TODAY all the national TV news tribes will join their cable counterparts in wearing us out with two more primaries. For our readers who live and vote in the afflicted areas here is a fast look at the two neck and neck contenders for the nomination. Look them over carefully, take your time, and always remember that a write in for NONE OF THE ABOVE is no longer a silly prank, but a very viable way to express both your apathy and quiet fear of those running!
all of the other pictures were of
FAR FAR left dems trying to get
the nomination. The post
wanted Equal TIME so here it is!

Letters so new you can still
smell the HATE in some of
them! THANKS..you know the
way in so come and sit a spell!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
On the sports chick at 10 "immunizing" the horse...
I saw that too, and just about choked on my 5th Krystal burger. The thing is, it was also on the Sunday morning sports report. If she records sports to air on Sunday, surely she would have had an opportunity to correct her error. Or someone in the building who heard it could have corrected it. Or maybe they're putting together a "gag reel".
Monday, May 5, 2008 10:26:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
To "Big Ed" (editor)...
I knew someone would take it wrong by my "too funny" comment. Of course, it was about the mistake made by Chris (Kris?) Dunning on the air, not the tragic fact that the horse had to be euthanized. Although I think you may have been raggin' me with tongue in cheek.
Regarding what a previous poster said, why didn't SOMEONE at 10 notice this mistake and get it corrected before she recorded the Sunday morning report? Have they all become stupid on the Hill?
"....nothing is more tiring than seeing someone with a an ax to grind continually beating a DEAD horse!"
Good one! No ax to grind, just pointing out bad broadcasting. But I see you still have that old radio humor!
And finally, I think the sports chick is getting better (for the most part), but if she screws up the sports or does a turribul job (thank you, Charles Barkley)... I can't say I won't tear into her. Her biggest problem is that she seems unprepared. Since when did 10 become a training ground for sportscasters?
Monday, May 5, 2008 5:57:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is not the same as a newcomer to town mis pronouncing Mt. LeConte, or saying OAK Ridge instead of Oak RIDGE.
You would think that a professional broadcaster, presumably college trained no less, would know the difference between "immunized" and "euthanized."
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 5:09:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about some pictures of McCain?
Today Hillary will win one state but if the convention names her then she will be the president.
Do a list of how do you say things!
How do you say
Oak Ridge
Anonymous said...
'bout tv6, WATE: never watch that thar channel fer news. but after a hot evening out, if'n it r bout 11 in the p.m. I do switch off the XM and go to 87.7 'n hear tha 6 news at 11 thru da radeeo. It r much funner when u don't have to look at tha talkin' heads on tv6. Jest my 2 cents from jest outside of murvil, up toward lookrock.
Ed. You spell as if you attended Ft. Craig and Everettts
Thursday, May 1, 2008 4:33:00 PM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
bout da road construckshn as reported on da news, here r a question: if'n I want to drive from UT Hosptial (or even from da airport), can I take neyland dr offn Alcoee hiway, round da curve jest past Calhoons, wher it terns into James White's parkway, whoever he was, and then just stay on james white until I go thru a tunnel and merge in going uphill on I-40 eastbound? all these here news xperts, hellicopters, planes, cetera want me to get on Hall of fame dr. then dip down to Magnolia, hang a rite on Magnolia, drive east on past the ole Swans bakery to Cherry street, take a left, then go a mile a turn rite to an up ramp to get on i-40 east. dang these media stations make a simple trek mightee hard. all those news folks want to do is tell us is how to get to downtown to sumplace called Mast general store, or otherwise round downtown. noone wants us'n native hillbillies to fine out how to get thru town.
Ed. If your drive takes you into the 4th and Gill neighborhood after midnight be sure to wave and blow your horn they WILL be up and they WON’T hear it!
Thursday, May 1, 2008 4:47:00 PM EST
Anonymous GSM Heritage Center said...
We are looking forward to having THE MOUNTAIN FOLK REUNION here at the Heritage Center on May 3. However, admission to the Heritage Center festival is $3.00. The festival at the Townsend Visitors Center is the free one. But he's right about the location - it will be indoors. Townsend's a great place to be these days, even in the rain.
Ed..It was a glorious event and well worth the price of a half a gallon of HIGH TEST! The band is looking forward to a return in the summer to play in the big theater behind the main building. Readers should visit the center the next time they are headed up to the “quiet side” of the mountains. For more info here be the link.
Friday, May 2, 2008 8:12:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
And who says they quit making moonshine!
Ed…Well certainly not one elderly former radio personality who still makes a living hawking his voice to those with the money and need!
