Bored yet?
The May numbers for the local
Television kids are
showing WVLT doing well.
As for radio the ARB is kind of a new
beast these days. Get this only ONE radio station
is in double digits! I kid you not, WIVK
is it. OH and only ONE station pulled a touch over a NINE!
Are you still on local radio? Sounds like
a good question for a poll! If not where in the
name of Paul Oscar Anderson did you GO???
As always your posts are welcome and thoughts about
where the local radio ears went REALLY WE COME!
Here be the thoughts on
TV that came OUT of WVLT.
Cumulative households watching weekday local news in the Knoxville market between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 11:30 P.M. (Total DOES Include households for the first half hour of infotainment program known as LIVE @ 5 on WBIR because they produce a small capsule news report within that 30 minutes)
2007 Totals 2008 Totals Gain/Loss*
WVLT 165,000 WVLT 188,000 (UP +23,000 Households)
WBIR 267,000 WBIR 246,000 (DOWN -21,000 Households)
WATE 171,000 WATE 141,000 (DOWN -30,000 Households)
* - Includes weekday cumulative total for local news dayparts of 6:00-7:00 A.M.; Noon-12:30 P.M.; 4:00-4:30 P.M.; 5:00-5:30 P.M.; 5:30-6:00 P.M.; 6:00-6:30 P.M.; 7:00-7:30 P.M. and 11:00-11:30 P.M.
The highlights of the May ’08 local news race include but are not limited to:
WVLT News at Noon #1 with a clear win over WBIR-TV Noon News and Inside Edition on WATE
WVLT First @ 4:00 #1 beating both Style on WBIR and Oprah on WATE.
WVLT Volunteer TV News at 11:00 Monday through Friday #2 beating WATE News
WVLT Volunteer TV News at 11:00 Sat/Sun #2 beating WATE News
Anonymous said...
I noticed over the weekend that 10 had a few "all chick"
newscasts. Who thunk that one up?
All are fairly attractive,
but we'd like to see them
do the news in bikinis, or at least tank tops.
The stations need to have
a beauty contest for charity. No cows allowed.
My vote goes to Stacey at 8. Boieeeee!
Hate to hear about the layoffs at
Jewelry Television, although I never watch that junk.
It appears to be another
case of management screwing up a good thing.
Ed...I think the NAKED NEWS is still on
in Canada. No really, there was a Naked News
network up there a few years back featuring
women between the hoochie mamma class and
the BOOM BOOMS at the Atlanta Gold Club who started the news
dressed bout like what you see on TV now.
THEN just before their first break they would take off
their shirt and tell you to stay tuned.
Well bless my heart if folks didn't hang
right through the car and Viagra commercials!
when the news came back on she would do a few more stories,
tease (REALLY TEASE) a reason
to return after the break and..you guessed it
the second she was back on drop an unmentionable!
Hey by the time the weather came on the TV
was hotter than a two dollar pistol on MLK drive!
Just google Naked News to see if it is still on.
Locally the thought of Ed Rupp naked makes me wanta run
screaming down the middle of Alcoa highway at 5 in
the afternoon, but to each his own.
As for the shopping channel they do make
some really good money and that is the name
of the game. When times are great people have that
brown truck coming daily but when gas hits 4 bigguns
and provolone goes from three to 7 bucks a
pound viewers tend to lay off the radiated
stones. It is just the way the game is played.
Hey, Walker, write about the radio
ratings once in a while. No new changes there,
but we might pick up some trends,
like Knoxville radio is sucking
right now. And is there any way
to see how the local non-coms
stack up with the rest of the herd?
It might be real interesting.
And oh yeah, if you think the
Repubs are tough on Obama and Hilary,
just check out the vile trashings
from the left. The libs are always
mean-spirited liars and try to smear
good people. The Dems will ruin this country.
Ed... Staff was told to check out the
winter book (see above for the link) and
they were shocked at the over all drop
in folks firing up the AM when they
hop in the Pinto. WHERE do you think
everyone (former local radio listeners)
Monday, May 19, 2008 4:39:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
I'm glad to see that the Abby Fever
has apparently left the area.
