WHO will be the new UT football coach?
Says it isn't a question of IF
they are going to Doo Doo can
Phil but when? Brent of the
Hubcap said the talk in the locker
room from friends and get this FAMILY
was that his Phillness is toast.
Remember ALL problems can be

Granted the show is very good (WBIR
Sunday Sports Talk) and granted
they do have genius callers with
such Gay Street Quarter Back
coaching expertise it puts those
who actually do the job to shame and
granted Hubcap has been to John H. Daniels
and had them run up a few sport coats with
SHOULDERS built in, but kids all that
does NOT give any show an inside track as to
who will be the new Grand PooPAH of
UT football or even IF Dr. Phil is leaving!
WHEN the word comes down from the
gas station that the old coach

headed to the golf course ZEEK RIDINGS
will be pulling in tandem with our sports
director Joc Sniffer to bring you the FANS

the story. Until then we should all
remain calm and back the VOLS
as they take on a hard charging
WYO team

Show of hands of those who
are SICK of the election yet?
Another show of hands of those
who find it refreshing when the
cable news channels toss in a good
murder or natural disaster between
Yep, Tuesday be the day and after that
things will will either be calm or most of the
free world and this country will be on the
express elevator to Hades.
Until then lets think happy thoughts
and try to come together as one big country in
our fear of YOU KNOW WHO
and vote and on election night remember
THE MEDIA REPORT will NOT have coverage cause
by then all the ACORN votes will be counted
and there is nothing any of us can do about it.
More when it happens!
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