Saturday, May 3, 2008 1:44:00 AM EST
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Chesire Cat sports chick at Channel 10 needs to learn how to read. Tonight, while talking about the horse at the Kentucky Derby that had to be put down, said the horse was "immunized" on the track, instead of "euthanized". Too funny. It reminded me of a bloopers show I saw a few weeks ago in which a gal was reading a story about "black and gus" cattle. Her male co-anchor had to explain to her it was, of course, "black angus" cattle. LOL
Ed…First there really isn’t a thing funny about another Derby animal being killed, remember Barbaro? Second it is ALWAYS funny to see any anchor screw up and not know it. If the WBIR sports talent blew the word by substituting immunized I would give it a giggle. Truth be told it sounds a tad like you are not a giant fan of this sports “chick” so I would suggest you back down a bit, nothing is more tiring than seeing someone with a an ax to grind continually beating a DEAD horse!
Sunday, May 4, 2008 3:16:00 AM EST
Anonymous said...
Mr WJ,
Why do you have those newspaper links on your blog, Wyoming? Thanks!
Ed…As a child I rode with the Wild Bunch and spent every summer in Wyoming rustling cattle, shooting up sheep ranchers cabins and murdering what today is referred to as big game endangered species. Those two papers are linked because they are both close to where my family started and I read them to check on some of the folks I grew up with and also to make sure the statute of limitations has run out on all of my warrants.
Sunday, May 4, 2008 11:35:00 AM EST
Thanks to all who braved the wind
and rain to come to Townsend for the
Mountain Folk Reunion Show on Saturday.
A few photographic remembrances are
on the bands site along with the ever
GROWING summer schedule. For booking info
check the site.
On the sports chick at 10 "immunizing" the horse...
I saw that too, and just about choked on my 5th Krystal burger. The thing is, it was also on the Sunday morning sports report. If she records sports to air on Sunday, surely she would have had an opportunity to correct her error. Or someone in the building who heard it could have corrected it. Or maybe they're putting together a "gag reel".
To "Big Ed" (editor)...
I knew someone would take it wrong by my "too funny" comment. Of course, it was about the mistake made by Chris (Kris?) Dunning on the air, not the tragic fact that the horse had to be euthanized. Although I think you may have been raggin' me with tongue in cheek.
Regarding what a previous poster said, why didn't SOMEONE at 10 notice this mistake and get it corrected before she recorded the Sunday morning report? Have they all become stupid on the Hill?
"....nothing is more tiring than seeing someone with a an ax to grind continually beating a DEAD horse!"
Good one! No ax to grind, just pointing out bad broadcasting. But I see you still have that old radio humor!
And finally, I think the sports chick is getting better (for the most part), but if she screws up the sports or does a turribul job (thank you, Charles Barkley)... I can't say I won't tear into her. Her biggest problem is that she seems unprepared. Since when did 10 become a training ground for sportscasters?
This is not the same as a newcomer to town mis pronouncing Mt. LeConte, or saying OAK Ridge instead of Oak RIDGE.
You would think that a professional broadcaster, presumably college trained no less, would know the difference between "immunized" and "euthanized."
How about some pictures of McCain?
Today Hillary will win one state but if the convention names her then she will be the president.
Do a list of how do you say things!
How do you say
Oak Ridge
Locals can't say most of the names right! Add these
I just saw on Oprah where Barbra Walters fooled around with a married guy in her early days in broadcasting. She justified it saying he was in congress and never went home to his wife. She also said she broke it off when some newspaper was about to let her secret out of the bag.
Now THATS GOOD DIRT! Wonder which one of them on the other big shows are not what they say they are? Think that Terry Morrow could find out?
Stuff like that is what makes people still pay those quarters to read the big paper!
Looks like six more weeks of primaries now that one saw their shadow and the other went deeper in the hole.
Did Ron Paul fall off the end of the earth? Rememer old man Nader? Right now both of them are looking better than these two.
I saw local news (WBIR) actually report on the road mess as if it is new? As for making fun of the 4th and gill neighborhood my girlfriends mother lives very close to all of the work and as soon has her friend gets back from Chicago they are both going to look for a place to live on the other side of Turkey creek. She said she has not had a full nights sleep since it started and can't find anyone to talk to about the noise and light polution. Birds are going to die from the bright lights all night long and smaller animals will not breed because of the noise. This is an ecological
train wreck and not once person cares.
Other names that are mispronounced:
Lenoir City
La Follette
Names misspelled above:
Just sayin'...
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