And the WINNER for the most prolonged coverage of the beginning of yet another downtown Knoxville road project goes toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
W B I R television. These tireless purveyors of the truth not only had the lovely and talented Ed Rupp on the story for just under 87 months but before dawn they sent Russ out to do play by play on the empty road. Schwall was scheduled to blow taps as the driving life of downtown Knoxville motorists officially came to a stop but he lost his lip when it froze to his mouthpiece in the December of 1941 Buckfart, Ohio Christmas parade.
Late Friday the hunger for more reports on the closed road story was satisfied by Channel 10 when they started providing LIVE STREAMING of the road on their website. If the live streaming continues through the summer we will be offering cash prizes for the most viewed and documented construction crew butt cracks seen in a three hour period. If the crewman is a member of the plumbers union their picture does not qualify, sorry.
Immediately after a section of 40 was closed officer Friday reported one minor accident. Blaming it on motorists coming out of the darkness and being blinding by the glaring television lights the officer said it could have been worse. Air Traffic reporter Dave “Crash” Tireiron caught this picture just after the fender benders happened.

Mike Beach

(Formally the funniest man in radio) has always been revered as a broadcasting genius by both this staff and the hundreds of radio men who have tried to fill his giant foot prints over the last 80 or 90 years. Proving that he has knowledge of the industry and an undeniable gift for looking both into the past and future he as become nothing short of a radio god in the Tennessee Valley. We are honored and humbled to be able to guide you over to the radio history blog where Mike Beach has shown his genius once again in analyzing two unworthy old OUT OF WORK radio curmudgeons. PLEASE click over and then bookmark the blog if you care about what has happened to a once star studded industry. Mike nails it again!
This just in from someone on how to make millions with a new local survivor type TV show!.
Survivor: Tennessee Style.
Due to the popularity of the Survivor shows, we're planning to do our own show entitled "Survivor: Tennessee Style."
The contestants will start in Bristol, travel down to Morristown and on to Knoxville. From there they will head over to Athens then Chattanooga. They will then proceed north to Nashville then east through Cookeville, Crossville, Kingston, back through Knoxville and hit I-81 all the way back to Bristol.
Each will be driving a pink Volvo with Florida license plates and several large bumper stickers that read:
"I'm Gay and Dale Earnhart was my lover"
"NASCAR Sucks"
"Go Bama"
"Copenhagen is for Idiots"
"Barrack in 2008"
"Deer Hunting is Murder"
"Say No to Budweiser"
"I'm Here to Confiscate Your Guns"
"Go Gators."
The first one to make it back to Bristol alive wins.
A few letters from last week and some smart DONKEY replies from the editor:
Anonymous said...
Just read your updated blog and regarding tv spelling, yes, I meant the crawls and also the shots with a picture and words while the anchor reads a story. (don't know the technical term--is it chiros?) Not only does it occur locally, but also on national broadcasts by Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. I expect better from these people. And it happens in the newspaper world as well. Frustrating.
Ed…What we find frustrating is the CRAWLS! Since 911 the cable news fools feel they must have a crawl along with the screaming BREAKING NEWS font running twenty four seven. I bet some twisted focus group told a consultant that they run to the TV when a crawl comes on. OK back in the days after 911 we all did but today when the crawl is either TIMMY HAS FALLEN DOWN THE WELL AND LASSSY WAS HIT BY A ICE CREAM TRUCK RUNNING FOR HELP…or THIS JUST IN REPORTS ARE SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE WILL BE FUNNY THIS SATURDAY FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 1971…we run to the bathroom. Problem is when we come back it is STILL THERE! As for the spelling issue, again if you are reading this blog you know we are excited if we get most of the words in some semblance of the English language, spelling is not much of an issue to us.
Sunday, April 27, 2008 5:45:00 PM EST
Brian said...
Regarding the rumors you post from time to time on Fox 43 taking their news in-house, they just recently (within the last year) re-upped with WATE for three more years, so you're looking at at least two more years on the contract.
Ed.. We wonder if they are paying a reduced rate this time around? Fine out and get back to us and as always if you don’t know the facts just make them up!
Just FYI.
Of course, from what I hear, the reporters and talent at WATE wold be happy for it to go away. With the exception of the two anchors, nobody else is getting extra $$ for doing the extra work,never have. It was something that was just added to job descriptions when they took over the contract.
Ed Hey WATE is not alone in the money pit. Look at the reports coming out of WBIR about long days and although there is a need (according to the moles) for help the big kids are not going to hire!
Sunday, April 27, 2008 8:39:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I work for FOX and we hear that 6 is begging us back because they can't sell their news casts for the price they want.
FOX is a big money maker and to keep making it the new deal WATE is offering really is looking better than doing our own news.
Young Broadcasting is looking under every rock for a dime and we just might get an even better deal if we hold out.
Pride dictates we do our own news because we are now linked with the number three news station in the market and that just can't be good.
Still the money cut by WATE is really worth a look.
Six often says if they did not have us at 10 to promote their 11 they wouldn't have what few viewers they do now.
All is still on the table
Ed.. We so LOVE conflicting rumors! Last time we took the time to look at the overnights WATE was not doing all that great at 11. We still can’t see how a 10 cast would help 11 because most viewers watch at 10 because they won’t be UP at 11. Still we never want to discourage you so keep the whispers flying and as always we will NEVER check your facts before we print your posts!
HEY KIDS...Saturday the OLD MAN BAND will
be doing a show at the Smoky Mountain Heritage Center Saturday afternoon
in Townsend, starting at 1.

