BELOVED Denver Johnson
4-5-1997 .... 5-24-2008
AFTER a week
have A PARTY!
motor on over to Alcoa and
lets get her done!
You have read about these guys on some
of the finer bathroom walls in the area
and at last they are playing NORTH of the
If you are coming from Knoxville it is
so simple even a Florida Fan could find the
Go Past the Hilton (Airport)
Stay LEFT over the bridge (IF you see WallyWORLD and
the Cracker Barrel you went TOOOO FAR)
Turn RIGHT at the first RED LIGHT.
On your LEFT less than a short jog
is the home of the old ATLANTA BREAD
Below is the particulars, just cick the
poster to make it big enough to read.
Come on out and get your weekend started

Anonymous said...
Hey Walker,
Allison Hunt is indeed of yankee lineage:
What a rare find! And from what I hear inside the 'VLT shed, she's engaged to one of the former CH 8 sports guys, Justin (can't spell his last name). So I guess she'll be a damn Yankee, here to stay.
Sorry to read about your dog. It always hurts to lose an animal.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 2:27:00 PM EST
Ed....THANKS to all who sent their thoughts on
Denver. Goldens are special and he was the best ever
all in the bunker miss him very much.
Anonymous said...
She can not be engaged it if is so it will break my heart.
Pass the cheese dip and get me another 40 out of the frige
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:12:00 PM EST
Ed.... DO not dwell on her, it
will break your heart and cause you to
sleep through The View! PS, lay off
the 40s, when you are grieving over
a lost TV Love you need to move up to
MD 20-20
Anonymous said...
How come 10 can't hire a woman who can read? Did the weather momma drop?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:15:00 PM EST
Ed....Lots of posters on the WBIR topics blog
are down now on the new morning lady on 10.
They are saying she reads out of the side of
her mouth? Lord that beats talking out of both
sides at the same time! Robin is a good reader
and so is Beth, not sure what you are upset over?
Anonymous said...
Heck with the blonds I want to take Beth Haynes out for a ride in my F150 and a couple of cool ones down at the lake. Get us some mud on the tires of you know what I mean..Wink Wink
Ed....Wink Wink the FBI is in your garage
loading up your computer and all those
disks you burned!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:40:00 PM EST
Anonymous said...
Ye ole "10" must only hire de wemen with nice arse!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:42:00 PM EST
Ed....As we promised the word ARSE
is now in the official MR handbook!
Anonymous said...
de wemen at 10 have big ones, if you ever see beth you will wonder how did all that booty get on such a short girl.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 10:28:00 PM EST
Ed....Do I smell a WATE poster? LOL
Get off her 6 and go cover that
moped wreck on Gay Street..FILM AT 11!!
101 said...
Sorry to hear about your pooch...truly man's best friend!
Thursday, May 29, 2008 4:47:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
We have a shot police
officer, the NAACP mad because
of the way the police ran down
the black men and a Mayor who is
both a rip off artist and a crook and the paper talks about CARBON?
I need a drink!
See you guys Friday
Thursday, May 29, 2008 8:54:00 AM EST
Ed....FRIDAY we will be the four
great looking guys with guitars. Come up
and say HOWdee!!
Anonymous said...
The former press guy for the president
has blown the whistle and it is time
to start the impeachment of George Bush.
Read the book and call someone
this man has ruined the country and the world!
Ed....Word is he got an
advance on that book, of thirty pieces of
Hey Walker,
Allison Hunt is indeed of yankee lineage:
What a rare find! And from what I hear inside the 'VLT shed, she's engaged to one of the former CH 8 sports guys, Justin (can't spell his last name). So I guess she'll be a damn Yankee, here to stay.
Sorry to read about your dog. It always hurts to lose an animal.
Hey Walker,
Allison Hunt is indeed of yankee lineage:
What a rare find! And from what I hear inside the 'VLT shed, she's engaged to one of the former CH 8 sports guys, Justin (can't spell his last name). So I guess she'll be a damn Yankee, here to stay.
Sorry to read about your dog. It always hurts to lose an animal.
She can not be engaged it if is so it will break my heart.
Pass the cheese dip and get me another 40 out of the frige
How come 10 can't hire a woman who can read? Did the weather momma drop?
Heck with the blonds I want to take Beth Haynes out for a ride in my F150 and a couple of cool ones down at the lake. Get us some mud on the tires of you know what I mean..Wink Wink
Ye ole "10" must only hire de wemen with nice arse!
de wemen at 10 have big ones, if you ever see beth you will wonder how did all that booty get on such a short girl.
Sorry to hear about your pooch...truly man's best friend!
We have a shot police
officer, the NAACP mad because
of the way the police ran down
the black men and a Mayor who is
both a rip off artist and a crook and the paper talks about CARBON?
I need a drink!
See you guys Friday
GLOBAL CARBON SHIT is old news. The former press guy for the president has blown the whistle and it is time to start the impeachment of George Bush.
Read the book and call someone this man has ruined the country and the world!
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