A few of the weekend letter writers
got really upset over the Mississippi
bar selling the ABOVE T SHIRTS!
Hey one writer was so mad
it just in closed the following

We apologize for the lack of
PC and SENSITIVITY exhibited
by the tavern proprietor and
if any person or species is
insulted by his shirts we
will forward all of their notes
or in the above case, photos
to him!
As per normal you kids really
rocked the cyber mail box
this weekend.
We have all the letters, unedited
up today and because some are actually
wanting a bit of media we added a pile of
old pictures.
The great 101 blog is running a
feature on how you got started in
radio. Click over and check it out and
be SURE TO add it to your favs list.
Staff finds it a great source for ripping
off ideas!
Pictures first and then letters!

Anonymous said...
What letter from WATE are you talking about?
Only a racists would show
a monkey and talk about Barback.
Take that picture down now..and GO AWAY
Friday, May 16, 2008 7:53:00 AM EST
Ed....We will take it down. Please see the opening
remarks on the MONKEY and you will find our apology.
As for the "alleged" Tucker letter, scroll down a few
posts and you will find it. Oh and if we go
away, where should we go?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sure looks like 6 is
pissed at CP and WALKER! I like to watch them
because of sports but
I couldn't tell you the names of
any of their anchor people.
Ed....Staff says CP is no way
involved in the hate mongering
being stirred up by the inmates in
Gray Stone. Although rumor has it
Coach Parker did roll their front yard
when Wogan refused to cover the CCU
Friday, May 16, 2008 6:44:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That monkey is from the Curious George
newspaper comic I think.
It can't be Husane because its ears
are way too small and it is just brown.
Ed....IF said primate is from a
licensed comic then the maker of the shirts
might find him self on the short arm of the
law? We shall include your note along with
the rest of his hate mail.
Friday, May 16, 2008 6:46:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I saw those T shirts in Gatlinburg
but they were sold out of the large and x large.
The girl said they would have more in
Monday but we were headed back to Nashville.
We gave her the money and paid to have it shipped home.
I would love to put them in the paper,
bet we could sell all she could send us.
Ed...Gburg is ground zero for all the
T shirts in the world. Hey anyone still have
It started up there when she and Jim lived on
a near by mountain!
Friday, May 16, 2008 7:50:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Didn't this state have the Scopes
trial to determine if nigros came from monkeys?
It was a movie and I think the monkeys
got their own lawyer and won millions in a civil suit?
Ed.... Inherit The Wind was a fine film
and has some outstanding mob scenes! As for
the after litigations the monkeys didn't win
much, the paper said their settlement was just
Friday, May 16, 2008 7:52:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I like the Barack-o-Monkey.
Ed....Good for you!
Friday, May 16, 2008 9:43:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I LOVE THAT MONKEY! Lord Mayor Cunningham
called all the democrats monkeys
the other day and now had to say he was sorry.
I really felt bad that he did that.
No, that he said he was sorry.
Also this Lori Tucker thing is
now a dead horse. She is just what
she is and there is nothing she can do about it.
If you are one of those
who like her then as someone
said shut up! If you don't like here then
you shut up also.
Move on to a young good looking anchor like GENE!
Teddy Kennedy got the shakes so bad
when he ran out of Wild Turkey they had
to airlift him to the hospital this morning.
The people working ER said the rescue
helicopter was shaking like hell when it landed.
CNN reported an IV of scotch
was applied and he is now up and ordering take out.
Ed...Was that true about Ted? As you
know the democrats love to play GOTCHA!
You best have your facts in order or they will
drop the hammer on you fast. Staff tells me
you really blew it when you said it was Wild
Turkey! Remember that was JOAN'S drink
Teddy is a pure Scotch man!
Saturday, May 17, 2008 2:56:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
As a monkey, I take offense at
being compared to Obammer. Don't denigrate our
species in such a disrespectful manner. I say,
"To Hell with the Democrats! Let them eat bananas!"
There goes Obammer, up in a tree
Acting stupid and looking down on me
Out go his ears to catch all the wind
Hopes he loses, or we'll have nothing to spend.
Let me hear you say, this stuff is bananas
this stuff is bananas
Again, this stuff is bananas
This stuff is bananas
Ed... that took a ton of work
to compose, we shall check on the
availability of T shirt space and
also research the market viability.
Sunday, May 18, 2008 5:54:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Democrats read this blog
also and calling an African American
a monkey is over the line.
The hate of the republican party
is enough to make anyone
who wants a kinder world vote Democrat!
I am also a fan of GENE...
I post on knoxviews.com because
it is both a truthful blog and
it reflects the views of most voters and I find it
very upsetting that people would attack
a woman TV person just because she is sick.
America is about to have a new
leader and at last it will be
one who will take care of the poor,
raise taxes on the rich and guide
congress into ways of helping this
nation to reach out to others who hate us now.
Editing these letters is a must
if you want to keep the vial
attacks out and let the truth come out.
I can see why you were fired
from all of your jobs,
can not get one now and will never write again.
Ed...Like we said..IF we go away
where would you suggest? Oh and
if we edited the posts do you really think
yours would have made it?
Monday, May 19, 2008 7:29:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Start with the girl that
someone said is never on unless
she is knocked up and work your way over to anyone at WATE!
What about that old man who cooks at noon?
What about Channel 6 not having news at noon?
What about that fool in the mornings
with the barrels and the traffic reports on 10?
What about the weekend sports
woman on 10 who can't READ?
What about Radio?
Remember RADIO? I still listen and
we still talk at work about
what John Boy said or how
Marc nailed Kim and Frank come on get
off the politics (McCain is going to win big)
and back to the dirt!
You are not a jerk but
you sure do make people call you one!
Ed...Did Marc nail Kim?
Beth Haynes did the noon news today and she was cutting a tape! Anyone else see it?
Boy did she look good and even
though she had a reading problem in places she should find a job big time with that.
Way to go Beth!
I noticed over the weekend that 10 had a few "all chick" newscasts. Who thunk that one up? All are fairly attractive, but we'd like to see them do the news in bikinis, or at least tank tops.
The stations need to have a beauty contest for charity. No cows allowed. My vote goes to Stacey at 8. Boieeeee!
Hate to hear about the layoffs at Jewelry Television, although I never watch that junk. It appears to be another case of management screwing up a good thing.
Hey, Walker, write about the radio ratings once in a while. No new changes there, but we might pick up some trends, like Knoxville radio is sucking right now. And is there any way to see how the local non-coms stack up with the rest of the herd? It might be real interesting.
And oh yeah, if you think the Repubs are tough on Obama and Hilary, just check out the vile trashings from the left. The libs are always mean-spirited liars and try to smear good people. The Dems will ruin this country.
I'm glad to see that the Abby Fever has apparently left the area. This new morning anchor at 10 blows Abby WAY out of the water and then some.
I also found myself flipping to 10 Monday morning just to catch the pre-recorded sports from immunized-horse girl. I'm not much on Yankee accents, but I would immunize her from behind.
I hate to say it, but Channel 8 blew everyone out of the water with their early coverage of the officer shooting during their 4 o'clock newscast (how old is that reporter?). But 10 and 6 were back up to par shortly thereafter. I also liked 10's decision to put John Becker in the field for the 11 pm news.
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