports but I couldn't tell you the names of any of their anchor people.
Read the Drudge and fark.com on line for all the real news. I did check out theknoxviews site and liked it. Looks like they get out and report on more things that the newspaper.
That monkey is from the Curious George newspaper commic I think. It can't be Husane because its ears are way too small and it is just brown.
I saw those T shirts in Gatlinburg but they were sold out of the large and x large. The girl said they would have more in Monday but we were headed back to Nashville. We gave her the money and paid to have it shipped home. I would love to put them in the paper, but we could sell all she could send us.
Didn't this state have the Scopes trial to determine if nigros came from monkeys? It was a moving and I think the monkeys got their own lawyer and won millions in a civil suit?
I like the Barack-o-Monkey.
I LOVE THAT MONKEY! Lord Mayor Cunningham called all the democrats monkeys the other day and now had to say he was sorry. I really felt bad that he did that. No, that he said he was sorry.
Also this Lori Tucker thing is now a dead horse. She is just what she is and there is nothing she can do about it.
If you are one of those who like her then as someone said shut up! If you don't like here then you shut up also.
Move on to a young good looking anchor like GENE!
Teddy Kennedy got the shakes so bad when he ran out of Wild Turkey they had to airlift him to the hospital this morning.
The people working ER said the rescue hilocopter was shaking like hell when it landed.
CNN repored an IV of scotch was applied and he is now up and ordering take out.
As a monkey, I take offense at being compared to Obammer. Don't denigrate our species in such a disrespectul manner. I say, "To Hell with the Democrats! Let them eat bananas!"
There goes Obammer, up in a tree
Acting stupid and looking down on me
Out go his ears to catch all the wind
Hopes he loses, or we'll have nothing to spend.
Let me hear you say, this stuff is bananas
this stuff is bananas
Again, this stuff is bananas
This stuff is bananas
Democrats read this blog also and calling an african american a monkey is over the line.
The hate of the republican party is enough to make anyone who wants a kinder world vote Democrat!
I am also a fan of GENE...I post on knoxviews.com because it is both a truthful blog and it reflects the views of most voters and I find it
very upsetting that people would attack a woman TV person just because she is sick.
America is about to have a new leader and at last it will be one who will take care of the poor, raise taxes on the rich and guide
congress into ways of helping this nation to reach out to others who hate us now.
Editing these letters is a must if you want to keep the vial attacks out and let the truth come out.
I can see why you were fired from all of your jobs, can not get one now and will never write again.
Start with the girl that someone said is never on unless she is knocked up and work your way over to anyone at WATE!
What about that old man who cooks at noon?
What about Channel 6 not having news at noon?
What about that fool in the mornings with the barrels and the traffic reports on 10?
What about the weekend sports woman on 10 who can't READ?
What about Radio?
Remember RADIO? I still listen and
we still talk at work about what John Boy said or how Marc nailed Kim and Frank come on get off the
politics (McCain is going to win big) and back to the dirt!
You are not a jerk but
you sure do make people call you one!
Interesting to know.
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