This new morning anchor at 10
blows Abby WAY out of the water and then some.
I also found myself flipping to
10 Monday morning just to catch
the pre-recorded sports from immunized-horse girl.
I'm not much on Yankee accents,
but I would immunize her from behind.
I hate to say it, but Channel
8 blew everyone out of the water
with their early coverage of the officer
shooting during their 4 o'clock newscast
(how old is that reporter?).
But 10 and 6 were back up to par shortly thereafter.
I also liked 10's decision to put
John Becker in the field for the 11 pm news.
Ed...Trust me on this one, the stalkers are
STILL sending notes about the ABBSTER! I know
I don't get it either but man some of those
sitting in the single wide with their bag of
Cheetos and a 40 flat loved that woman on TV!
I agree the new woman is outstanding and
I bet she will move on, 71st or whatever we are now
is way too small a market for a talent like that!
As for the shooting coverage I was
shocked at WATE not kicking donkey?
Reportedly they are your breaking news
station but this time 8 and 10 ran them
under the porch. 8 said they caught one of
the three suspects although it was just
a witness round up but still they had a
reporter right there on scene! It was an
easy mistake but at least they gave you news
of the FIRST person to be put in a cop car
and taken downtown. WVLT is working it hard
now A days and it shows.
Anonymous said...
Beth Haynes did the noon
news today and she was cutting a tape!
Anyone else see it?
Boy did she look good and even
though she had a reading
problem in places she
should find a job big time with that.
Way to go Beth!
Ed...I missed it but more than a few didn't!
Several said she was in black and flat looked
great. Tapes are things folks do and if you
work at your craft you make them and get
others who you trust to give you some pointers
on improvements. Not a clue if she is looking or
Knoxville's News Babe is definitely Allison Hunt (WVLT mornings)... Yeowzah.
What makes WVLT's improvement more impressive is the staff they have on the streets... Check out their websites, 6 & 10 both have more anchors and reporters and somehow 8 is the one with the whoopin' stick!
While I'm at it... could someone please tell 10's new weekend met to step of the early 90's! The hair and the linebacker shoulder pads don't work, unless you're at Neyland Stadium. Call Moira and Michelle or something!
Oh and WJ, it's called an iPod, maybe satellite radio. Back when DJs were good, people listened to the radio, but who wants to listen to what's out there now. You've got 2 maybe 3 REALLY good DJs in Knoxville... I'll take my music without the mindless ramblings.
All I got...
I was reading about the local radio stations and why everyone was bailing on them. For me, it's stale formats, too many commercials, and an overall lack of talent. Most stations are like jukeboxes these days. No imagination.
I get 67 XM stations with my DirecTV subscription, and at home, listen a lot. I especially like the oldies, and they have them for every decade from the 40s thru the 90s. No commercials, little talk and a wide variety of music. I listen to the 60s and 70s most of the time, but lately I have migrated back to one Knoxville station that sounds much better than even the XM offerings. That's the satellite oldies with Scott Shannon on 98.7. It's good stuff and more variety than has been on local oldies stations in the past. Best of all, I can listen to it in the car. Still sad that the programming is off the satellite and not local.
Whoa Nelly! Numbers, jeez, does this mean that ET has lost 28,000 households out of the total mix in the local news race from last year? (Just doing the math.)
PS - Allison Hunt, there's another hot Yankee.
One final thought - WVLT won't be able to keep their #2 spot because they make too many damn changes. I couldn't tell you who's co-anchoring the 4pm with Mark and who's co-anchoring the 7pm with Alan because they change it so much.
Where did all the old-timers go?
The only true WVLT oldtimers remaining:
Chef Walter
Shirley "Clean your SHIT"
WVLT kicked everyone's arses handily in the cop shooting coverage. My hat's off to them.
I enjoyed Channel 10's 11pm newscast last night. Sportschik, commenting on the Indy 500 winner drinking "Mama's Milk" and how good it was. I'll bet. Especially if Mama is 23 and voluptuous.
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