The Elderly Pickers will be
INSIDE so rain is no excuse and the price is
nothing. Townsend is in the midst of a big
festival and for those who have yet to see
the Heritage Center you really need to
drive on up to the hills this Saturday.
Again..ONE PM at the Heritage center in
'bout tv6, WATE: never watch that thar channel fer news. but after a hot evening out, if'n it r bout 11 in the p.m. I do switch off the XM and go to 87.7 'n hear tha 6 news at 11 thru da radeeo. It r much funner when u don't have to look at tha talkin' heads on tv6.
Jest my 2 cents from jest outside of murvil, up toward lookrock.
your JnK cuzin
bout da road construckshn as reported on da news, here r a question:
if'n I want to drive from UT Hosptial (or even from da airport), can I take neyland dr offn Alcoee hiway, round da curve jest past Calhoons, wher it terns into James White's parkway, whoever he was, and then just stay on james white until I go thru a tunnel and merge in going uphill on I-40 eastbound?
all these here news xperts, hellicopters, planes, cetera want me to get on Hall of fame dr. then dip down to Magnolia, hang a rite on Magnolia, drive east on past the ole Swans bakery to Cherry street, take a left, then go a mile a turn rite to an up ramp to get on i-40 east. dang these media stations make a simple trek mightee hard.
all those news folks want to do is tell us is how to get to downtown to sumplace called Mast general store, or otherwise round downtown. noone wants us'n native hillbillies to fine out how to get thru town.
ur JnK cuzzin
We are looking forward to having THE MOUNTAIN FOLK REUNION here at the Heritage Center on May 3. However, admission to the Heritage Center festival is $3.00. The festival at the Townsend Visitors Center is the free one. But he's right about the location - it will be indoors. Townsend's a great place to be these days, even in the rain.
And who says they quit making moonshine!
The Chesire Cat sports chick at Channel 10 needs to learn how to read. Tonight, while talking about the horse at the Kentucky Derby that had to be put down, said the horse was "immunized" on the track, instead of "euthanized". Too funny. It reminded me of a bloopers show I saw a few weeks ago in which a gal was reading a story about "black and gus" cattle. Her male co-anchor had to explain to her it was, of course, "black angus" cattle. LOL
Mr WJ,
Why do you have those newspaper links on your blog, Wyoming? Thanks!
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