Although NBC NEWS, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and PBS all told
us Hussein would walk all over John and Sarah America
had other thoughts.
OBAMA: 59,524,759
MCCAIN: 53,553,241
The slight ray of sunshine in
the mess that gave the country
this "new direction" is
the fact that the winner had to
work for every vote and most
of the south including TN is still
bright red.
In 4 years things will change again
and lets just hope by then the bucket of blue
paint (as Tom of the BrokeOFFS, former NBC
news reader calls it) is scrubbed off
places like Fl and Ohio.
Duncan and Wamp keep seats
Overbey relieved following victory
Tennessee landslide: Alexander takes 68 percent of votes cast
GOP finds solace in local gains
Wonder if this new president will free the kitchen help from the White House?
Abe didn't have THIS in mind when he let them go, trust me.
Using the N word just proves what kind of people read this trash.
The country is about to change and the new congress will do the changing.
It is time to make the right wingnuts pay and pay heavily
for social programs they have neglected in the past.
Spreading THEIR wealth around
is going to be fun.
This is a backward state but as soon as Ford Jr. runs again and wins along with more great Ford family members out of Memphis it can turn blue!
Trash hate the fact that a black man and a black woman will be the leaders of the country. Well, Trash didn't mind when they were cleaning their houses or mowing their lawns. They will have to get over it.
This country is liberal and it is going to move more that way now that the congress and the president are liberals.
It will be a pleasant change.
"It is time to make the right wingnuts pay and pay heavily for social programs they have neglected in the past.
Spreading THEIR wealth around is going to be fun."
Yessiree...is this the kind of leadership we can look forward to receiving? Time to pay 'em back. Revenge, huh?
Just wait until the black crowd comes to obammer with their hands out, and if they don't hit the big jackpot, watch out. Same for the wigger Dems--they'll want their piece of the pie as well.
Maybe payback against the conservatives and Republicans would be a good thing. It might get them off their asses and work hard to reclaim the White House and Congress.
By the way, do we now refer to it as the "Black House"?
This is the media report right? How about getting back to that and stop showing your stupidity and racist hate.
We have won and the country is ours, your racists thoughts and politics are finished and the world will finally like us again.
We are going to work very hard to get your blog banned and also expose you!
We are not going to allow this kind of racists thoughts to continue.
Anon said:
We are going to work very hard to get your blog banned and also expose you!
We are not going to allow this kind of racists thoughts to continue.
My reply:
Well, boy, who are you to "allow" anything? Wanna meet me a the Rangers Station up on Abrams Creek and have a stroll though woods to give you an attitude adjustment?
Don't be late! Don't procrastinate! Saturday at 4 p.m.
Your truly,
P.S. I hang down there at the end of the Foothills Parkway - you will recognize my Harley and my two missing front teeth.
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